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Posts posted by Lunaroh

  1. From my experience, efficiency is indeed bugged. Or at least the cost display in the Arsenal Abilities screen.



    tested on valkyr and excal.

    - I removed all mods: Ults cost 2.5 energy

    - With MAXED fleeting expertise: still 2.5 (the mod seems to cancel itself)

    - With MAXED fleeting expertise and MAXED streamline: cost went down to 0.63 (it's the efficiency cap).


    Conclusion? Math makes no sense. I haven't had enough time to test it in game yet but i can confirm the display is showing incorrect numbers at least. (or i don't understand warframe's math).

  2. Objectevely - for stealth missions at least.

    Not becaude of the proc, but the damage. The buffs it got benefit for hitting many enemys as fast as possible, something you don`t need in stealth anyways.

    Actually, the reduced draw speed is an indirect buff to damage since you can now use the mod "critical delay" to reach 100% crit chance without worrying about the fire speed reduction of the mod.

  3. I built both carrier and carrier prime only to steal their sweepers, never used the sentinel.

    I find the utility the other sentinels provide a greater advantage.

    reiving an ally or got thrown on the floor? shade has your back with the invisibility.

    i like to go melee, so i used wyrm a lot. I run into a crowd of enemies and wyrm CCs them all.

    Nowadays i'm using diriga for the long range radiation proc and short range perma stun.

    Carrier? for me carrier is like having a teammate who activates the life support pods the moment the pool is less than 100% ----> inefficient.
    I like to have control over what and WHEN i loot.
    i see a sniper drop on the floor? i wait till i'm 10 arrows below the cap to get it. Carrier would pick it up the moment i'm missing 1, losing 9 free arrows.
    togglable skills? carrier would pick up the energy loot the moment i press the button to activate my exalted blade, losing more than 15 seconds of free exalted blade. (this actually applies to any ability that uses less than 25 energy points).

    It's not a necessity, it's personal preference. if they want to put it on ALL sentinels, go ahead, but make it a mod so i can TURN IT OFF.

  4. But you cant score either if your own flag is taken. Once you get your flag back, you have to protect it for whatever short amount of time is needed for your teammate to return to score.

    you don't protect, you go to the enemy base and wait for your team member to score so you can pick up their flag as soon as it reappears.

  5. coptering needs to be addressed.


    I made a video showing my typical PvP 2.0 match (my first video ever, yay!)


    I'm not even that good but coptering moves so fast that i can just ignore enemies, get cephalon, run to my base. If my cephalon is not in my base, i just run around in circles from energy orb to energy orb until i get enough to use Volt's ultimate and destroy everything.


    90% of my matches are just running around, ignoring enemies. If i try to....you know...HAVE FUN BY FIGHTING PEOPLE IN PVP, i just lose the match to the copterers.

  6. people is one shooting and wiping entire teams with normal attacks from channeled bo prime


    that weapon kills me with two normal attacks and it hits REALLY fast to boot

  7. This is literally what you are supposed to do in a Capture the Flag game.

    Whatever. All i'm saying is that they called this PVP 2.0 and yet i see little to no actual fighting in it.


    It's just a long, boring, copter race

  8. Coptering is bad.

    I want to play PvP, not "race against the enemy's flag carrier until one of them dies"

    I'm not fighting anyone most of the time, just running around chasing or being chased.

  9. This game's mechanincs are not designed for hitting fast moving coptering tennos.

    You can go and pick up the cephalon even if 3 players are defendng it unless they manage to hit you with some kind of crowd control.

    once you pick it up and discover the fourth enemy also pickped up yours, you just start coptering around, picking up energy while waiting for your team to kill the enemy flag carrier.

    Since you keep on moving and are able to move SO FAST, Enemies can barely damage you, allowing you to keep running around endlessly unless YOU mess up somehow.
    Add  Iron skin to the formula and you are basically unkillable. You can just  recast it every time they manage to tear it down since you have  infinite energy from endlessly running from  orb to orb at the speed of light.
    They can't damage you
    They can't CC you
    You don't even need to try and kill anyone.
    You are God, no counter play to it.

  10. Since this is just another instance of the same thread i'll just copypaste my post from the other one:


    This thread won't ever see the end because the reasons for making them tradeable/untradeable will always be subjective depending how individual players enjoy the game most.

    People who don't give a **** about syndicates want them to be tradeable because to them Syandanas are nothing more than another cosmetic item and Syndicates nothing more than a grind wall behind whatever they want from them is gated.

    People who want syndicates to be an important part of the game want them to be untradeable because of what they symbolize.

    Myself, for example:
    I don't particularly like any of them aesthetically speaking, yet i will constantly wear my syndicate's syandana regardless because of what it respresents, I'm a proud New Loka Supporter.

    Seeing a Suda player wearing a New Loka syandana is the same as seeing a soldier from a country you are at war with using your uniform and flag. It just makes no sense.
    If syndicates syandanas became tradeable, i wolud not wear any of them ever again as they would lose all value to me.
    would yo dress as an enemy just cause it looks pretty? no way!

    But this arguments are pointless anyway cause i can't tell you how to have fun the same way you can't tell me. There is no right or wrong in this matter.

    You care about the item's visuals more than what they respresent.
    I care about what they respresent more than their visuals.

    We won't EVER reach an agreement unless we both see this form the same perspective, that's the real issue here.

    DE has two posibble solutions that i can think of:
    1) Develop syndicates more in order to make them more appealing to more players as more than just an item store.
    2) Acknowlegde the Syndicate allegiance mechanic as a failure and remove it.

    As it is now, making them tradeable or keeping them untradeable is a really empty choice since you'd get angry players either way.

    if DE wants to be lazy about it they could just make a poll and do what most of the players want...it won't fix the issue on the long run, though....


    I think everyone here agrees on one thing: The syndicate system adds nothing to the game right now.
    But just because it's bad it doesn't justify making it even worse. We should ask for the system to be fixed, not for bandaids.

  11. This thread won't ever see the end because the reasons for making them tradeable/untradeable will always be subjective depending how individual players enjoy the game most.

    People who don't give a **** about syndicates want them to be tradeable because to them Syandanas are nothing more than another cosmetic item and Syndicates nothing more than a grind wall behind whatever they want from them is gated.

    People who want syndicates to be an important part of the game want them to be untradeable because of what they symbolize.

    Myself, for example:
    I don't particularly like any of them aesthetically speaking yet i will constantly wear my syndicate's syandana regardless because of what it respresents, I'm a proud New Loka Supporter.

    Seeing a Suda player wearing a New Loka syandana is the same as seeing a soldier from a country you are at war with using your uniform and flag. It just makes no sense.
    If syndicates syandanas became tradeable, i wolud not wear any of them ever again as they would lose all value to me.
    would yo dress as an enemy just cause it looks pretty? no way!

    But this arguments are pointless anyway cause i can't tell you how to have fun the same way you can't tell me. There is no right or wrong in this matter.

    You care about the item's visuals more than what they respresent.
    I care about what they respresent more than their visuals.

    We won't EVER reach an agreement unless we both see this form the same perspective, that's the real issue here.

    DE has two posibble solutions that i can think of:
    1) Develop syndicates more in order to make them more appealing to more players as more than just an item store.
    2) Acknowlegde the Syndicate allegiance mechanic as a failure and remove it.

    As it is now, making them tradeable or keeping them untradeable is a really empty choice since you'd get angry players either way.

    if DE wants to be lazy about it they could just make a poll and do what most of the players want...it won't fix the issue on the long run, though....


  12. Well, Rebecca beat me to it but, come on, guys! if everything was moving up to host difficulty, accuracy changes were obviusly coming with it! :P

    In fact, i'm pretty sure that the accuracy buff was implemented in order to make it harder for clients in the first place since they had it way too easy. Host's imposible difficulty was just a secondary effect they could not prevent at the time. Now that they found a way around the difficulty difference, the aimbot accuracy is not needed anymore.

    Let's just be glad about this fix since now DE can balance the game more precisely!

  13. Changes should be coming next week to resolve the host/client accuracy issue. The resolutions will bring everything up to equal 'host' level enemy accuracy.


    Immense thanks for those who provided image support and other details for this topic.

    OMG! that was FAST! i didn't expect a fix for this issue so soon!

    This is great news, everyone!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date! :D

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