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Posts posted by HazyTea

  1. For a long time the kubrow armor didn't sit right on the Chargers, but at some point it got fixed and it was wonderful. Then with one of the more recent updates (I think Railjack Revised, not sure) the armor fit has reverted back to the broken state.

    Broken examples above (recent) vs the better fit down below


  2. In the Ogal Cluster, upon stealing the destroyer, the ship bugged out (couldn't pick up resources, couldn't open doors) and using /unstuck did not work. On switching into operator mode several times to attempt to fix it, I fell out of the ship into archwing and all collision was removed, and I couldn't get back into the railjack.


    Also, same mission, when sliding into the port gunner's position (with 360* gunner's perk unlocked) and disengaging, the entire railjack except for doors is invisible.


  3. Whelp. Officially on the trainride to more farming to actually kit out my operator. XD

    Took a couple tries before RNG smiled on me, and highlighted the fact that getting some proper arcanes and Waybounds unlocked would be beneficial to my long-term sanity. Thanks for the challenge!





  4. Having lost multiple family members to cancer, I am very appreciative of this whole initiative. It's beautiful in a very bittersweet way to see the community come together like this. 

    All prayers and well-wishes for everyone affected or touched by untreatable illnesses. Here is a Captura piece of my most sentimental frame and kubrow, standing in solidarity with you all.



    Operator’s Name: Sigyn

    Race: Orokin (Dark Tenno)

    Warframe: Volt, Oberon, Rhino

    Weapons: Daikyu, Mutalist Cernos | Castanas, Talons | Nikana, Dual Ichor

    Focus School: Unairu



    Rise, abomination, and stand. You are the mountain, and though enemy waves crash upon your base, you shall hold firm against the storm.

    The Void...twisted the soft, quiet child into an anchor that stood against the dead silence of the Void and commanded it to be her silence. Sigyn found her own strength among the Void and the Children of the Zariman Ten-Zero, but it was a hard, brittle strength. A bit of softness reappeared under Margulis’s care, a molten core to her outer strength, but it was not the softness that made her valuable to Ballas and his Executors after Margulis was executed and gone.

    Among the Dark Tenno, Sigyn remained an anchor - a bulwark that stood wherever Ballas deigned to place her. Sigyn remained tall, firm as the mountains of Unairu - but from her vantage point amongst it all she saw and heard too much from the Orokin masters. For long ages the only thing that kept her complacent and quiet were her fellow Dark Tenno - companions that had experienced the same terrors and battlefields. But after the corruption worsened Continuity after Continuity, even the tight bonds of camaraderie could not hold her, and she stood, this time defiant against Ballas’s orders. She was placed in a cryostasis prison away from the Orokin capital, awaiting some form of trial or reeducation. After all, how was one to punish an abomination, a golem without true form or feeling?

    After well-placed bribes and dealings with the ever-greedy Corpus, the Lotus found and ‘freed’ the Dark Tenno, thinking her merely one of the many Tenno scattered to the stars. But now with the corrupt Orokin influence gone, the bonds with her fellow Tenno once again called her home, and she returned to Lua to find the hidden bastion of the Dark Tenno and Mataeru. After hearing out his renewed plan of a Just Empire, she agreed to once again be an anchor for the Dark Tenno.

  6. There's been a few instances I've noticed with specific hosts, too. Occasionally you'll run into a host that consistently has the bug of 'no enemies spawning' on part 1, leading to the damage proc death of all involved when the Trin runs out of energy. Would love to have a more consistent experience with these raids!

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