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Posts posted by Tuverros.Entrati

  1. https://gyazo.com/82f8b4b198cb93dd47fe6fdbeb0e27ae


    This is what I'm stuck seeing. I've had it for three days. and I can't do any mission with Grineer without getting wrecked. The Lotus STILL hasn't sent me the blue print. SOMEONE HELP!

  2. Okay, so I have this weird bug. I got into a fight with one of the G3 helping a friend of mine (thanks a lot @Cylla.Ren). Apparently he gave me the bolt. Here's the problem. While I have the debuff, I don't have the actual bolt. Nor was I sent the blueprint to remove it. As a result, I am permanently stuck with it unless someone can help me sort this out. (I will gladly accept a fix where I have the bolt and lotus sends me the blueprint or the debuff is removed. Just please, SOMEONE HELP!  😭 

  3. 24 minutes ago, konaka123 said:

    Have you linked your twitch account to your warframe account?

    My account has been linked for quite some time.


    9 minutes ago, infernightwk28 said:

     have you try unlinking and relinking your twitch account to your warframe?

    Where do I find the option to unlink my account?


  4. 1 minute ago, VGPowerlord said:

    I keep seeing mentioned of Frost, Ember, and Loki being unvaulted... but wasn't Volt technically unvaulted via Baro relics in... March I think?

    Baro is being used to help circulate vaulted items, However it didn't necessarily count as an unvaulting.


  5. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Nezha I mean Limbo I mean Saryn!!  She's toxic but in a good way ❤️


    10 hours ago, (PS4)OfficalFNAF said:

    Saryn is into the freaky stuff, dude. 


    10 hours ago, AJ5511 said:

    Saryn Prime. Especially with her augments, and the big #*!%ing gun I have on her (opticor) makes her the best

    Two words - Space aids 😛

    As for me, my Warframe "waifu" is my wife @Cylla.Ren 😄

  6. On 2018-06-22 at 6:03 PM, (XB1)Cram Duachim said:

    The Man in the Wall I think may have a part to play in the morality system....like an angel/devil relationship.

    The problem with this statement is that, since the allignment is based on Eastern concepts with no ties to "good" or "evil" and looking at the choices we've made to determine our alignment, it's based on a more "active" (yang) and "passive" (yin) scale than anything

  7. 4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Oh come on, as if having the opinion that ''interactive gameplay and missions for all players'' is at all unreasonable.

    Interactive missions and gameplay should be the absolute bare minimum that you expect to get from a video game, and if you aren't getting it then there's a flaw in the design.

    And this is part of why I believe nuke frames require little to no skill. If it doesn't require coordination and communication, it's just too simple.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Am0rph15 said:

    While I'm sure Teslan.Bladesong will answer for him/herself, my tuppenceworth is that although I do understand what higher Mastery Rank delivers, for me that is a low(er) priority than other aspects of the game. I'm not asserting that the gains that come with Mastery Rank increase are worthless - just that they are worth less than other gains achievable for me in my available gaming time. This is why I have mixed feelings about content being locked behind Mastery Rank level. On one hand, it would give a reason to chase Mastery Rank. On the other hand, that chase would probably be a suboptimal use of available time. I appreciate this is a personal viewpoint and that others will have different take on this.

    Exactly. Being MR 24 on PS4 (granted I haven't had access to that account since my ex stole my playstation) I know wxactly what it has to offer. More standing and more trades per day.but I rarely trade as is, and I'm a patient man when it comes to standing. So the entire focus of this thread is content and MR requirements, and not MR progression for the sake of MR progression

  9. 54 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    It certainly is a ton of fun, here's some screenshots of what I mean though.

    Orthos Prime with Primed Reach:

      Hide contents


    Primal Fury with Primed Reach:

      Hide contents


    Primal Fury at a distance it can actually hit enemies at:

      Hide contents


    I'm sure you can see my issue, admittedly in the Primal Fury hits the combo wasn't exactly built up, but building the combo would only grant it another +35% range. Meanwhile Orthos Prime is hitting enemies already twice the distance away, and will likely still have twice the range even after Primal Fury is at max length.

    And that's not even counting Primal Fury's slams that don't even go those 3m :crylaugh:

    In either case, you and I sing praise to the immortal monkey of the Jade Court!

  10. 8 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    More daily focus, more daily Standing, extra loadout slots, free mod energy when ranking new gear...

    If you don't see a reason to go past a certain point, especially when one of the main points of this game is to collect everything, then I recommend reevaluating your priorities.

    Again, at MR 16, nothing is off limits at this current time. And I know quite a few who are quite comfortable slowly collecting over getting everything in a haste. Not everyone is about instant gratification. Now, once more, this isn't a thread about my progression. It's about what you guys think the game will be like if and when content will require MR 25 or higher

  11. Just now, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

    I mean... Venus will have new factions probably, higher MR players will get all the new Syndicate loot while you simply watch in awe.

    I've said it before, MR can mean the difference between days/weeks/months of grind.

    I have month's of grind stored up. If I wanted to, I could probably advance to match my PS4 account. But this thread isn't to talk about my progression, it's to talk about the slow, but sure, arrival of endgame, what it may or may not require, and what form it may or may not take as well as everyone else's thoughts on progression in general.

  12. 2 minutes ago, BeeWhyOhBee said:

    i think i made a post like this sometime ago. Agree, nothing that makes you want to pursue that max MR besides having an extra of what everyone have already. I really hope they have something coming up that's at least not ESO-esque, as i was watching random warframe content on YT, i stumbled upon that Solar Rails stuff and that seems interesting, though i have no idea what that is besides its some sort of a clan v clan mode to own that planet? or am i wrong in that.

    They did state that they are working on bringing Solar Rails back some time ago, with a new room for the Dojo. Though, I haven't heard anything about it since

  13. 30 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    >no reason to go past mr 16. 



    12 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    Well I can't say there's any reason saying we have to go beyond master 2 either but we do it because we want to. I had the goal of being top mastery available years ago, I did it and I've been top every time one is available. I keep getting more perks for being this rank, every so often. Was a great day when they gave mod capacity to match our mastery rank.

    Wonder what else they could add on it.

    Anyway, there's not really anything that's "end game" because "end game" to me, means the end of the game, you won. Uninstall. Go play something else. I just want new content that lasts for me, more than 2 weeks. That's what ESO did. Plains I still go back to every now and then, but it didn't last long. It's a great addition to the game never the less.



    To answer both of you - what I am saying is past MR 16 there is no new content, and no weapons, no warframes. Outside of increased daily standing and trades there is no incentive for progression. I know that content is coming, yes, and I'm content on waiting for it. As for Endgame in a game like warframe, under constant development, Endgame is just the high tier content. And let's all admit, there are higher tiers than Sanctuary Onslaught and Eidolons to be explored. But until it comes, I see no reason to move beyond MR 16.

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