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Posts posted by MissDandi

  1. 8 hours ago, CHEAT0S said:

    for once would you people not make assumptions.

    I'm upset with DE for not protecting clan leaders in the event they leave the game ( god how could something be more important than this game) due to any number of reasons. you keep trying to litigate my eexperience when the larger issue im trying to bring up here is the flaw in the policy. what if a leader leavfes because their wife dies? or is in the hospital, or any number of @(*()$ reasons that i hope nobody ever has the misfortune of going though. did you think of that? no, you are just litligating on pure assumption towards my particular experiences and doing it poorly. and avoiding the larger point.

    Firstly nothing to so urgent in this game that in 30 days you need to make some sort of huge change that your life in the game depends on it.

    secondly due to any number of life ( you know that actual important thing) issues and or situations you might leave the game for a while, does that mean you should not have a clan that you founded and invested time , money, and effort into? this im citing from another person's experience in a similar situation

    Third, if the assertion of the clan needing a leader is really the critical issue here, then how does a de facto ruler role not satisfy all of the points made

    Fourth, How can you say that a de facto ruler role is not preferable to being kicked out of a clan in order to have the leader preserve their work put into it? my suggestion is much more preferable to the alternative for all involved.

    Ok your issue in your first point is thinking people make a ticket the day someone leaves. I myself am a leader of a clan via promotion after a ticket. Our clan leader was infamous for leaving for weeks at a time due to "stress" and then refusing to update anyone. I had gone on hiatus myself and when I came back was shocked to see over 300 inactive members in my moon clan. Not a single person had made a ticket for 6 months. It wasn't until our leader came back the same time I did and promoted me and left again did they say enough already. You keep mentioning people not knowing your circumstances, but you haven't grasped the circumstances that made your clan seek out someone else to take the helm. You may think 30 days is a short amount of time but when you play a game actively 30 days is a lifetime to wait for someone that eventually doesn't show. You were gone a long time, if it was 2 months I would have some sympathy but at a certain point people want to move on and thats hard for most people so they look for help to improve the circumstances they are in. To be upset at a policy that has allowed me to help rebrand a dead clan and to make alliances with clans where half my clanmates fled to when this one could no longer be of use happens to upset ME. Sorry you actually came back and found you weren't kicked like I did to my own clan leader. Sorry you were lucky enough to find irl success and found you were also lucky enough to have someone you could trust to take your place even if you didn't appoint them leader. Also you seem to forget that new guns get added to dojo labs constantly so your clan definitely were solely responsible for the contributions of all content after you left. So pls don't act like it was by your mercy that you let these people use your dojo and its research. I get its a game, but clans become a community for people online so F*** off.

  2. Sounds like some one just wants a lazy way to be energy sufficient, if you actually put focus into void dash you can get energy restore just not a one and done popping that you don't have to care about for the rest of the mission.

  3. Went to equip Equinox and her skirt thing was severely glitched. 


    I then noticed that Ivara and any frame or skin I equipped was having some weird collision or clipping like this in that exact spot. Not sure if it happened due to this latest hotfix or if its something I can fix or wait out. 

    Plus when do you guys plan on fixing the issue where random assets are found copy pasted into the wrong tileset or place in general? I get locked out of rooms because a second room is glitched into the doorway.

  4. Honestly after the way hema destroyed our clan and how other toxic things happened having to drop down to storm from moon I am ok with there not be leaderboards.(thought I understand that many of you have mourned it) I find the timing for this event to be a bit annoying though since this week was finally the 60 day end to we could go back up to mountain. But alas there is things to craft and with no idea what the requirements are and how much, I can't risk it by building barracks atm. (since I may have a lot of resources, but whoever gets to the research first may pour all they have into it)

    As far as my response to this specific event...well token system was fine but I forsee a much more convoluted system to gain all the rewards from this. I may not be technically a veteran but I think I have enough perspective on the game to know this is both bad and good to have no leaderboards. Sadly it seems most vets want to prove they can be even more toxic when they don't get what they want. Maybe if there were less competitive clans that didn't deny anyone under mr 15 we wouldn't have DE making decisions like these. If you are indeed reading through comments and make it to mine and the book I am writing you, my only suggestion is keep it simple. Have ways for low tier player involvement to gain rewards and high tier play removed from rewards that go toward a leaderboard. Then the more you grind the low tier the more you earn toward the secondary set of rewards. Which is basically what I think you are trying to accomplish here. 

     Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best for this event though. 

  5. I have restarted my game(exiting thru task manager) about 4 times and its been at least 4 hours since chat first broke. I was hoping to do trades while I did other tasks but I have missed countless msgs and have tons of friend requests of people trying to reach me. Pls fix


  6. 4 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Not sure what you're talking about, all warframes have the same running animations.

    its the way the models responds to moving. I have never noticed it with anyone other than excal. Idk how really to describe it but on him the model seems to get caught in the animation of running


  7. The creators of this game seem to be very to the future but with all the new work and revisiting old weapon types with new animation sets, isn't it time to go back and clean up Excalibur's animation? I just went back and started using him and his run seems super clunky.(After some replies I was told they all use the same base run and sprint with the same skelly. Yet for me when he starts to move his right arm seems really weird in the animation.)

    I get they all use the same thing I just think on Excal something seems more obviously off and maybe the case should be to revise the running animation more so.

  8. Well if that is the question wouldn't it be better to just make a ticket trying to do that instead of trying to get an answer that not many other might know. Hence the 9 day span of zero replies. Sorry I don't have an answer though. I don't think you can though but doesn't hurt trying to get help from support.

  9. I have mixed feelings on this change. On one hand I miss being able to watch duels and then quickly join in. But I also didn't like having to wait for people to be done before me and someone else hopped in. Tho if you want to duel someone who is already in a duel it is a bit tedious.

  10. Thing is when you don't have a well structured clan like I do, being able to just ban and leave it at that for players that you just don't want back in is a great thing. Its my clan and whether I have 2 recruiters or 20 I just don't trust anyone. I don't know these people and I would rather take things into my own hands to make sure particular people don't make it back in. I have run servers and other clans and being able to have more commands at my disposal would be a great addition for clans. There is just not enough put into the ranking system either but that's off topic. Honestly any addition that helps clan leaders would be welcome imo.

  11. This is still an issue. I had 8 people in one game and it paused the match and we were forced to sit there until the host left and fixed it. This has happened in almost every match I have had on akkad for the past 2 days. Please fix


  12. My god I love how so many people couldn't get past the joke of the name Bimbo. As a female I find it funny and not at all serious. I do like the concept of a more vampiric rift frame though. With trinity the energy and health abilities are a group benefit, but this idea could be a cool solo frame build that helps to steal just for her. (Didn't read your whole idea, kinda long) Not sure what else you listed but the initial idea I think is cool. Like a Moroi I think almost more than a vampire.

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