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Posts posted by Quacklustre

  1. Being unable to unset X from reload gun is really annoying. I use R and that's all I need. I don't like reloading instead of reviving an ally.

    Hotkeys have a lot of issues in this game, unfortunately. I agree with you.

  2. Nul Scrambus units nullify Hydroid's Undertow, but if their aura reaches you while you are channeling Undertow, it makes you unable to deactivate Undertow.

    This traps you. 

    Often, the Nul Scrambus will be dragged into the Undertow, making it impossible for me to do anything but have my energy drained until I either run out of it, or the Scrambus dies, which it never does, just to clarify.

    Undertow will kill you almost as fast as the water pressure of a puddle in real life would. :P

  3. I agree with you. For my "A" appearance I always go with black, silver and hot pink, for my "B" I go with black, white and light blue, and for my "C" I go with black, white and gold. Organising the appearances of all of my Warframes and weapons took me over three hours. I too felt the need to reset everything, and that took up perhaps a third of that time. This would really help save time.


    Slightly off-topic, but OCD is a literal disorder and a very overused word. It actually causes anxiety. I'd suggest just going with "I'm a perfectionist when it comes to colours."


  4. 5 hours ago, pagepro said:

    up the drop chance on everything in the void?

    If you were to raise the drop chance of one thing, you would have to lower the drop chance of another for all of the chances to fit into the 100% that we're limited to.

    For example (drop chances made up):

    • Forma = 20%
    • Lex Prime Barrel = 10%
    • Vasto Prime Receiver = 50%
    • Trinity Prime Neuroptics = 20%

    You couldn't simply raise the drop chance of everything. If people were complaining about the low Lex Prime Barrel drop rates, then you'd have to subtract some drop chance from one thing, and add it to the Lex Prime Receiver's drop chance.

    Conclusion: You didn't think that statement through.


  5. I use abilities a lot. Generally, I'll be the one in the squad to use the most abilities, or perhaps the second most. However, I do use self-sufficient builds (yes, Zenurik), and I find that I never really have to rely on a Trinity or an Energy Restore. I disagree with many of your points, but I may see what you might be getting at.

    Ability spam can be seen in different ways:

    • Survival Spam

    Caster frames (i.e. Warframes that gain success in dependence of abilities) often need to use a lot of abilities to stay alive and/or progress successfully. It is recommended to bring energy efficient builds for these Warframes as you cannot always rely on EV and Energy Restores. Some examples of caster frames would be: Loki, Banshee, Zephyr, Nyx, Nova, but there are many more.

    • Cheese Spam

    Many players, who may or may not be using caster frames, tend to spam the same ability over and over for easy - but usually more boring - success in missions. Players like this tend to rely on EV and Energy Restores but complete the mission more efficiently. Some examples of this would be: Ash's Bladestorm spam, (before the nerf) Mirage's Prism spam, (before the rework) Mag's Polarise (previously called Shield Polarise) spam, but there are many other ways to cheese.

    Note that 2 of the 3 examples I provided of cheese spam were reworked or nerfed, but none of the survival spam examples had the same treatment. This shows that DE doesn't seem to be trying to eradicate constant ability use, but more so trying to eradicate cheesy tactics, a gesture which I, and many others, approve of.

    I'll admit I'm not innocent when it comes to cheesy tactics, but recently I've tried to use them less and less, which has led to more enjoyment in my case.

  6. First of all, if Stretch had 10 ranks it would give +82.5% Power Range.


    Second of all, that would render Overextended almost completely useless. Yes, it would benefit those who would suffer too much from the loss of Power Strength, but it would be a major buff to Warframes who don't suffer from it, making them extremely overpowered.

  7. The colour of the light on the magazine is purple, as it should be, when I am hosting, in a relay, or in my Orbiter.


    However, when I am a client, the colour of the light is bright blue (the default energy colour).


    This doesn't affect anything other than my OCD, so it needs to be fixed urgently; my OCD is really impatient!

    (The screenshots were taken at different lighting levels, sorry.)


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