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Posts posted by HyranL27

  1. I don't think DE should start spending resources on dedicated servers but they do have a system in place for allowing players to run their own dedicated servers for conclave so I'm sure it's not a far leap for that to apply to all mission types.

    But for sure some enhancements that gave players more control over who hosts games would be a nice QOL change. 

    1. While doing a Bounty in the Plains I killed a pilot of a Dargyn and mounted it.
    2. I was unable to dismount and when I tried my Warframe started its idle animation while attached to the Dargyn.
    3. I flew into a lake so it would respawn me and when I did my frames tanked and I was respawned but my Warframe wasn't rendered. Once I re spawned my frame rate returned to normal.
    4. I Killed another pilot and took his Dargyn and got the same symptoms but this time when I flew into a lake I died permanently and my team had to wait for the timer to extract even though the remaining players were all in the extraction zone. 


  2. I'm trapped in the transference room with Ordis murdering me endlessly. The door will not open no matter what I do. I've restarted warframe and replayed this un-skippable scene three times so far. Now I can't even play warframe as I can't quit the mission :sadcry:

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