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Posts posted by Kaidinah

  1. This is what I want.


    Vaykor Atterax/Amphis (An endgame whip! Only Amphis if Lecta is chosen for Perrin Sequence)

    Telos Boltace (Finally an endgame tonfa!)

    Synoid Redeemer/Cephalon style gunblade.(We just need more gunblades in general. Redeemer makes more sense for New Loka though)

    Secura Obex/Lecta (Obex has amazing and cool animations and effects. I want it revamped! Lecta only if Atterax is not chosen for Steel Meridian)

    Rakta Heat Dagger (Too perfect. Fire, a dagger, and they use it already.)

    Sancti Redeemer (Redeemer is already a matching set with the Tigris. This makes sense and is cool.)

  2. This issue is very VERY easily solved but it will take a lot of time which time = money meaning they don't want to do it.


    Serration is a manditory mod gives 165% weapon damage at max rank as hornet strike is 220% and point blank is 90% *lets use the primed pb which is 165% because lets face it the mod is manditory*


    Merge the mods total damage in with weapons rank... At rank 0 the weapon does it's base damage and each rank would give a % up to the maximum of the allowed weapon type.


    Rifles would get 5.5% weapon damage per rank

    Side arms would get 7.34 per rank  *changed from 7.3 repeating to .34 to keep it from breaking*

    Shotguns would get 5.5% damage per rank          3% if they go with the base non prime version.

    this is definitely a good starting point.
  3. Agreed... I wasn't that interested in the frame until the Peaceful Provocation augment came out, but now that I want to play her all my builds end up being very one-sided because I can't swap once I build it up.


    IMHO, both toggles need to stay active through switching. #3 needs to save both augment bonuses and only apply the one for your current form. #4 needs to save stored damage and health as one number so you can swap to release it as either side.

    This is the ideal solution I think.


    would be nice, but would completely break maim since you can stack tonnes of charge in mend and swap over for maim.


    but yeah would be nice.. brought this up a while ago too ^^"

    Hopefully a conversion formula can be devised. I think the significant increase of quality of life is worth whatever work has to be put into fixing up these numbers.

  4. Grineer have three variants now. Frontier, Drekar and the desert ones. Corpus got none!

    I hope Nef Anyone is next. I wanna know what's up with him. Also I wanna see Ambulus have its model replaced with a bursa at the very least. Its a better placeholder.

  5. Skana Prime should just use stats a bit bellow broken war so that when it uses its syndicate mod its equal to a fully nodded broken war. That way, its not actually better than the FREE weapon handed out to anyone for completing an easy quest.

    Lato Prime should just have stats about equal to vaykor marelok, so that its just equal to a pistol that is high tier but not top tier.

  6. Problem is, nullifiers are NOT anti-power unit. You can spew rakta ballistica in their direction and world on fire does the kill. Or shield polarise. Nullifier is an anti-sniper and anti-bow unit, especially hardcore anti-sniper one. Game should NOT HAVE AN ANTI-SNIPER UNIT. Period. It's already anti-sniper by design.

    Make sniper rifles pierce nullifiers shields. Bam, snipers viable and nullifiers balanced.

    Too true. People shouldn't be punished for using bows and sniper rifles.
  7. The timing for the operator's speech has been humorous for me. For instance, while doing A New Strange, this happened:

    Lotus: "Not so fast, Tenno. If Cephalon Simaris isn't willing to tell us what happened here, we'll find out on our own. Locate their data vault and find their security logs."

    Operator: "My warframe is strong."

    I about died laughing. It has happened a few times during Shadow Debt too, just after Alas V would finish talking.

  8. The main site clearly show the picture of duality mod that say the mod originally have 16 seconds duration with 50% damage, why they never follow that..?


    or improve it with each kill +2 ~ +3 seconds, it would be great.


    here the link, say it originally should be :




    Why DE.. WHY...

    I hope it is made so
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