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Posts posted by Hjalmthrimul

  1. It is possible to give your secondary weapon to a rescue or defense target and still be able to equip them.

    > Be Hildryn
    > Give secondary weapon to target
    > Turn on Balefire
    > Swap to primary weapon and back
    > Turn off Balefire
    > Run around shooting things with secondary weapon

  2. 15 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

    Life strike is less of a issue with toggle type (because, realistically it is better for twitch timing and control of channel uptime), its more of a issue with melee no longer being its own thing/you are forced to melee only OR rely on a bug which breaks if you use a gear item (that is tapping weapon swap mid melee swings a few times to return to melee 2.0 swap/rmb no longer being aim while on melee) if you want to reliably use melee.

    My experience is contrary to yours.  I carefully manage the amount of energy I spend on life strike, because I need to save it for power activation.  (Chroma is energy hungry, having two different tank buffs)  But that's significantly harder to do with toggled channel as a baseline.  Add in the interaction between channeling and auto block, and it's a nightmare.  

    But different strokes for different folks.  In this case it's a matter of duty cycle.  The closer your use case gets to full timing life strike, the more that toggled channel makes sense.  The less frequently you use life strike, the more that hold channel makes sense.  We need the option to work it out for ourselves.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, IronSteelEX said:

    Please enable Primary Weapon Secondary Fire while Melee is Equipped

    Many weapons have an important secondary fire/toggle (like Phantasma, Zarr etc.) that i cannot use anymore immediately after melee attacking.

    I'm mainly a Corinth secondary Air-burst user who needs to shoot air-bursts all the time, and i'm now frustrated that after doing a quick melee (where melee is brought out & fully equipped now) I cannot immediately shoot off a Corinth secondary air-burst at a crucial time, but have to shoot 1 primary fire shot first before primary weapons is equipped again and i can then blow up the whole group instantly with my secondary fire air-burst. I don't need that button for melee channel, as i don't use it and even if i did i have it mapped to a different key (and as i understand, melee channel will be done away with soon anyway).

    Also, i can't press the "switch weapons" button anymore to bring out the primary weapon again after melee is equipped, in order to fire off an air-burst, it changes to secondary weapon...

    Forgive me if this was mentioned earlier in this forum, i haven't had time to finish reading every page.


    Other than that, I like the melee 2.999 improvements and love the direction that you guys are taking this, and i'm sure these kinks would be ironed out eventually as melee 3.0 continues to be worked on 🙂

    This is an excellent example of why we need options.  IronSteelEX has a different playstyle than many of the melee enthusiasts in this thread.  Due at least in part to comments in this thread, the functionality of the "switch weapon" button was changed from "go back to last ranged weapon" to "switch to the weapon that wasn't last used."  There is no top-down solution to this, we need the control over keybinds to set things up for our own style.

  4. 16 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

    I agree on most points, but why do you need to pull out your melee weapon when you're not going to use it to attack?

    I didn't say I wasn't going to use it.  I'm going to use it for finishers, but two things can't happen when the melee weapon is not in the equipped state.  I can't channel for Dispatch Overdrive or to clean up corpses so they don't alert guards.  I can't accumulate exp for syndicate procs to restore energy.  Stealth gameplay is still viable without these things, but it is slower and riskier.

  5. Actually, I'll put this double post to use with a testimonial.

    I like melee weapons.  I always have, since before I even finished downloading Warframe.  I got interested in this game because I heard my friends having fun on voice comms.  During the install process I looked at wiki to arm myself with information, and I discovered the Jat Kittag.  "This is it," I thought, "I'm going to be the idiot running around a team ninja shooter with a freaking ROCKET HAMMER."  And I was excited beyond reason.  Unless that reason is ROCKET HAMMER.

    I did more digging and found a frame that looked like the best melee specialist.  They called her Valkyr.  I had my game plan, and was so eager to get to it that I dug up the Poetic Eddas to find a suitable name.  (BTW, still slightly disappointed in the lack of þ in character namespace.)  Once the game booted up, I got to work.  I did my map unlocks, I farmed my bosses, and I created my own dojo to do my research.  Eventually I got my ROCKET HAMMER and I ran around pounding things alternately into goo and orbit, grinning like a madman.

    Of course, you can't learn everything from reading wiki.  I've since found frames that suit me better than Valkyr, and weapons almost as fun as ROCKET HAMMER.  For all the time spent progressing and researching I specialized in boomerangs, to the utter bewilderment of my comrades.  I still go back to them for a lot of stealth stuff, and it's only very recently that Zenistar overtook Kestrel for most-used melee weapon (because it's my default for all my ranged builds).

    For me, ranged weapons were an afterthought.  It was two years before I started using primary weapons as primary weapons at all.  My playstyle now is more situational, but the situation is established upon leaving the lander.  At any given moment, I'm built for either ranged or melee combat.  Almost never both.  And I like it that way.  Whether it's swinging an enlarged ship cutting laser poleaxe in huge armor-destroying circles, or ground slamming my enemies into space today, or using rage/life strike to turn Chroma into a wall of meat and more meat, melee remains a big part of my play experience.  Or at least it did.

    Suddenly, my Chroma can't keep his energy up for life strike and dies.  Suddenly my ship cutter turns into a shotgun midcombo.  Suddenly my Sigma combo refuses to roll the shield along the ground.  Suddenly my boomerangs can't explode for aoe stealth bonus headshots because the game forgot that was a thing.

    I literally came to this game for the melee combat, and now I feel like much of that has been taken away from me.  My only consolation is that slam attacks are now a little better at doing what I used slam attacks for.  At least I still have you, ROCKET HAMMER.  Please never leave me.

  6. 8 hours ago, Maxim_M_Payne said:


    Quoted so that maybe it'll add one more metric to this post.  DE, please listen to what we're saying.  We were happy with having choices and you took them away from us while saying it's for our own good.  As it stands, this isn't an "adjustment period" for us.  There are things we used to do that we simply can't anymore.  

    • Life Strike is dead, because the new toggled channel is simply not up to the split second demands of incoming damage.  This is a much more serious problem than it sounds, a lot of builds rely on Life Strike.
    • Blocking-exclusive mods are dead because we can't block when we need to, and we block when we need to not.
    • Traversing the map with a melee weapon is severely crippled, because gliding is a ranged weapon thing now.
    • Using melee weapons in a stealth mission is vastly more dangerous, because we no longer have a way to pull out said melee weapons without waving them in the air for someone to walk into.
    • Quick melee is dead, the only way to swing a weapon is to override your movement for a combo swing.  The only remaining quick melee is stealth finisher, which is kind of a problem as mentioned above.
    • Airbursting boomerangs is dead, because melee weapons no longer recognize the secondary fire button.

    These are not just issues with awkward controls, they are fundamental limitations imposed on us by the new engine.  Please take us seriously, we think this is a problem.

  7. Dear DE,

    Thanks for making autoblocking suck a tiny bit less, but can we still have the option to have control over blocking again?  Some people like this feature, and some people don't.  Shouldn't different players be allowed to play in different ways?
    And please listen when we tell you that gliding should be weapon agnostic.  It is a thing we do to get around, not a thing we do to change weapons.  You had it working just fine with all weapons prior to Melee 2.9, so it's hard for us to believe it's impossible.  Ideally, I'd rather have aiming and gliding be different keybinds, but the compromise that existed prior to now worked surprisingly well.

    • Like 5
  8. > Equip melee weapon
    > Pick up mission Item
    > Jump over onrushing enemies
    > Glide to fly past them
    > Run back into the middle of the horde of enemies to pick up mission item again because glide switched you to primary weapon and dropped the mission item.

    In 2.0, the system was smart enough to change your ranged weapon to sidearm when picking up mission items.  Sometimes it even remembered to switch you back!  Now, in addition to the much discussed issue of separating movement controls from weapon controls, the system is using inappropriate weapons and interfering with mission progress.

  9. You made it easier for me to enter melee mode.  I appreciate that.  Especially as a zenistar user, not having to worry about stance to throw the disk is very helpful.

    But why do you make it so hard for me to stay in melee mode?  Primary fire, glide, what used to be my channeling button, and what used to be my block button ALL now exit melee mode.  And this frustration is compounded by the fact that channeling is a toggle now.  Which doesn't always activate.  And turns off when you switch to gun and back.  And has only small glow effect that's easy to miss in all the spark-flying visual confusion of melee combat to indicate whether it's active.

    Please, please, please give me an option to go back to legacy mode.  I would happily trade the time it takes to holster and draw in favor of actually being able to tell whether Life Strike is going to activate on the hit it needs to.

  10. The difficulty is in keeping with the mechanics of the rest of the Vallis.  If you let the alert level go up to 4, then bad things start spawning for sure.  But for this event there's no reason you have to sit and wait for that to happen. 

    That said, even if they're not going to be able to solo the event, there's ways for new players to contribute.  Join a party and be a scout, marking fissures and grabbing fresh coolant.  Jump on frost or limbo or gara and bubble the coolant while your teammates do the killing.  If you can swing a range build, then CC so people have time to select priority targets.  Heck, even just focusing on beacons so the alert level doesn't go crazy helps.

  11. I just received a veiled pistol riven from sortie.  Seems normal enough, but when I try to equip it to unveil, it's not in the mod list.  I can check my inventory and definitely have the riven, but it is not in the list for equipping to a pistol.

    I have two possible guesses about what it might be.  First, it could be the code is wonky and the riven can only be equipped to whatever weapon it will unveil for, and that happens to be something that I don't own.  Second, the code may not be recognizing the category as "pistol" at all.

  12. When attempting to trade gems for Ostron standing, if I start typing a line in chat, then before pressing enter click in a quantity box and start editing the quantity of gems to trade, the trade window stops accepting all input.  I can still type in quantity boxes, but scrolling and all clicks outside the quantity boxes don't register.  Chat continues to work fine.  Window cannot be closed, and no other menus can be opened, the only way to exit is alt-F4.

    This bug is repeatable.  I suspect it works with other syndicate trades, but haven't tried yet.

  13. I recently acquired a Zenistar, and it's instantly hit my favorites list.  However, it has some decidedly odd interactions with other mechanics.  The oddest of which is, after falling into an archwing pond in the Uranus Submarine tileset, the movement associated with some combo attacks is reversed.  As near as I can tell, it only happens after you've thrown the fire disc using a charge attack, but it doesn't matter whether you leave the disc out or retrieve it.

    Tileset: Grineer Submarine
    Frame: Hydroid
    Weapon: Zenistar (Cleaving Whirlwind)

    I have included video to explain better than words how the motion changes.  For all the attacks, I am pressing forward while attacking; the repeated vertical strike combo doesn't work otherwise.


  14. DE, if you think that giving us unfettered Banish access together with Stasis is too powerful, I have a proposal.  Make Stasis a slow effect similar to Molecular Prime, but the strain of acting on too many objects decreases its power.  Like, 0-10 objects it works as currently, 100% slow.  11-20 is 90%, 21-30 80% etc.  This gives you the power to adjust the penalty curve to balance the mechanic now or in the future.  It also provides an easy opportunity for syndicate mod: ease the penalty curve at the cost of a frame mod slot.  If you want, you can tweak it so people count as more than one object; freezing 10 Grineer could be harder than stopping 10 bullets.

  15. 16 minutes ago, greaterthanthree said:

    I feel like if they changed banish to be an AOE version of the old banish and reverted rift surge back to what it used to be then this problem would be fixed

    Or even just leave us to use Cataclysm for aoe.  I'm willing to give up a lot to be able to freely punt people into and out of the rift.  That being basically the definition of Limbo, I feel it's important.

  16. If you've created a situation where you can't afford to give Limbo control over who is and isn't in the rift, ya done goofed.  Maybe from a gameplay perspective it's a balancing feature, but from a thematic perspective it's completely off the mark.  Limbo controls rift access, it's literally the reason he exists.  If that makes him too invulnerable, then make Stasis punish large area CC, or disallow melee.  If he's still too safe, turn off the knockdown and its free attack window.  But it makes no sense to fix the frame based on rift access by limiting rift access.  Trinity wasn't rebalanced by adding a cooldown to blessing, they just changed the strength of blessing.

  17. 13 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

    the new banish is for risk reward and makes sense the way they did it

    I would agree with you if Limbo had any way to deal with that risk.  But unfortunately, having less effective HP than Banshee means that rift is his only defense.  Risk/reward is a good mechanic only if there's actually a choice involved.  I've been trying to test abilities on level 20 enemies, but even with full survival mods, dashing out of rift to cast banish is a good way to get killed.  Doing it at level 35 is out of the question.

  18. 8 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

    just dont take my time stop away T_T 

    I love the time stop.  As much as I miss old rift surge damage, Stasis finally makes cataclysm a useful tool to have.  Though if we're devoting two powers to one-time rift state changes I'd want them next to each other.  So move stasis to 3 and have Eject and Draw In on 1 and 2.

  19. I would give up just about any advantage to return banish to a simple state toggle.  If that means losing the AoE capability, sure.  Losing the damage?  Hell yeah, it's not strong enough to be used for balancing.

    I would put up with losing an ability slot to have a "shove away from my plane" and "drag into my plane" ability pair.

  20. I just don't understand the motivation behind the new Banish.  What was the priority list for this rework?  Everything about Limbo hangs on his control over who is and who isn't in the rift.  It's all well and good to have an ability that sends enemies to whatever place means they can't hurt you.  But that's only half the functionality that players need.  We have an ability that sends enemies to the rift.  That's another half of the functionality.  But those halves are orthogonal to each other, and leave 1/4 of the possibility space untouched.  You can cover everything with just two abilities.  If you have one ability to send people away from your plane, have the other bring them to your plane.  If one ability sends them to a specific plane, then include a reciprocal ability to send them to the other.  Or have it work the old way, where one ability works on single targets and the other on groups.

    Having control over the rift state of everyone on the battlefield is the STARTING point for Limbo.  The benefits of being on one plane or another make no sense otherwise.  This issue is more important than making sure that plane changes deal damage, because it determines how Limbo gets in range to do damage.  It's more important than improving survivability, because it is itself survivability.  It's more important than deciding what party role Limbo should fill, because he will fill it with rift bonuses.  How could this not be top priority in the rework?

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