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Posts posted by SaNE_

  1. 1 meter increase? I'm going to stick to using carrier because you are playing games instead of just fixing the problem.

    You sat on coptering for years until you had something that removed its need while giving a better experience, do the same thing here instead of wasting everyones time with a pointless nerf to vacuum. 

  2. Can this please be the last straw for a test build/QA team that actually plays the game? You've got more than enough people who would be willing to do it for you.


    The change on paper looked fine but in game it makes a massive difference (just like exterminate, which is still broken) and one that I can't see a good reason to have changed. If you want to nerf core farming, do it but revert the changes you made to the mode because you just made it worse (apart from the new spawns, adding new spawns was great so it felt different; not the new system where you need a horse so that it doesn't take literally minutes to travel the map).

  3. I am just wondering if anyone else has felt since U18 there's more of a sluggish (moves in the direction you pressed about half a second afterwards) and 'on ice' feeling when you attack while strafing left or right in Exalted Blade, being buffed by Volts Speed makes it even worse and uncontrollable.


    I don't think it felt like this before the update but I don't have any evidence either way.


    Thanks for the help.

  4. You know that it's not as good (was pretty obvious on the devstream) and you've made players do more work (trying to combine abilities) for less effective damage, not to mention effective health has been decreased and put out as a buff...


    You thought you had learnt something from Mesa's rework but instead of aiming, you've make people press more buttons (which puts a massive drain on your energy) to do less and have less effective damage.


    I like the skin, it's just too bad I won't be using Saryn anymore until her next rework much like Ember where she was pointless for over a year...

  5. I've been unable to complete the mission, I've tried to complete it 3 times without success and each time the same thing happens.


    I get to the holding rooms with the tumor nodes but upon destroying them the consoles are unable to be hacked (with no interaction prompt), I don't know if the lasers being tripped are also part of the bug but after a single tumor node is broken they are tripped.


    Is anyone else able to confirm?



  6. Ogris is still "broken".


    The "charging" sound doesn't match the real state of the weapon

    Weapon sometimes fails to charge when LMB is pressed (or my mouse is dying?)

    There's a cooldown (maybe reduced with the reload mod?) after successful and failed shooting attempts and yes, the charging animation like the sound doesn't seem to reflect mods you have equipped.



    It was awesome being able to farm in pugs because this was gone and people never figured out that you had to keep pressing sprint to do it.


    You got rid of slide cooldown? Really.


    Whiners who hate actually building their frames correctly.


    Don't worry, it's still there. They said 'removed' when they actually meant 'reduced ever so slightly'.

  8. Sadly the patch notes are wrong. The slide cool down is very much still present, it may have had a slight reduction but it's still very much there.



    Restarted twice and changed frames between fast and slow, still there.

    Also tried with and without rush, still there.

  9. I can do it without a problem or what do you mean? (Run, press "duck" -> slide, press "jump" -> flip, press "duck" -> slide again: Hurray!)

    You can but you slow down and turn into a brick, the cooldown hasn't stopped people rushing and all it does is make movement and combat feel laggy.

  10. The slide cool down is really, really bad; mostly because you still slide but horribly slow.

    We're ninjas, movement is supposed to be fluid and this just breaks the fluidity and makes sliding and attacking feel terrible.

    Please return it to pre-patch state.

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