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Everything posted by SayNOempire

  1. K-Drive races are known to cause tradebans when played efficiently, despite standing gain being daily capped and affinity being limited to K-Drive as far as I know. This is most noticeable on the Orb Vallis race Taxman's Curve. Gravity8000 reported this in the past. SuperFuret has been tradebanned multiple times (9 by his count) by high-score racing, mostly through Taxman's Curve (a race with high standing/affinity gain per minute). I was recently tradebanned after hunting Taxman's Curve, and other K-Drive races during that day, for high-scores. Support was unhelpful. This is a clear bug that exists to put people off from participating in K-Drive races, a game-mode with no rewards to be had other than daily-capped standing, K-Drive XP (runners have their boards maxed) and enjoyment. Potentially being stuck in an indefinite tradeban loop for regularly engaging with the content as these runners do is incredibly hostile.
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