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Posts posted by RhiawhynZerinth

  1. I only get the crashes in the Veil, this might have something to do with the crew ships firing off those really dang annoying healing spheres that bug so much out it's insane. The spheres themselves can only be seen by the pilot, only hurt by the pilot, act like nullifier bubbles and if not killed within a second or two of the actual spawning of them, they tend to make things impossibly tanky. Now, we still kill things through this, the combination of high damage railjack main guns and a debuff AW status gun makes short work of the bugged mobs. However they retain this regeneration rate endlessly. I only crash after a crew ship has been spawned and in specific only in the veil. It happens every other mission.

    In addition the special effects on the bubbles both on deploy and detonation are absolutely blinding. You cannot see anything for a good four seconds, more if several ships are firing in staggered manners. It's downright headache inducing, not just annoying. Flashbangs aren't even this eyebleed. So, crashes abound making it impossible for me to actually play the hidden secret content, as I can't get past the first few crew ships reliably. Either I complete a mission just fine or the game completely breaks and I lose everything, forcing everyone else to use a random railjack in the party which is unlikely to be capable of handling the instance rather than keeping mine.

  2. Void cloaking tactical has multiple levels, but cannot use more than three even if it's got four. Maxing it and adding it to a maxed grid slot does nothing to improve it beyond 53 seconds of cloaking time causing it to be a waste of money to actually upgrade at all currently. Essentially, it's a fun little gimmick, but it can't really be upgraded enough to be super useful for the cooldown time.


  3. Railjack is 200 something meters in the dock and marginally larger than fighters in space. It's decently sized yes, but nowhere near large enough to come remotely close to what it shows before you launch. It makes it very hard for me to even want to leave the ship knowing that it's only a fraction of the size outside. I can understand making it smaller to make it easy to fly through areas that are cluttered without hitting things but, really? That's why we have archwings, there should be areas that are safe for them but unsafe for the railjack and areas that are unsafe for them but safe for the railjack. Right now it barely meets gunship status in space and yet it's the same rough size scale of an Iowa class battleship from ww2. Something the size of a battleship should have a load more firepower than this and a lot more size. I can deal with the firepower but the size of it? It's not 'slightly smaller' in space, it's barely a third the size!

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  4. Avionics capacity is massively lacking right now. You really can't use the other mods other than the damage booster and health/armor buff without running out of capacity. Some of them at base take 10-11 without any points in them which is just nuts. "Upgrade your grid" That doesn't stop these things from taking a stupid volume of avionics when you have a fairly low capacity for it. The majority of this content is decent and fun if buggy, but I'm sitting here with 80% of the actual grid completely unused and no tacticals purely because... well I just don't have the capacity. All these cool mods that'd be fun to actually use in a build? Nope, not enough. Armor is pretty mandatory if you don't want to be in critical all the time, and health reduces the time between repair procs on board. More health/armor = less time repairing and more time blowing things up or flying around. Turns out, getting a ton of health and armor takes almost all of your points leaving you with just barely enough to get weapon upgrades. Weapon upgrades you absolutely need if you intend to kill anything in a reasonable time frame.

    A lot of this wouldn't be an issue if capacity was just punted up across the board, or just give us some kind of upgrade that lets us make a manufacturer cheaper like a forma does or something. An upgrade we find along the way that doesn't take a billion resources or 72 hours to make.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Malak-al-Maut said:

    Empyrean [DE]layed until 2020.


    "A couple of days ago, we were invited to check out a 'virtual' (that is to say, remote) demo of Empyrean, the next major expansion coming to Warframe in 2020 that was previously known as Railjack."

    It doesn't even say early 2020.

    They stated new war was delayed to 2020 on stream. Empyrean is not something they directly talked about barring 'it's coming'. Then again with the overall mentality here, we probably won't be seeing the ability to fly railjack until 2755 when the Atlas rework is released. Wait until the game awards first, at worst we get empy early next year as most of what it takes is railjack, so once we start flying it'd not be that long after the fact. They also stated that it's not going to be one big update, the new war is basically going to be a war that's a progression of events instead. So there isn't even a hard date on that because of it.

  6. They stated that solo play is not the point nor intentions of early launch railjack. You are going to have to wait for the command skill tree to get NPCs which will let you solo. So, no, this is co-op 'only'. You can try to solo it, but it's ungodly hard. Find a crew, or make one yourself for now. There will be no shortage of crews to join and if you have your own ship, you can form one with friends and clan members.

    • Like 4
  7. 8 minutes ago, Jannanomana said:


    The majority of people who are saying that have gotten used to the fact that the game is in a bit of a broken state at this moment. A lot of combinations of weapons and mods let you easily blow past that on multiple hour long+ survivals. However you are correct, that's not actual end game, that's basically people seeing how long they can go for in a survival/endless mission. End game content right now caps at lvl 120 with lvl 5 kuva liches. Otherwise the majority of content most things function in fairly well.

    Basically people got used to being able to do 3+ million damage and instantly killing just about everything, only to forget that it's not actually (technically) supposed to be possible to do that. The current end game is... well... either making yourself look good or just doing sorties/arbitrations/lich missions. It's not exactly spectacular and not worthy of being called end game, but that's the current top of the game content so it applies to the definition of end of game. Basically, if you have fun with the frame and can actually make it work in just about every situation, ignore people who are complaining about the stuff not being viable because you can't go 6+ hours straight in a survival/ESO/insert endless here. Play, have fun, see the new stuff and get some money because hoo boy you are going to need it for the starship content that may or may not arrive at some point potentially.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Pr1A said:

    A simple solution would be to share all excess resources obtained at the end of the mission. It would discourage trolls from wasting them as it would mean less resources for them as well.

    That won't discourage a troll who is doing it to troll, you do realize this right? All that does is encourage them, as that's less resources everyone gets to have. All that does it make it problematic to have teams of randoms on your ships because it's just going to be overall less resource income than if you had a team of friends not spending more than absolutely necessary. It should just cost time to craft and you should have a limited volume of space on board. Resources should be used to do special things, either boosting the power of a missile or making using energy consuming powers do more somehow. Being unable to build needed repair charges for your rep tool is asinine, but being able to build super charges that do it faster/better is not. Basically, stock resources should never cost you anything other than craft time, special munitions/ammo/devices should. Just like air support charges, cyphers, pizzas and similar. We don't have to craft our ammo from the loot we gain on foot, why do we have to do it in space? 

  9. While I was wrong that they'd dump it this week early, waiting quite a while on this poses a problem. They are missing the holiday game release rush and they are very much running out of time to fix problems on release. If they wait till monday they won't have time, likely, to do bug fixes on empy AND make the new war. So, basically if they dump it today or this friday then there's still a shot that they are on dev track. Then again, they are pulling devs away from work to do this which likely means we aren't getting it until monday. It's highly unlikely, unless they already have it ready to go that is, that we will see it purely because of this. If they were ready to release it and decided to dump it before the stream, that's more likely but it's still a friday release. Which is bad for fixes unless they work through the weekend and nobody wants to do that. So probably won't see it this week most likely 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Furebel said:

    One thing I need to add, that hints they have hands full of work right now, is that in Friday I left support ticket, because I lost both Grendel locator and got no systems after finishing its mission. They have still not replied, I only got auto mail, that this may take even longer because they have a lot of stuff to do.

    Support staff are not the development team. The former tend to be hit or miss if you get someone who cares or not, the latter tends to try and care though sometimes misses the mark. Though at least they actually try, compared to a lot of devs out there. So you getting delayed on support ticket responses is unfortunately normal, especially right now. Lots of occasional bugs that break things in sometimes hilarious ways, other times horrible. They have their hands full but it's not the dev crew :clem:

  11. Do remember, they have stated a few times that they do not want us to wait for weeks after releasing the drydock. It's one part of the whole and they wouldn't have released it if the main system isn't close enough. The old blood was released to tide us over and give us something to do while they put together the main thing, as it was largely supposed to be part of Emp fully as a package deal. Given their deadline for Christmas release on the new war, if they have any intentions of honoring their deadline they have to release Empyrean this week or at latest next week. I said the same to my friends on discord about old blood and it was released only two days after I said "this week."

    If, and only if, they intend to follow through. Wednesday (today) will be the earliest  we could see Emp hit the floor, friday is more likely but an update of this size will want team members on deck for it. It's unlikely they will want to release on a Friday if at all possible, so if not today, then likely Friday. If not then, Monday of next week. If they fail to meet those, they will not have enough time to transition to working for the new war to meet that deadline. In other words, if it's not Today, Thursday, Friday or Monday they are unlikely to meet their stated goals and will have to delay to early next year. Two months from now or more is a massive overstatement given how complete the system looks, you can even glitch the system to take off and it plays everything properly! At least, it does until it tries to call something not in yet and the whole thing freaks out. Yes, I know, DElayed. Just, too many pieces are in place and set up, too much advertisement and a sudden quieting of detail on the actual release from mainline sources. It points to it being extremely close, or something horrific happened and they are scrambling to get something functional. The latter of the two has a major DElay and we might not see it until mid next year if it really did go that south, so pretty unlikely but possible.


    Edit: You could glitch the railjack out and take off, apologies my bad. It is late at the time of posting though I should have done a bit more digging to ensure I was correct first before stating that it can be done. It can no longer be done, though point remains, whoops.

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