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Posts posted by Fiftieth

  1. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    reasonable enough, but I'm inclined to say valk is long overdue for a "entire" modern look

    Also reasonable that you would suggest a rework, however, this post is about buffing valk, not reworking.

    I do agree that valk might need a rework, but it's not the highest priority, other frames need it more then her (i.e hydroid).

  2. 1 hour ago, RadriarTheGodKing said:

    She can be immortal, yes


    "Valk is dead... please revive her!"

    Make up your mind.

    On a more serious note, nully's are not the only enemy you face, and playing Warframe includes adapting to situations. Valk's move set should compliment where other things are lacking (i.e your weapons).

    Her nerf is another issue, but it helped in balancing her. You sound like the guy who said 99% Trin was never OP (Link to this thread).

    1 hour ago, RadriarTheGodKing said:

    But come on DE, she isnt any more OP than Excal.

    Also, no frame should be an "op." Frame's are meant to compliment playstyles, and balancing them is one of the issues DE needs to fix. If anything, you should be glad that DE didn't completely rework her to be useless. Given that some frames are worse then others, that's an issue on DE's side. This is however a weak argument to make.

  3. Hey there :D. My ign is ayeStabZ, and I enjoy watching anime.

    My favorite movie would have to be the Deadpool at the moment.

    Favorite food would definitely have to be ramen.

    Not really part of any fandoms :c

    Last but not least, other games I play include Fallout, TERA, H1Z1, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, Trove, League of Legends, Paladins, Left 4 Dead 2 and osu! However, Warframe is my current main game.

  4. 1 hour ago, 360Broscoper said:

    If anyone has ever read Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," they would know that Titania and Oberon are the king and queen fairies with their marriage under turmoil. Perhaps the devs did that on purpose to make a bit of lore referencing Shakespeare, with both frames being uneasy around each other? It's a bit of a long shot, considering that nobody reads these days.

    Titania iz an clare refirence tu Fairy Tail. One ov da protagunist's (Ezra Scarlet) haz da nickname "Titania." Fairy Tail iz an soupier literature comparid to An Mudsimmer Nught'z Drim. I recommind you chuck Fairy Tail out and sea all da references to "Titania." Az fur Oberon, he iz an clare refirence to Sword Art Online, where an antagonist (Sugou Nobuyuki) takis tha name if "Oberon." I also recommind you chuck this out, it iz an exceptional.


    (Note) - Sarcasm, don't take this seriously.

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