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Posts posted by NorskenTV

  1. Hello Everyone!

    Since Ember's Rework I have an issue with my build, not sure about others. But I didn't use Ember as a DPS or an Exterminate destroying menace. My Ember build was focused more upon CC, using the augment mod Firequake. But now the rework has arrived and I have come back to using my Ember. My build is just completely useless. (http://prntscr.com/j42epd). Now when you cast your world on fire, you get your ability (modded) range for 5 seconds and then as the percentage goes up your range decreases and damage increases. I think it was 18 meters maximum when on 100%. Did DE not think of this augment mod when they thought about this rework? obviously not. I'm not sure if others agree with me, but I would love DE to rework this mod, I would say that the changes to Firequake, would make your range as modded (or increase as the percentage increases) and reduce damage done to enemies (either as standard on the mod or as the percentage increases). I think it's unfair to destroy Embers other uses just because other people like running around with 1 ability toggled. Anyone else agree? if so vote it up and DE may actually see it and who knows maybe change it. :)

    Range Maximum 18m (http://prntscr.com/j42k78) hitting targets.

    Range 19m (http://prntscr.com/j42klv) not hitting

    250% power range LOL - ability stats (http://prntscr.com/j42l0p)

    Thanks for reading!

  2. Hey readers,

    I'm not sure if it's just me thinking that the bounty rewards are bugged? I have been trying to get the Gladiator mods, (uncommon, rare) and they just don't drop, I have been playing for 8 hours straight (yes I don't have a life :D) and I haven't seen a single Gladiator mod, I have only seen 1 Gara Neuroptics. I think this is just ridiculous, if the rewards aren't bugged, I think the drop rate should be increased dramatically. Getting Augar Pact 4x in a row, is just annoying (not just once but multiple times). 

    Let me know what you think? bugged or just bad drop rates? 

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