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Posts posted by BladedSeraph

  1. Lame though it may be theres no reason to stop using the phage if you like it, simply go into the options and turn off vibration.  I have the same problem you can halt it by going in and out of options but it will re occur once you use it again so turning off vibe is the only way.

  2. That would be a cool 4th, or a 2nd or 3rd ability that upgrades current sentinel into a sort of {prime} upgraded version would be fun, or team sentinel upgrade for a minute. Mega primed sweeper heh.

  3. I really dont like how random the rivens are but I just figure if people buy and sell them for platinum,more rivens would make DE more money, as for kavats all I remember about them was farm a segment then scan for dna codes and start making them, I didnt learn anything about them so far, I guess its from a codex entry?  and about djinn, im playing the game incorrectly ive been funding a dojo in its entirety by myself, i think the 600 mutagen samples in the bio lab are why i forgot djinn even existed.

  4. Sooo... 

    we have infested kubrows > infested sentinel, kavat and how about a tiny lephantis, vay hek head, kel da tham, or tyl regor companion 

    we have fun rng riven mods what about rivens for companions and warframes example: { frost only, power +150%, range +70%, -80% efficiency]

    [loki only, duration +50% efficiency +30% shields -100%] ect

    A frame that can hold two melees weapos like an orthos and dark dagger cause why not.

    a mechanic type, supply frame that can convert energy into team ammo, revive sentinels after theyve bleedout and are gone,hack from a reasonable distance or perhaps by drone like how khora has a kavat, give it a unique sentinel.

    A kick based frame because fun.


  5. So I was thinking how about quality of life mod filters such as, duration, range, ability power, efficiency, damage, cold, poison, heat, electric, attack speed, crit chance, crit damage, moving speed, radar ect, and to top them off say 2 or 3 tabs so you could cross reference like,  primary/ crit chance/crit damage ~  And maybe a choice for something like sell all mod duplicates not favorited, or all duplicates (variable 2-99) or more  for endo/credit?

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