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Posts posted by Rxanadu

  1. How it would work:
            Whenever players go to polarize a mod slot, prompt them on whether they want to polarize the slot on either one or more configuration pages. Can still keep the cost for polarizing the same regardless of configuration pages altered in polarization
            I constantly find myself only making one build for my weapons after using Forma to change a mod slot's polarity, since the polarity for one configuration page directly effects the others (e.g. adding a Madurai polarity to a mod slot one one page causes the same mod slot on another page to be set to the same polarity).         
            Each Warframe, weapon, and companion starts with 3 configuration pages for mods, with the ability to increase that count to 6 for 10 Platinum per slot. It seems ridiculous I have to deal with the limitations of having a mod slot take up one polarity for every configuration page in all the potential builds I can make if I use a Forma on it. Imagine being able to set one page using a large amount of Madurai polarity slots, while another primarily uses Naramon polarity slots . I'd actually want to use Forma for individual builds if I knew I had the option of setting the polarity for only one mod slot for one page along with the option to set the same mod polarity for the slot on multiple pages - like we do now.

            Even for people who do make more than one build using the current system, adding the option to only mod one slot per page would only be beneficial to those people who wish to utilize the most out of their mod capacity. As far as I can tell, I don't see any significant downsides to providing players the option to polarize a mod slot on only one configuration page.

  2. From what I was able to gleam from everyone's comments on this thread, I was able to compile a summary of everyone's feelings on Riven challenges:

    • Riven challenges provide certain players with significant challenge (or any at all) within the game while the rest of Warframe has little to no involving challenges
    • Riven challenges have been trivialized significantly due to the abundance of thoroughly documented ways to complete them
    • Certain challenges are so cumbersome, it causes players to dissolve veiled Riven mods, sell them off, or disregard Riven mods altogether instead of solving the challenges
    • Players hold value in the minutiae of solving Riven challenges easier than others can
    • Riven challenges are seen as pointless and should be removed
    • Riven challenges are used to artificially inflate players' time playing Warframe as a way to maintain active players


    Does anyone have any other thoughts on Riven challenges (beyond either keeping them as is or removing them outright) - whether it's how to rework them into the system, changing challenges themselves, or something else entirely? Been thinking about how they can become more useful for getting Riven mods in general.

    The only thing I can think of is going to a vendor (either Simaris, the Iron Wake lady, the Arbitration vendor, or all three) to get a Riven mod. Instead of getting a veiled Riven, you take on a daily challenge from each vendor beforehand in order to get a Riven from a selection of weapon types (i.e. Primary, Secondary, Kitgun, Melee, Zaw, Robotic, or Archwing) instantly. Much like Simaris' daily Synthesis challenges, the Riven challenges stick around until you either complete them or cancel them out at the vendor. Meanwhile, getting a Riven via either a sortie or using Slivers at Iron Wake gives you a completely random Riven without any Riven challenge nonsense.


    I'm thinking of a different rework to Riven mods in general, but this version of obtaining Riven mods could be a (relatively) quick fix for obtaining them a bit faster and with less issue. I think the concept of Riven challenges is generally sound; it's the current implementation and types of challenges available which seem to be the problem so far.

  3. I'm assuming this question has been asked before, but I haven't seen any posts on it recently here or anywhere else. For the longest time, I assumed they were around to prevent players from... farming Riven mods or something? They don't dictate which weapon you get after completing them; some of them can be prohibitively difficult or cumbersome for players who either don't have the correct builds to pull them off or don't want to deal with the tedium of it all; they don't prevent newer players from exploiting coveted Riven mods (that's supposed to be the job of the Mastery Rank limits for Riven mods); and most of them aren't related to the weapon you're trying to unveil the Riven mod for. I'd be fine with going to a vendor like Simaris to complete an objective to get a random competed Riven mod once a day (similar to his daily enemy scan challenges), but right now, Riven challenges seem more like an arbitrary roadblock without any significant purpose.

    However, the more I think of it and the less people I see buying or trading for veiled Riven mods (in my experience, anyway), the challenges could be removed from the game without loosing the tedium of getting a Riven mod for a weapon you don't use or a good Riven mod with terrible stats. You can't even transmute veiled Riven mods, so the only reason I can immediately think of is something with how they're created in the game's code (e.g. a Riven first has to be Veiled in order to dictate its weapon type). This is to say nothing about how it actually makes the Riven mod limit (base or max) even worse - players are less likely to throw out a veiled Riven mod (which could contain any assortment of good or bad Riven mods) than one for bad Riven they immediately know is something they don't want to deal with.

    I must be missing something, so if anyone else can help me out on this, please let me know.

  4. Just finished a Excavation mission as Ember, but I wound up dying somehow. It happened after I used Inferno (the Meteor ability), but I'm not sure if that move caused it. I had used the ability numerous times in the mission beforehand with no issues.

    Anyway, I was unable to move around, I was standing upright (as if I was still alive), and I was only able to zoom in and out. My shields were full, but my health was at 0. 

    Thankfully, I was able to extract with everyone else, since I registered as Dead.

  5. Personally, I don't like how it feels to snap to a random enemy off-screen when I want to attack someone right in front of me. I also don't like how slow each individual attack is, regardless of any attack speed mods. It also doesn't mesh with how the Archwings move in general: Archwings move a an exceptionally fast pace, while archmelee either stops you dead in your tracks of zips you to the next enemy to you.

    Personally, I would change Archwings to finally have a lock-on mode akin to Zone of the Enders and focus less of the fast-paced movement and 6-directional movement found in traditional space sims (e.g. Everspace, Elite: Dangerous). None of the Archwings' abilities truly accommodate the type of combat found in traditional space sims. It also seems some designers at DE wanted to make Archwings feel move like ZoE or GUNDAM fights... despite the recent Devstream footage showing they're going full space sim with some of the traversal stuff.

  6. Personally, I'd want to have a proper use for Arch-melee, wider areas to move in (which seem to be address, given the small snippets of footage from the recent devstream) and lock-on to make melee combat feel more like Zone of the Enders or Gunvalkyrie (which seemed to be the original intent of the Archwing mode). It'd also be great if switching between weapons in both Archwing missions and Archguns in non-Archwing missions was faster. I'd rather just kill things instead of look cool while getting shot to death. If I take out the weapon in a secluded area, it more likely the enemies will already be dead by the time I get back to them.

  7. It would be hilarious if DE made Wraith variants of Atterax, Drakgoon or Jat Kittag.

    I honestly wouldn't mind Wraith variants for Miter or Sobek, though. As for Vandals, I'd be fine with a Sonicor, Cycron or Convextrix (mainly for DE to finally fix the dang thing). However, most Corpus weapons have either been made into Vandal weapons, just come out, or are already good enough without a Vandal version.

  8. 4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    Do you WANT DE to "Balance" the Kohm and its Rivens? Cause that's how you get DE to "Balance" the Kohm and its Rivens.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind a rework on all Rivens to better fall in line with their original intent of buffing low-MR weapons to high-end content level. Either that, or just make Kohm a higher MR rank than it currently is and keep the Riven busted.

  9. Aside from meme-worthy things (host migration issues, univac, Riven fixes), I don't think things like the previously mentioned Nemesis system, Archwing-centric missions in open-world areas (think Ace Combat Lite) or a new Operator function will be introduced. I'm trying to temper my expectations (a bit more, I guess?) for Empyrean, since I tend to overthink what'll be in the expansion.

  10. I think the reason Warframe doesn't have an endgame is because Warframe's story - which started around the Natah questline for most players - hasn't reached an endpoint. Almost every MMO or loot-based game (Closers, WoW, Borderlands, Path of Exile, Diablo, Destiny, The Division) has a directed path for players to move through towards an endpoint - usually portrayed through a linear narrative (e.g. Kill bad buy, end The War, get the McGuffin) which, at its end, informs players they can effectively stop playing if they wanted. Afterwards, most games give players another reason to play the game after they were told they could stop (e.g. Raids, challenge trials, smaller but harder questlines, New Game+ modes). Until Warframe tells players they can stop playing, Warframe won't have an endgame to encourage players to keep playing.

    Which is why most veteran and long-time players are waiting for [The Next Story Quest] while they play other games in the meantime - in order for them to be told they can stop; in order for the game to invite them back to play the game for longer. Most of these players kept playing in spite of the lack of a story, because an inherent set of checkboxes (getting all the items in the game) weren't checked off yet - which is ultimately the goal of endgame -, but I bet most of them had to make that choice on their own without the game's design to give them overt encouragement - much like I did.

    Though most of these players burnt out and came back for new content and challenges, they never got the feeling what they were playing was 'endgame.' The game never really told us to stop; we kept playing until we found a reason to stop and come back later. True, most of the earlier story quests ended without any cliffhangers, but they also ended in a way telling players to expect more later to clear up certain loose ends. As silly as it seems, I also think the issue stems from the fact none of these quests brought up a proper 'final boss' for the game. Despite some quests having a final encounter, none of them felt like the end of the game. We still haven't defeated the threat looming in the background, so we still feel like we need to complete that before we say the game is 'over.'

    So, until we get to defeat the Final Conflict, we can't end the game. Until we get to the end of the game, we can't have an 'endgame.'

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  11. I've been looking for an aggregated list of issues in regards to Rivens - a controversial addition to Warframe (among many) which most players have agreed is one of - if not, the - most broken feature in Warframe. However, all I was able to cobble together were a few half-hour long video rants and a plethora of forum posts (myself included) proposing solutions to Rivens with a very little understanding of the full breadth of the issue - which ultimately devolved into name-calling. This post is here provide said aforementioned aggregated list of Riven mods as of late. If you have any additional issues to mention or if I missed anything (which I'm assuming I have), please feel free to add to the discussion in a respectable and productive manner.

    Below is a list of common issues most players seemed to have with Rivens as of late:

    • Riven rolls are far too unpredictable to get good rolls for any of the weapons which have Rivens available for them
    • Most Riven rolls for high Disposition weapons (i.e. low-tier weapons) flat-out don't perform one of the most anticipated features of Riven mods - to allow low-tier and non-meta weapons effective use in high-level missions (e.g. Sorties, ESO, open-world bounties and boss fights)
    • Gathering Kuva for use in Riven re-rolls is tiresome and time-consuming
    • Increases in Kuva required for Riven re-rolls innately discourage players from interacting with the re-roll mechanic, regardless of reaching a Kuva cap after 10 re-rolls
    • The max amount of Kuva required to re-roll Rivens (currently 3,500 as of this initial writing) is immensely despised by players due to lengths at which players are required to acquire Kuva
    • Kuva can only be acquired during gameplay in a consistent and significant manner via Kuva floods or Kuva Survival  - all other forms of acquiring Kuva are either far too infrequent (e.g. Sortie rewards, Nightwave standing rewards, Gift of the Lotus rewards) or so insignificant most experienced players don't bother to acquire (e.g. open-world bounty rewards, Kuva siphon mission rewards)
    • Unveiling Rivens is an unnecessarily cumbersome struggle due to the nature of how Riven Challenges are generated
    • Riven Challenges vary from inconsequential to absurdly difficult to complete
    • No other way of unveiling Rivens exists other than to complete Riven Challenges
    • Riven Slots discourage experimentation with Rivens due to the harsh limit on allowed Rivens within a player's inventory
    • Acquiring Rivens beyond the inventory limit restricts access to Sorties or acquiring more Rivens from any other means (e.g. Gift of the Lotus alert rewards, trading)
    • Riven Transmuters are a band-aid on the aforementioned Riven limit, forcing players to sacrifice 4 of their Rivens (veiled or unveiled) in order to acquire a new veiled Riven mod while also freeing up space for 3 new Rivens
    • If players use 4 of the same Riven mod type using a Riven Transmuter, the veiled Riven will be of the same type; otherwise, the veiled Riven mod will be of a random Riven type
    • Riven Transmuters are an expendable (i.e. cannot be reused) resources acquired by defeating an Eidolon Hydrolyst, the most difficult of 3 Eidolon fights players have to complete consecutively within the same session in order to acquire
    • Players have 4 ways to make space for additional Riven mods in their inventory - dissolving them for Endo; sacrificing 4 mods and a Riven Transmuter to acquire a veiled Riven mod; trading Rivens via in-game Trade options (e.g. Trade chat, Maroo's Bazaar, Dojo Trading posts); or acquiring 3 new Riven slots via the in-game Market for 60 pieces of Platinum (up to a max of 90 Riven slots)
    • *The (possible) cited reason for Riven Slots' inclusion - the amount of possible Rivens being generated takes a heavy toll on server space - seems contrived and confusing for people who have played other loot-based games
    • Rivens - due to their rarity, coveted stats and lack of understanding among non-veteran players - have created a hostile Trading environment where hostile players prey on uninformed players to acquire Rivens for far below their perceived price only to resell them for higher than said perceived price
    • Potential Riven stats, value and combination of stats are difficult to ascertain without either substantial research or using third-party resources (e.g. Semlar's Riven Calculator)
    • Riven mods are extremely hard to come by within basic gameplay and only have three sources for acquisition - Sortie rewards, rare Gift of the Lotus alert rewards, and Arbitration rewards (only Archgun Rivens are rewarded with this method)
    • Riven Disposition is an overall disaster due to the nature of applying equal Disposition to higher-tiered variant of weapons with high disposition (e.g. Sicarus Prime (MR 14) has the same Disposition as its weaker variant Sicarus (MR 3))
    • Riven Disposition can only be seen in-game via the Upgrade menu for individual weapons and only if players have a Riven mod for said weapon, preventing many players from discovering the possible chance of acquiring a Riven for particular weapons

    *The reason has been mentioned in a few videos I've seen but never properly cited, so don't take it as gospel truth

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  12. I can think of tons of features and mechanics I would like to see from other game be placed into Warframe:

    •     *Releasing an elemental shock-wave whenever Shields break (Borderlands)
    •     Having a World Tier list for endgame locations (Diablo 3, Division)
    •     Providing old equipment to NPCs for them to use in the world (Division 2)
    •     More universal mods which change how weapons function substantially (providing a second pistol or sub-machine gun with the Akimbo mods or making a Launcher weapon function like a turret with the Turret mods in Shadow Warrior 2)
    •     Having an up arrows and down arrows for buffs and debuffs, respectively (Nioh, Destiny 2)

    However, I personally haven't see many people saying what kinds of mechanics or features they would like to see in other games (aside from bullet jumping, I think). I can't think of other features/mechanics Warframe could provide to other games - either of its ilk or to games in entirely different genres.

    Maybe, have more substantial companion characters, like Helios' ability to scan enemies to provide info about weaknesses and show off enemies' weakpoints or the Smeeta Kavat's ability to provide a higher chance at loot. I'd say more games could do with the breadth of customization for items as seen in Warframe - could you imagine going into Borderlands 3 and making new guns out of the parts of other guns? - but some games have different customization options for a reason. Whether its for player convenience or providing a different reward for players, other games choose different customization options to provide their kind or experience to players. I would never want to rob other games of their individuality and unique flavor. That said...

    I'd love to hear from everyone else about what other features/mechanics other games could take from Warframe - whether they really need them or not.

    * I swear I've seen this functionality in Warframe before, but only on either a specific Warframe or a companion character.

  13. I've read a few discussions online stating Conclave mods should be available for use in PvE to drive more people to the mode - an opinion I also share -, but after looking at the mods on offer, most of the mods seems to only have any major purpose in Conclave or are completely outdated with how Warframe plays as a whole. However, it's been years since I've either played Conclave or was able to get a match together whenever I gave it a chance.

    To those who play Conclave, I ask this out of sheer curiosity: if given the chance to use all the mods from Conclave in PvE Warframe, which ones would you use (and why)?

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