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Posts posted by Perekta

  1. For a long time LoR has been the ideal method for farming Manics for Ash parts. Players coming into the game will no longer have that option and be stuck with the current unreliable system for spawning them. Rarely do Manics respond to alarms like Bursas do and spawning them in survival requires going 15 to 20 minutes just for a single Manic with only a chance at getting an Ash part. I urge the devs to reevaluate current Manic spawning patterns to bring them more in line with the way Bursas are farmed. Otherwise Ash will become one of the most difficult warframes to obtain for players coming into the game due to his prime variant being in the vault. No Warframe should be stuck with such an unreliable acquisition method.

  2. Is it possible to include some small changes to Titania as well? It's a little disappointing to not see her get any love when just simple things could go such a long way for her. Higher base energy (her energy pool is very small compared to other caster frames), innate vacuum during razorwing, and making her 3 target fixed in place would help immensely with her current state.

    Also refreshable vex armor for chroma pleaaaaaaaaaase. His tankieness being completely inconsistent is the sole reason I stopped using him over other tank frames.

  3. The syandana looks great but it feels too rigid. It could use some more flexibility throughout, especially in the upper region where part of it just doesn't bend at all even though it looks like it should. The metallic textures could also do with being more shiny so as to match the metallic textures on the deluxe skin itself.

    As for the pistol skin it's honestly just too small in comparison to a lot of the secondaries you can put it on. They look like peashooters compared to akstilleto prime. Simply scaling up the model would fix this.

  4. Playing at the level 40+ range and using weapons like Akstilleto Prime and Tigris Prime the time it takes to kill Ogmas and turrets feels way too high for how threatening they are. Using Gara with 90% damage reduction from her 2 I was still getting absolutely destroyed by an Ogma's rockets. A squishier frame would get straight up one shot before they could even figure out one was flying around.

  5. Currently the best XP, credit, relic and endo farms are all the infested faction. Playing vs the same faction over and over to grind out gear gets really dull. Will plains of Eidolon offer new ways to level gear so that we don't have to visit Akkad so much?

  6. I have completed all objectives for the Glast Gambit but the quest ending won't trigger. Selecting it on my navigation does nothing. I did half of the quest solo and then the whole thing with a group of 3 friends also running the quest. They were able to finish it but my quest seems to have bugged. Clearing it as my active quest and reselecting it did not fix it nor did restarting warframe. This bug persisted even after the hotfix.

    edit: ran sortie with that same group of friends again and my quest randomly started working again.

  7. Sorties almost felt worth doing with TWW update. Don't take a step backward on your progress towards worthwhile sorties. Don't add nitain, don't add forma, don't add boosters. Remove 2k endo and make it feel like that 80-100 eximus stronghold survival was actually worth the time. The rewards for a mission must be proportionate to the time and effort to feel worthwhile. (This also goes for the assault mode on the kuva fortress. As cool as it is, there's no reason to play it.)

  8. On 11/14/2016 at 3:04 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    The exponential Cycling costs are there to encourage players to try the existing stats before they embark on the journey to the ‘perfect roll’. For those of you who want to find the best Mod possible, that avenue is available to you, but that is not the goal behind this system.


    This doesn't work if you set the system to give purely random stats. Some of the rolls are literally unusable either due to bonuses irrelevant to the weapon, or penalties so severe that your weapon would cease to do damage. The system punishes you just for trying to fight against its awful RNG and get something you can actually use. I'm ok with a little RNG to mix things up but this is simply too severe. This system needs to run on an algorithm, not a slot machine.

  9. Long term the game mode doesn't feel very rewarding to play. There's lower hassle credit farms on the starchart and most of the mods don't feel worth farming for, since they're for weapons that are just too weak to use. Please buff the weapons so we can actually use them. I'd hate to see these mods added only to gather dust in our inventories.

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