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Posts posted by Agente_GentlePhoenix

  1. DE, will it be possible for the dojo to build some(but obviously not all) rooms from the Relay? For example, the Liset docking area.


    The Relays are meant to be huge, and the dojos may not be quite so big, but it would be nice to incorporate more of the Relay into the dojo.




    Also! An Alliance room would be cool. And maybe some Orokin Tower rooms. Sticking in some Death Orbs in the dojo would be great fun.



    Just a thought.


    Thanks for reading!

    I'm very hyped, if they make it atleast used too in our dojos for example:

    The mission room <- (for me is the one we vote for)

    n the docking vay

  2. Since the first time that i have used it.. found something n't right in the common sense


    So here's the observations n the suggest.




    ♦Chiptune Scream skill


    ♦Skill sound lowest volume




    •Decrease the pitch to a greater lower voice scream


    •Increase the Sound of hit after scream skill used

  3. We have found n't right having loki statue in our "hall of honor" like only he...


    So here's the thing, more than lot's of users found contradiction about the hall of honor statue

    starting by Excal prime then when in a reality is loki that is standing in the excal prime statue area


    N't only me found that statue n't right like in meaning of´lots of clan warframe customers n users.



    Change the loki statue to the one appears in the construction area (excal prime)

    or if you want to overhaul it

    Able to choose any kind of warframe statue that would mean honors to it.




    Added a few improvements in the proposal by izzatuw review


  4. Found some attachments that have some displacements (edo shoulders inside the arms) check that bug please Digital Extremes and I will be gratefully take your time, best you all good day



    (Click to full size photo)



    (Click to full size the photo)

    Also i found some other animations, that misplaces the attachments in my other warframes.

    Best wishes to engineers that works in Warframe.

  5. Found some attachments that have some displacements (edo shoulders inside the arms) check that bug please Digital Extremes and I will be gratefully take your time, best you all good day
    (Click to full size photo)
    (Click to full size the photo)

    Also i found some other animations, that misplaces the attachments in my other warframes.

    Best wishes to engineers that works in Warframe.

  6. Found some attachments that have some displacements (edo shoulders inside the arms) check that bug please Digital Extremes and I will be gratefully take your time, best you all good day



    (Click to full size photo)



    (Click to full size the photo)

    Also i found some other animations, that misplaces the attachments in my other warframes.

    Best wishes to engineers that works in Warframe.

  7. Yes please, scythes need more love. Also, it's the perfect opportunity to utilize those lower-rank weapons like orthos and dual scythe into building materials. They had their moment of glory, now they are just gathering dust. Wheel of Sansara FTW.

    I can't disagree to that gentlemen, digital extremes aren't so serious some times, i know they're cool

  8. Looks insane, not sure if this would require a new weapon category though. I feel like there's so many right now, I'd rather add new creative weapons to the existing ones instead of constantly adding new ones. Seems like that one would fit well into the Scythe category.



    Heh, well i think this one would fit with the new skin of tonfas + bo = double scythe, that's another good idea!.

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