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Posts posted by Neonite

  1. 8 hours ago, Slimspadey101 said:

    Are you saying reward redundancy is an issue in and of itself? It appears consistently throughout the game. Profit-Taker vs Index for example.

    I said alternatives are good but they should prioritize rewarding more universally needed things. Veterans won't care about Endo

  2. 2 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    i laughed when i saw archgun rivens. like why even?

    I think they want to make them matter more cause now they're actually weaker than our normal guns. The problem is that they're not for this game by design. In Destiny, power weapons are good cause you see a tough guy come out once in a few minutes. In this game having limited ammo on a stronger gun while being endlessly swarmed with enemies that also steadily get stronger over time is not good. But if the guns were atleast any better i wouldn't mind. Problem is, it's not worth investing into a gun with weaker mods and worse stats with limited ammo. They just need to buff them.

  3. 2 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    but endo IS universally needed. instead of diluting the table though all those things like relics and mod packs could be added to be bought with the Vitus.

    i mean i agree with you we need more things to buy with Vitus but not endo. i wouldnt mind drop tables having increasing amounts of vitus like 1 for Rot A 2 for Rot B and 3 for Rot C

    We certainly need more Vitus especially since joke like Archgun rivens is TWENTY FIVE? Perhaps give it every one normal rotation (so twice as much for arb rot)

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    i agree with this statement.

    most end game builds will use R10 mods which take 30k+ endo. endo is good for everyone no matter which end of the spectrum you are on.

    Endo would be better as purely a purchase thing and the Arbitrations dropped something more universally needed. New players who manage to reach Arbitrations and still need Endo would just outright buy it. Ta-da!

  5. 9 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    arbitration was made to offer an alternative and its a good one but it can be better. i personally dont like Rathuum and spamming bounties.

    Yeah, it is good to have alternatives. However i felt like for an endgame activity, rewarding Endo is a bit odd and perhaps bonus Endo can just be purchased for Vitus by those who need it as ayatans or just pure Endo packaging perhaps. Goes more to point that we need more things to buy for Vitus.

  6. 4 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    we do not need dilution of the drop table. if people want relics SO/ESO is the hotspot for that. if people want mod packs, you can get them from syndicate (thats why they put them there)

    endo rewards need an increase period. enemies should be dropping 400 endo orbs when they drop and only high tier ayatan should be the ayatan rewards.

    There are already Endo farming spots though, that was my point

  7. I was always a person who likes to run hours of survivals so might be biased to like this but here it is anyhow: the changes are good. Still need more work though, but giving something for people like me to do apart from pointlessly grinding kuva or relics is great (atleast for the moment). Arbitrations in general are definitely a step in the right direction in terms of game design for veterans but it's important to not stop improving it. Here's the mode's current state's perks in tandem:


    The Good

    -New revive mechanic does a great job of relieving stress and necessity of cheese in the gameplay but still keeps a threat that needs you to be cautious. Has some problems (pointed below)

    -Archgun Rivens

    -Power bonuses randomize half of your loadout which incentivizes fresh experience without forcing it (although Strength on Hydroid, Loki Trinity, etc aren't quite amazing)

    -The only Ayatan farm, pretty good at that anyhow

    -One of few proper endgame activities


    The Bad

    -Shield drones are a bit of a pain to hit. It's probably intentional they zip around so much but it ends up being impossible to hit them with bows even at short ranges (although this is more of a sign that bows need faster projectiles)

    -Pretty buggy

    -Revival mechanic is a bit clunky due to points splitting among teammates easily and they can claim them by accident too

    -Still lacking in rewards, both what you can buy and earn

    -Cheesable thanks to Warframe's imbalance

    -The lately common challenge design of 'ability immune' is challenging but in a very unfair way, making caster and cc frames much weaker than just invisible / facetanking ones

    -Archgun Rivens (well... Archguns are not good)

    -Pets still have permadeath

    -Rewards Ayatans which is good for decoration but cannot justify itself as an Endo farm because there are way more effective ways to farm that. Needs more varied rewards


    The Bugs

    -The 'magenta' colored effect drones give often becomes invisible which confused me a lot as to why enemies ignore my damage, even worse if drone is unnoticable in a crows or tight corridors

    -Enemies often become immune to abilities after losing the aura (identical to the nullifier bug that made enemies that exited the bubble immune to abilities)

    -Sometimes possible to damage through drones aura, even with abilities.



    -Add more Vitus essence rewards. I've seen the rest of riven mods thrown around as an idea, perhaps. Definitely not Kuva, reserve it for Taveuni (and make it scale at last, please). Designing cosmetics or other things is more of a backseat thing especially considering how busy devs are right now but it can be some generic things:

    Relic Pack

    Mod Pack

    Slots ((frame, weapon, etc.) Would be a nice platinum alternative)

    -Droptables need more things, rare mods perhaps (Condition Overload, etc.), Kuva (2k), etc.

    -Incentive for people who want to stay for a REALLY long time. Perhaps a special reward every 1 hour? Like a doubled / tripled droptable drop at the mark or a specific reward like Anasa / Riven etc.

    -Revives need to be improved - it's understandable devs wanted us to risk to revive a teammate but it ends up being clunky like mentioned above. What would fix it is that we could revive the teammate collectively, aka if we all stand at the station and we got 5 'rezz tokens' in total (even if between us) it would count. Also pet permadeath is pretty lame, perhaps make them exempt from the rule or allow us to revive them for 1 / 2 tokens?

    -Increase drones' health from 35 to 90 and shields from 50 to 100 and instead reduce the power of aura to be a hybrid of Ancient Disruptor and Ancient Healer instead of complete immunity. Maybe make the drones even a bit more tanky.


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  8. 1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    I used to play a game where literally every item had 3 random stats, in an uncanny similar way to rivens. And people used to run freeshard versions of that game on home hardwere. Personally, I have my doubts if there was ever a data storage space shortage in the first place.

    Then it's to "inspire creativity". Or whatever, it's like one of those corporate things corporates say when they themselves know that none for a second believes that garbage. But it might be a special case with DE considering how much money they're getting and they still can't put up dedicated servers.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

    However, there is a difference between "Melee Riven that unveils into a normal Melee weapon" and "Melee Riven that unveils into a Zaw," and the latter did not start dropping until Zaws were implemented.  Hence the two separate entries for "Melee Riven Mod" on the official drop rates.  People determined this to be the case pretty conclusively back when Zaws were introduced.

    Thus, it's pretty likely that all current Secondary Rivens would only ever unveil into non-Kitgun Rivens, and Kitgun Rivens won't be available until the update drops.  Now of course thats not necessarily true, but it's the most likely result.

    Have devs confirmed that? Or did people just assume it is so purely from rng, because that doesn't sound like a reliable confirmation. It could also be a bug / overlook on devs' side since (i'm not sure how exactly Warframe works in this regard) most games use an item list in a single file and it would've made sense to not put zaw parts together with actual weapons into same file that rivens refer to, but then it makes it weird to think on how rivens in general work with relation to updates since they would've changed for them to properly refer but old ones wouldn't've changed? Sounds like nonsense. I'm just looking to the logical answer, but it's DE so who knows?

  10. 28 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

    people have told me this. i didnt believe them but i guess this will be an opportunity to test it

    That is untrue, during the point of the unveiling riven rolls a random name entry in the current gunlist of the patch. I've tested it myself with rivens acquired before a gun was released and it does pick new weapons, at random. You can sometimes even see the game freeze for a moment as it's creating the riven

  11. Just now, WaylanderG said:

    Why not just sell the rivens for even more platt? Surly giving rivens is almost like a gift of plat providing you can sell them on.

    I like to collect rivens (yes i do obviously sell some). I'm not saying i should be able to collect an infinite amount, this is more about them firstly not warning that it doesn't increase the limit or atleast allow you to access these over limit, and also about it creating a general mess where you essentially have wasted money in the context of these free slots and that you're forced to throw something away to receive your gift. Is it a gift after all then?

  12. riven.png

    So i had to find out that i've wasted potential money only after i've chosen this cache. Not only does it not give a shotgun riven and instead gives a f-in rifle riven, it also is a waste of plat if you already have maximum riven slots since the 3 it gives doesn't allow you to go over 90. Sure, it might be that it gives those 3 slots just so players can have them but then it is an insult for those who spent plat on those slots, and it would only be fair if it never gave slots to begin with so those people would also have to buy them or allow the maximum slots to be expanded by those caches (3 per cache wouldn't put that much of a load on database... I think). And it's a big shame because i love rivens.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Again, that's part of the problem as Mag is a bit too complex for Warframe - especially since she's supposed to be a starter frame.

    Cause ones the best support frame in the game (although a strong case can be made for Oberon) and Saryn is a room nuker that's used by **A LOT** of people.  Speaking of Oberon... perhaps he's a better analogue for how Mag should work?



    You can sure compare a weapon's ability to disable an enemy to one of widest AoE instant CC that bypasses ancient healer aura. I'd like to see you try to instakill 20 enemies with a gun at level 150, cause below that is baby S#&$ where is only place that you can hold your argument of Mag being outclassed in. Just stay in your sortie levels and don't complain 🙂

  14. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    You need to recalibrate what you call good, as Try this Amprex build and you'll think twice about room clearing possibilities https://goo.gl/N3qPX9

    Maybe it's cause I looked at what mag could do, realized that there's not a compelling reason to play Mag, and moved on?

    So far, I'm not seeing a reason to invest in Mag because Saryn just does room nuking better while Trinity and Oberon are far better support options cause the shield mechanic just plain sucks.

    I've asked for what Mag actually excels at, and the only response I've gotten (especially going through how I've come to that conclusion) is that I'm a troll - which leads me to believe that Mag isn't actually good at anything and the Mag defenders know this so they would rather call me a troll than address the issue head on.

    If I'm doing something like ESO I want to take a frame that is a known good one into ESO so that way I can carry the group if necessary.  Until we see something where Mag can do 8 rooms solo at ESO (including the build that lets you do that), I'm not going to give Mag a second thought.  Talk is cheap, but we need proof that Mag is actually good.

    Maybe they have an emotional attachment to the frame and can't approach Mag objectively?

    I actually said what she's good at you just ignored that just so you can play victim of being called a troll. And i'm pretty sure ignoring facts to further your opinion can be trolling.

    Mag is great at creating controlled chokepoints, panic CC and shield restoration. Her defensive measures may not be as amazing as Trinity but that's not her main focus, and she's still pretty good at it. Mag is mainly for controlling an area with her Magnetize and her short-term CC both enhances it and allows her to relocate or save herself, and assist the team at the same time. I would understand if you trashed her passive or had some negative connotation with her 3 which, could be better. But trashing her as a whole is a hilariously uneducated move.


    P.S. If you used frame for an hour in like, only one place then you shouldn't have an opinion on what's good or bad. If you think Mag is bad you haven't used her properly in survival or defense, whereas in survival she's one of top 5 best frames

  15. 1 minute ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Lol, the augment is a mod like any other. So ur Arguing that mag 2 abilities are super powerful unmodded? Doubtful. Whose being dumb?

    Augments are different because they change what ability does, not how well it does what it does as its base (like power mods). Most augments can be treated as an additional ability or 0.6 of an ability cause the effects they give can be tremendous (such as the mentioned Polarize Augment, Eclipse augment, Crush augment, Mallet augment) and they also often scale off power mods themselves which amplifies the power's total strength exponentially. Crush and Magnetize are useful without the augment, because they already have a useful mechanic or numbers.

  16. Just now, MagPrime said:

    I'm leaning towards troll on this one as well.

    They saw a graph outlining the preferences of players over a period of days and are willfully interpreting the chart to suit a flawed opinion about a Warframe they have no experience with. 

    The problem with declaring a certain frame as trash based off something like that chart is there isn't enough accompanying information to support the claim. 

    It may have to do with the "MAG IS TRASH XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" meme. It is sad that people just keep regurgitating that without actually trying to use the frame

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