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Posts posted by Morteih

  1. Hello!

    Found a glitch at the dojo's obstacle course and I ended up getting 2.7 seconds record time.

    To replicate the glitch:

    1. Quickly go to your operator the second you press the button to start the course. This will hinder the game from transporting you inside the course.
    2. Walk to the finish line and return to your Warframe. Course will end.

    Hope this gets fixed!

  2. 6 minutes ago, Serien5 said:

    Yeah, quite a few of us are having this bug. It seems to have started after they did the fix so that people could no longer breed kubrows and kavats together, but it affected more than just the hybrid imprints.

    Hopefully this gets some attention soon - there have been quite a few threads already.

    Thanks for answering!

    So, it is a bug.

    Hope they fix it soon.

  3. Hi,

    I recently bred a lot of kubrows and saved their imprints for trading and breeding/re-breeding purposes, but whenever I try to use my existing imprints on an egg, they never appear. 

    I can see them on my genetic code inventory, I can trade them, but not use them for re-breeding.

    Is this a bug or that's just it?

    Thanks :D

  4. Want to sell these pets.


    Bulky Sahasa w/ Lotus pattern.

    Has gold color and lilac eyes/energy.

    Mog has been SOLD!




    Athletic Sahasa w/ Lotus Pattern.

    Has lilac eyes/energy.

    I have 2 imprints for each of them.

    Please offer decently, Thanks!


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