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Posts posted by Chaosmagistrate

  1. We have stopped running void fissures in pre-made groups simply because of this latest bug.

    Before hotfix 10, in a pre-made group, we would all bring relics, different or the same, does not matter.  When we finish the mission w/ void fissure, we would all see the same rewards - A, B, C, D.

    Now, at the end of the mission.  Player 1 sees - A, B, C, D.  Player 2 sees - F, G, M, T.  Player 3 sees R, T, L, S.

    It essentially means all loot is not synchronized with party members.  We noticed that this occurred as well for sorties, where I was awarded a Dera Vandal part, and my friend got a legendary core.  The same applies for Excavation awards.

    If this is intended, please confirm this.  Our group won't run fissures until this is clarified.

  2. 1 hour ago, Warrax said:

    Invasions don't last long though, and, the one blocking Hyenas passed long time ago though. Whether the new inability to select between normal and invasion missions is intentional or not is a legit question, but not a bug unless so declared. As annoying as it can be, it would be logical that you're locked with the invasion until it's cleared and thus intentional. I feel you though that it's pretty laughable how many bugs there were and still are.

    Thanks to the new hotfix my stuck progress with having built chassis and neuroptics but not systems was solved and I was able to complete the quest so I'm left at the same point as Hellker. Aka got the blueprint but still need to get the chassis and volt neuroptics. I'm sure there are still bugs with the quest but not with this particular instance since the quest is literally complete at this point and with the blueprint you know what you need to do it.

    Some of the junction bugs are still there though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the "intercept 3 messages at Caelus on Uranus" didn't work for the systems since the spy with 3 data extractions on Jupiter doesn't. 

    Since the systems needs a saryn part though I'm not in a hurry to try and build Chroma :P Plus I need to level up my archwing to do the junction intercept crap...


    Edit: Interesting though, I think before the new hotfix I did the spectre construction (crafted the 1 star spectre) and that one did work for me.

    It appears you were at the same stage as myself, needing to craft the Chroma Mark.  I am unable to craft that as I was already past the parts involving the Chroma Signal and Scorched Beacon.

    I am hoping to kill Hyena tonight, as the Hyena mission should be open again, unless it gets nailed with another alert/invasion/fissure.  Though, it is pointless without the blueprint.

    I am genuinely curious about how you were able to advance past the Chroma Mark without the Scorched Beacon and Chroma Signal.  How did you manage to craft the Chroma Mark?

    If The New Strange is any indication of the state of quests that reward a warframe, I think I will just wait to obtain Limbo and Inaros to save myself the mental anguish of being close and being yet so far.

  3. 2 hours ago, Warrax said:

    Obvious much? Get the Chroma systems and Volt neuroptics, just like with any other crafting you do @_@ (ps. chroma components are junction rewards now)

    One of the tasks to obtain the Chroma Systems involves killing a boss.  That boss's mission so happens to have an Invasion on it, rendering it inaccessible until DE fixes the mission/syndicate/invasion/alert selection process, or until the Invasion is finished.  Unless that is intended of course...

    Some of the tasks for Chroma didn't update for me properly either.  I built two specters and no credit.

    Chroma is literally un-buildable at many stages of the quest, because so many parts of it are broken due to so many related bugs.

  4. I sincerely hope that is not the case for people who were midway through the quest.

    I have run out of Argon Crystals while waiting for a fix.  I also missed out on using my affinity booster to level and max out the Chroma with Forma.

    And some Tasks can't even be completed with 2 day long invasions or alerts/syndicate missions in the way of the mission.

    The botch-up on this quest is almost as epic as the lost Relics / Keys conversion.


  5. 19 minutes ago, Sennera said:


    I took this picture after this hotifx just now. THIS is what's wrong with the Chroma quest. You see how it's expecting me to have the two beacons I never made because I started the quest before the big update?

    The problem: Old beacons are required for this BP to be formed. Why? No raisins. Removing the old beacons from the BP's requirements will have ZERO IMPACT on quest progression and permit oldies like us to finish the quest. Problem solved.

    I have the same issue.  I am sad that this is still not fixed, as this is literally halfway through the quest.  I would finish the junctions and get the blueprints and move one, but some of the junctions didn't update at all, and waiting 8 hours making wareframe specters over and over and not getting credit is kind of disheartening.  Looks like no fix still. =(

    This is holding me back from completing the New Strange to start getting reputation so I can buy Simaris stuff. ='(

    My Mirage quest won't complete either, because the Chasis was completed prior to the Update.  I will have a finished Mirage by the end of the day - barring any weird bugs.  Hopefully, it completes it.

  6. Hidden Messages quest now won't update properly either.

    I finished crafting the Chasis and proceeded with creating the Mirage with the market blueprint.

    The quest still is asking me to create the Mirage Chasis.  I hope it will update when my Mirage finishes in three days.


  7. If we are halfway through the quest and had two out of three parts, will we need to do the junctions to get the last part?

    The final piece requires Nightmare missions and those are not active yet =(

  8. Hi there,

    I was stuck on the Chroma quest.  I had just built the helmet.  I had claimed it and was stuck like everyone else.

    Thanks to the hotfix, I now was able to move the quest line along to getting the Chroma Mark(the old Chroma Systems).  However, the Chroma Mark requires the Scorched Beacon(formerly Chasis) and the Chroma Signal(formerly helmet).

    I do not have the Scorched Beacon or the Chroma Signal, and I do not have the Helmet or the Chasis anymore.  I have no blueprints for any of the items.

    I would have expected the helmet and chasis to be automatically converted to the Signal and Beacon.

    Anyone else run into this, who haven't already completed their Signal(formerly Systems)?


  9. Hi there,

    I was stuck on the Chroma quest.  I had just built the helmet.  I had claimed it and was stuck like everyone else.

    Thanks to the hotfix, I now was able to move the quest line along to getting the Chroma Mark(the old Chroma Systems).  However, the Chroma Mark requires the Scorched Beacon(formerly Chasis) and the Chroma Signal(formerly helmet).

    I do not have the Scorched Beacon or the Chroma Signal, and I do not have the Helmet or the Chasis anymore.  I have no blueprints for any of the items.

    I would have expected the helmet and chasis to be automatically converted to the Signal and Beacon.

    Anyone else run into this, who haven't already completed their Signal(formerly Systems)?


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