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Posts posted by OmniLight

  1. Since the map is a lot more open than usual, will there be options or certain points of the day (like the night) in which a raid size of 8 players be allowed on the map at a time instead of 4?

    In addition to fishing, will we be able to do things like hunt or mine for resources that can aid the civilians of Cetus?

  2. 22 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    Given the, "Hey, kiddo" at the end of the quest in what seems to be Rell's voice, does this make Rell the voice behind the interference at the end of the War Within? It would make sense given the line after emptying the Kuva is, "You owe me", though I'm having trouble making connections to the other two (and how the Kuva relates to him in general).


    I honestly don't think we are meant to know yet who that voice is. I don't think it is Rell because if you read the comic on the teaser site it indicates that something is controlling Rell's mother and causes her to go after him. I honestly think there might be a void entity. I mean the voice is more masculine in nature as it warps ours and when Rell was attacking us, his voice had similar tones to it. I'm honestly thinking that the Lotus is wrong in saying the Red Veil are fanatical. I think there might be something there in the void and the reason it escapes her comprehension is because she is a Sentient. It isn't like she would know, the void is literal poison to her. In fact, there is one other twisted being that might be explained by this "Man in the Wall". 

    Another possibility is the effects of the Orokin reincarnation cycle. Maybe it simply that the Queen would have never taken control of us because there is another Orokin inside of us. Someone like Ballas perhaps. But it is all speculation. Who is to say we'll even find out who the voice was unless the devs tell us.

  3. Just now, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

    Ah so its the overly protective father thing

    Well that and we are literally poison to the Sentients. It is kind of like us trying to stamp out certain pathogenic bacteria. They didn't really do anything wrong per say in trying to live and reproduce but they still are a threat to our society. You can also kind of compare that while we are thinking creatures, to the Sentient, we are no better than what the infestation is to us. It just kind of happens that Hunhow also hates us for taking away his daughter on top of us literally being living breathing embodiments of the same thing that not only kills them but what also makes them incapable of being able to reproduce to begin with.

  4. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

    As we all know,the original focus of the sentient was to kill the orokin n the tennos but why?

    N after the orokin empire fell they popped out of nowhere and still trying to kill us...but again why?

    I mean i know they think of us as a threat but even so,atm we're significantly weaker than b4 n struggling to keep ourselves alive or order in the system.

    The orokin took the Tenno and essentially made Warriors of the Void to fight against a force they had essentially made mad by poisoning them previously with the void despite as far as we can tell nothing really hostile was originally happening between both groups. Hunhow, one of the leaders of the Sentients, ordered his daughter to infiltrate the Orokin and take control of the Tenno. From what I can gather, she was ordered to lead us to what appeared to be a victory before convincing us to kill all the Orokin and then putting us to death. At that point, I would suspect she would have personally reawakened Hunhow and led the Sentients to obliterate what remained of humanity now having removed the only thing in the way.

    Instead, she rebelled and became the Lotus because she felt a motherly bond between us which appears to be a primary driving force behind the Sentient and was unable to ever have offspring herself. She then locked us away in a dream for our protection while she let the solar system rebuild until we were awoken for our safety on top of us being needed once more. While we fought the Corpus, Grineer and the newly reemerged Infestation, Tyl Regor found something he wasn't supposed to on Uranus. Tyl then naively tried to break this vault which was never to be opened. The vault was actually the tomb in which a badly damaged but still living Hunhow dwelled. Upon being awakened again, Hunhow escaped and started to rebuild himself and swore revenge on the Tenno for taking his daughter away. Essentially, Hunhow and the Sentient are not only angry at us for not having been killed by Natah but he personally wants to crush us and then drag his daughter back.

  5. I mean I guess they live up to their other name of Honey Badger if that is the case. Their description also say they hunt you with relentless zeal. I wouldn't be surprised as annoying as this is that it isn't a bug but intended. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Heyo - this is related to this Dev Workshop if you want to take a deeper look.

    We mentioned that ' This has required us to change the approach we take to making our UI, and it will come with some changes for all resolutions! ' which is what you're seeing here. 


    Thing is now the ui takes up too much of the screen and makes it feel even busier in a game that doesn't need the screen to feel busier. It be fine if we could go lower than 100% on the scaling on the ui. It isn't an entirely bad thing to have some empty space on the ui in some capacity. Especially when FoV is an issue for some people and at least on PC, we aren't probably sitting a good distance from our monitor. 

    Now that being said, what Pablo showed seems to be too small but inversely this is too big. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    you kinda missed out on the opportunity to point out that the communal synchronized tea bagging of an enemy gets you invisibility

    I can see the multishot being the most used because, lets face it, it sounds like the most useful and least situational since it will be a straight damage buff.


    Cloaking on timed crouch sounds good along with the speed boost on timed jump but once again that all fringes on how forgiving the timing is for those that aren't the host. Plus, for all we know it could only last until you stop keeping up with the combo. So stop crouching so that you can hack something or something that locks animation and decloak and just get shot. That isn't a huge deal breaker but it makes those abilities potentially more dangerous The usefulness of the ability is going to be based entirely on us actually seeing the stats come the update day. So we will see. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    I'm a little confused on the Synoid Simulor...

    So it's already crazy (on a particular frame) but it's not powerful enough?

    Other than that the changes are cool, Looking forward to the Panthera, I've been holding onto it for almost a year for just such a buff.

    Basically, they are changing it so that instead of being just spam it and have the combing damage do most of the work, you now have to use the detonation mechanic. It is kind of like they want you to use it they way they probably original intended it to work but turned into the detonation just didn't do enough damage or have a good range when you compared it to just combine the orbs as much as possible.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    if u larva the enemies what use will parasitic link have? c.c

    nobody is shooting you since they are been molested by infested space vagina

    as for this rythm based buffs. it could be it adds a base buff that increases if u time the attack/stuff right. we must wait and see in action THEN complain if it's broken or too hard to use

    Larva will only grab targets upon cast if they are in line of sight and in range. You aren't always going to grab 100% of all enemies that could be around you due to that. You might grab the majority of them but that grineer heavy, infested ancient or whatever might just round the corner in the following second after cast. So regardless of that, you still have potential dr (if you aren't using it to buff an ally at any rate) and still get an additional cast of virulence that spawns increasing the damage, energy regain and even mutation stacks. So yes, parasitic link still has use even if it isn't directly tanking for you.

    Back to the metronome topic, honestly, I think it will have issues too. Mainly because its going to be an inconsistent as hell ability to actually get the benefit of compared to the other buffs the game has. Sonar requires you to just be accurate with your shots which isn't that tricky to do. Roar, provoke, war cry and accelerant all just activate constantly on allies within range when the ability gets cast. Speed is similar but can be turned off by backflipping. Molecular prime also activates on enemies for the damage boost on cast. Titania's tribute buffs and debuff needs her to pick up the soul but that isn't to hard though not all of those are useful and other people can't pick them up. Elemental ward requires you to be in range as long as you don't have Chroma augment to let it linger. And that is all the current buffs if I remember and none of them are as potentially precise as this one could be. That being said, it does remind me of timed hits like the gunblade in FF8 and the mother 3 mechanics but those are also single player games that lag can't have an impact on normally. Fun concept, might only work well for the host though in most circumstances.

  10. 1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Again. It sounds like the core complaint here is the amount of work that makes it tedious, too much repetition. If that's the complaint I understand that. But is it really that people are being asked to do things with their clannies? Or is it that the event is incredibly repetitive, and we are being asked to do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? 

    I think it is more like people don't want to be sitting in a mission for as long as they have to for the full weapon. If for instance you are a moon clan, having the bare minimum of players (301), it takes 104.75 extracts per person to get the blueprint where as a full size one takes 31.5 extractions exactly. 

    The numbers for the other sizes aren't great either.

    Mountain: 93.75 for 101 to 31.5 for 300

    Storm: 101.5 for 31 to 31.5 for 100

    Shadow: 86.5 for 11 to 31.667 for 30

    Ghost: 325 for 1 to 32.5 for 10

    Also the bare minimum people only have to extract like 100 people tops for each tier except if you are solo in a ghost clan which is kind of messed up a bit. Once again it is like people don't have reasons for wanting to be in a solo clan. 325 though is a lot for one person to do considering how long you are going to have to be running back and forth. If anything, there should have just been a personal requirement of getting 100 defectors extracted for the bp minimum instead of locking it behind clans. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

    I suppose if you don't have the standard Harkonar armor set, it might be really interesting, but what if you do? It's just a recolor, or a different pattern or what?

    I'm also a bit confused about some talking about "the perfect mission", surely you can just rinse and repeat them without having to get an absurd amounts of points in one game, while risking a loss due to the 10 deaths..?

    If your clan doesn't have perfect participation, it gets harder and harder exponentially for you to even get close to the bp. At worst, a ghost clan with only a person needs over 300 extracts in one mission. The clan goal is not cumulative.


    To all the people saying it is hard to build a clan, it is yes. It takes time but it is possible solo. However, there is no time restriction on doing so or before the hema, an expectation to need to build absolutely everything you can in there. There is a time limit on this, your roster is locked which regardless of warning is not great, and you have to cheese things to stand a chance the less players you get. Honestly, events and clan items should probably be based on the lowest minimum population that clan size can be without downgrading. Basically, it gets done faster if you have more but it is doable but tricky if you are close to the lower population. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    I actually think this is really cool. They warned people in advance that clan participation would be required and that (hint hint) you should make sure you are in a somewhat active clan before this gets started if you really care about the rewards. 

    I thought the Hema was much too much and should have been changed, but, I think asking for the game to cater to solo clans is unrealistic. 

    All past event weapons have been attainable without being punished if your clan doesn't participate. That is part of the issue. You getting the item for your own use is locked by people who may or may not participate for whatever reason. It isn't like it is usable by you entire clan at once like the trading post is. Don't get me wrong, I will at least attempt to get the bp but god... this isn't great when cumulative ways of getting weapons existed in pretty much all prior events.

  13. Why is it best only for the ignis and like 8 times the amount for it completed you need for it compared to the trophy? That seems entirely backwards and penalizes people who just don't care about bragging rights. Because there were issues with the last events that would give you the weapon? I mean I guess it is possible to get the bp easily so that is I guess fine.


    Look, I understand that you want to make clans be better, DE. My two cents is that making people not want to keep clans they worked to build with friends even if they are the only ones who really play the most frequently actually makes clans worse as you are breaking up people from being with their friends, highly active or not. The Hema and this event is not the right direction for it. In fact, I'd take a step back and realize that there are probably more than just a small amount in a pretty much solo clan or casual clan. Part of me feels like this is just going to fall on deaf ears despite me just wanting the best for this game.

  14. I'm honestly not sure if it is a bug that both Hysterical assault and Escape velocity are exilus augments. Most of the other augments are a lot better than it even the ones that are kind of middling. Hysterical assault has issues that kind of overall just make ripline a better alternative for movement. Escape velocity on the other hand is just pure speed for base 7 seconds and is the only augment that is that way. Even Ivara's Infiltrate gives the benefit of not triggering laser doors while boosting speed. My guess is DE looked at them and just saw them being classed as exilus to be the healthier thing for them so someone at least might use them.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Polymer is one of the lamest ressource to obtain, and you pointed out exactly why : Because it only loot on low level mission. Therefore it's boring and ineficient because of the lack of enemies.

    Now that I think about it, Uranus has it and you don't need to do the Archwing stuff to get a lot of it if you go after it. It can be collected though if you deter from you usual hunting spots.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    2k kuva is already laughable (why would a frame need kuva... especially when it's an infected one) but 8.6k polymer what a joke.

    We're lucky they didn't add polymer in the dojo research

    How odd, any new gear cost way more than the previous gears

    At the begining, 1 orokin cell was enough for a frame, now seeing 6 and 14 morphic should be just normal

    The Kuva could be the key for infestation being decently controllable. Polymer isn't that hard to get you just need to do low level missions. Sucks but it is possible. 


    6 minutes ago, FierceRadiance said:

    IMHO, the reason you (and I) have so many of the others might be because you could use Extractors to farm the other two...but not Mutagens (until very recently).

    I have once touched extractors and it was a Corpus planet. My detonite however is that high and I haven't used any extractors on a planet home to Grineer because I didn't need to. 

  17. 1 minute ago, FierceRadiance said:

    Y'know, I don't like grind any more than the next Tenno. And prolly like the next Tenno, I don't have enough of these Mutagen turd-....uh, 'pods' stashed away to build the fargin things at the moment, either. But it sounds like a lot of the complaints I'm reading boil down to "I can't build this RIGHT NOW, but I WANT it right now--whiiiiine."


    I'm see more of people noting how rare mutagen samples actually drop compared to other resources. You find the other two clan tech mats much more frequently than this. Hell, you can probably find more neural sensors and those are a rare resource that at least drop semi frequently from a boss or two.

  18. 3 minutes ago, khazlol said:

    the weapon better not be MR fodder then

    Unfortunately, the info the wiki has kind of shows it might not be a great weapon. While it heals on headshot, it apparently also needs health to reload depending on what you have in the clip, is pure viral with 45 base damage, low crit chance but a decent status chance. All and all, it isn't bad as a status hose and a life regen tool barring you know it kills you from the reload while you are also taking damage. Oh and its a burst fire weapon which not everyone likes and its projectile is apparently slow.

  19. 1 hour ago, SarcasticShepard said:

    Well. I didn't know that, and its pretty damn useful.

    It doesn't just do that. The void laser also shreds through them along with stalker despite what level they are from what I can see. It seems to do insane damage to sentient or sentient affiliated enemies compared to normal ones. Which honestly, makes a huge amount of sense considering the whole void is poison to them thing. Also, it resets Stalker's immunity too. Granted it might not always be the case. For some reason, I shred through most sentients if I use the laser but sometimes it doesn't do that. Bugs maybe

  20. I don't think its the queen. There was part of the dialogue during the mind sequence that talked about the catastrophe that struck the ship that might be important. It was about how the adults aboard the ship lost their minds and went crazy. I'm thinking what either led them to go crazy either infected you too or cause their minds to jump similarly to the continuity that the Orokin undergo. So either the person who speaks is your dad or the very thing that decided to attack the ship in the void and caused the events to occur. 

    Despite what I think, it could be the queen but it might also be Ballas or some other Orokin like one of the emperors. I'm pretty sure we managed to drive the queen out of our head though. It was why she recoiled in the cut-scene following us returning to reality and made her sister flee to start doing the Kuva siphon stuff. 

  21. It's less laziness and more a coding trick that games have employed for a very long time. Basically by putting important things off somewhere but still in level loading, it can reduce load times in less obvious ways. I guarantee that if you look at other games, similar looking environments used for cut-scenes and what not might be shunted off somewhere you can't see normally. When you accidentally glitch out of the map, you may accidentally run into them in the black void that isn't part of the map. I think the reason is if you have it not occurring on the same map, you have another loading screen in between cut-scenes since I think it is uncommon/problem-causing for multiple maps being loaded and stored in active memory. Granted given what you said, that may be what you are thinking too.

    As a side note, trust me from experience this isn't the first time something glitchy in the void sent you out of the map. You just were 'lucky' being Titania. In the past, if you fell through the map, you'd have to try to aim for a room in the void before you'd go smashing into the ground at such a high speed that you out right die. Someone would have to find your corpse or your camera would be stuck looking straight up and you'd be unable to revive. Happened in the dojo too. Most hilarious bugs I've seen in regards to the void have occurred to me. When the old raid mission type was still in the game, you could end up being stuck in place only able to move with either melee or jump (can't remember) if you were too close to the artifact when someone else picked it up. It basically was the notorious bug that occurred with blade storm except with the catch of you being unable to move normally.  Another was a friend who walked off screen and I could see the blue outline of also being superimposed onto a void laser plate upside down and doing his exact animations.

  22. 9 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    Thank you, I try my best to make a reasonable argument :)

    Honestly, it is is the only real reason I can think of why frames are the way they are. The Orokin picked the ideal appearance for the Prime versions of each theme according to their standards of beauty. The warframes were designed to be idolized and godlike to everyone else in the origin system despite their Tenno operators being declared monsters by the rest of the world. These first versions of each frame be it the Primes actually being that or the warframes we see, each design is done by Ballas and a group of people chosen by him. The same Ballas who in the Vauban Prime trailer said that lust was his sin and called Ordan Kerris an ugly beast. At the present, I personally believe Ballas would be so intent on making the frames appealing to the Orokin that he would reject any thing that went against that 'ideal beauty'. That beauty appears to be the perfect mix of organic and technological with elegant curves and flowing silhouettes.  

    Now this being said, I'm not against the notion of having a heavily armored female frame in the vein of what Day form Equinox tries to do. Said frame though would probably be done in such a precise manner that you'd still see its femininity underneath the armor.

    Lastly, each faction does have very specific traits associated with their designs. Now lets say a Grineer leader of some sort got its hands on a frame. Said frame would more likely be disfigured to the point of being ugly with asymmetry and bulbous parts added to it. Similar to how normal Valkyr has sleek Corpus components bolted on to her. The best chance for a female frame that isn't a normal figure might be one that has been experimented on by the Grineer since it might be very unlikely the Orokin would make one.

  23. Its like that for a lot of the frames. I just did a test and ran through a few. Some effects still have noise. For instance, Titania's 1 is slightly muted, you hear the butterflies fluttering for the three and the explosion, and coming out of the ult is a lot fainter. It seems to mainly affect the second and fourth ability from what I can see and lowers the sound somewhat for the other two. 

  24. 1 minute ago, Laszlok said:

    Personally, I think there are some cool aesthetics that could be achieved by making a warframe with a convex abdomen.

    Honestly, it would be interesting to see some variable shapes in body morphology of the frames. The amount of work needed for some of them though might be rough for DE though. The previously mentioned Sumo idea was a nice idea though. I could see it maybe being barely able to wall run if at all but instead could have some unique movement ability. Hmmm.... you know it might work for an actual gravity based frame. Being able to control its own gravity would enable it to still wall run decently with necessary animation alterations while still being 'athletic' due to that. Plus then it also get rid of the notion that it needs to be 'slow'. And to compensate for the bigger hit box, give it a passive that alters the course of projectiles by a certain percent.

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