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(XBOX)Lightning Silvr

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Lightning Silvr

  1. I've used the Previews in Onkko's shop and I've seen that Granmu-Shraksun-Lohrin has a far higher damage potential than any other Setup I've previewed. It's secondary fire is semi with 10 energy per shot out of a pool of 100 and the damage is stated to be 7,500. Should I build that or stick with Granmu-Klebrik-Lohrin?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Duality52 said:

    The Darygn Pilots use the Kraken (the two-burst pistol), which is identical to the ones used by Seekers (Kuva, Tusk). The issue is that that pistol can easily outdamage even Grineer weapons like the Karak and even the Heavy Gunner's Gorgon in a short period.

    Seekers, Shield Lancers, the Darygn Pilots and to a lesser extent, the Tusk Mortar Bombard, all have this absurd burst damage that can kill you faster than a Heavy Gunner at around even the level 40s, which makes no sense due to them being support units.

    OK wtf. The Kraken, as ok as it is in terms of Pistols, should never have a damage potential that high, even in comparison to other enemy weapons :/

  3. So I was running Defection just now, Kronen Prime out in full splendour, ripping at the Infested, the guard combo of Sovereign Outcast blending flesh and blood into affinity numbers...until I happened to pause after the second attack of SO's base combo, where I noticed that...your Warframe performs a Nikana sheathing animation...why?


    Casual nitpick, just me being me. Anyone else seen this?

  4. Random idea but what if profiles on the forums displayed certain stats of the player from their playtime In-game? Eg. Mastery Rank, most used Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee and Sentinel; total play time, clan etc. All under a tab when viewing a profile titled "Display Statistics" or the like. Maybe even a live display of what the player is doing (if anything) In-game such as "Menus" or "In Mission - Caracol, Saturn (Defection)" alongside normally displaying forum activity like viewing profiles or posts

    Just my two cents, figured something like this would help make the forum more immersive or such. Idk


  5. 4 minutes ago, Meowfied said:

    mm yea they can, usually ppl dont notice because they fell and need time to get up and get killed before they can. but if they fell far far away and you walked away, later they will magically find u and 2-shot you from nowhere.. :(

    Sounds broken as hell. Might have to test this myself later today...you're sure it was a Dargyn Pilot? Not a random Ballista quickscoping you or a random Lancer?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Meowfied said:

    dargyn pilots in poe. ffs theyre just too op even theyre shooting from like 70m away

    They aren't too bad compared to most other things on the Plains. They tend to just chuck a straight line air strike at you most of the time before making a wide circle back and doing the same thing, Nothing a roll dodge, blocking or defensive/evasive abilities can't handle. I get where you're coming from though, Bounty 5 with support frames can leave you pretty open to them, especially during Revives or if 2 or more followed you to a Drone or bomb collar hack :/

  7. 6 minutes ago, Screamlord_Star said:

    nah, if you're going into a public match it's best that you use CP because you never know if someone else is going to be running ES or DE

    Fair enough. Just needed some clarity coz I've been trialling different Auras and I've found CP to consistently make the biggest dents even if I'm the only one running it. I've barely seen anyone use DE though. CPs are rare sights but DEs are even more so as far as I've seen

  8. Now that Arcanes drop from Eidolons, here's my 2 cents

    The arcane pod, capsule thingy itself is a Sentient containment module utilised by the Sentients of old to capture the void-bound essences of "dead" Tenno. Something having to do probably with capturing a Tenno right when they slo mo launch back after their health gets reduced to 2 and they turn into a singularity thing or dissolving the body of a neutralised Tenno who's consciousness and therefore (presumably) power source is floating in the Void (coz think about it, your Operator's body can't just disappear when you die as them in Quests...right?)

    So what I think is that the 3 Stooges of the Plains captured a whole bunch of these Tenno essences back in their heyday using the containment modules. Terry and Garry possess the lesser Arcanes coz the better equipped Tenno were off fighting Harry

    Now, onto the Arcanes themselves and their qualities. It can be assumed that all Arcanes contain the essence of the Tenno captured and contained within it. Considering every Tenno is different due to factors like Focus Schools and maybe even life experiences, the Arcanes they "become" are a representation of the contained Tenno's capabilities, tendencies, values and/or expertise.

    Bronze tier Arcanes are likely to contain essences of Novice or Initiate level Tenno. Arcane Nullifier and Arcane Warmth are notably common Bronze Arcanes and their resistive properties are likely pertaining to hardier and more resilient Tenno for example

    Silver Arcanes are probably containing the essences of Apprentice level Tenno. More experienced and capable than Novices but still a ways to go from the top. Arcane Victory and Arcane Strike are two notable Silver Arcanes. The former's ability to supplement Health Regen on Headshots could be testament to Tenno that could sneak in precise blows before rapidly tending to their wounds before attacking again, the latter's capacity to buff attack speed on hit is probably testament to powerful Berserker level Tenno, specialising in Offense over defense

    Gold and Platinum Tiers are likely to contain the essences of Master and/or Grandmaster level Tenno or even souls of Orokin Generals or Warchiefs fighting in the Old War. Needless to say that these Arcanes possess highly sought after qualities, which are likely a representation of the qualities that the original persons possessed. Arcane Energise for example could be that of a support General or Chief who restored energy during the heat of battle or Arcane Barrier could be that of a General assisting the front line troops through the use of Barrier abilities and the like

    Anyway, lots of writing, hope my crazy theory gives anyone some food for thought, I'll go sleep now

  9. It'd be awesome if

    1: The Simulacrum could be accessed from the Orbiter...but nah, can't have Simaris floating as a partially dead asset now, can we?

    2: The Simulacrum could actually materialise levels as some sort of AR room. I mean if you break the name down, Simula is short for simulation, crum is Latin for core or a pivotal point. Needless to say the Simulacrum is a core gameplay element for simulation but...as useful as it is, it could be better. I mean imagine you're some guy that just reached Saturn for the first time and you wanted to run a simulation on Sargus Ruk and how he works...cant exactly do that. Even if you could, it'd be better if you could simulate him and any other boss exactly where they fight. Would make for an immersive training experience (like come on, Space Mum, you let your kids train against the system's deadliest foes by direct means?) In reality, most of the Tenno would have been wiped out by now XD I digress). Thing is we need bosses there and a means of simulating their environments to a degree. While we're at it, why is it that we have to scan things just to fight them? I mean sure, Sim is run by Simaris who meddles with scanned targets and stuff but if you're new to a planet or faction, you might as well have a means of going up against the new enemies instead of getting killed over and over during a mission. Would probably help to keep some new players that have no one to assist them on missions and such. Just my 2 cents

    TLDR: Simulacrum needs bosses and to live up to its name properly

    Edit: Or better yet, a community sourced project to stimulate enemies. Remove the need to scan enemies to simulate them personally but add a factor where if the entire community collectively scans an enemy type a certain number of times (50k or something, coz the playerbase, discounting an estimated number of inactives is around several million at the least), it'll be available for use by any player. I mean they have a "Lead Researcher" thing on Simaris' targets so it's apparent that people's scans do get taken into account AFAIS

  10. 38 minutes ago, Checht said:

    I'd rather see it as Buffing Enemies = no need to wait 60+ minutes for any sort of challenge.

    Nerfing enemies = wait even longer before you encounter any sort of challenge.

    Buffing Enemies...so you're saying that people should get one shot by a crewman or lancer on first excavator/ Wave 2/ 3 minutes etc? As if people didn't have more of a reason to leave the game already, making it unbearable on the first rotations isn't really gonna do the community any favours. Incremental levelling for enemies on endless missions is there so you can get used to the buffs over time as the rotations pass. Start Bere with 30-40s, reach Rot D with 60-70s or whatever and so on. Immediately buffing enemies all across the board won't do anyone any favours since starting off you'll be facing enemies that one shot you

    Nerfing enemies = stupidly easy gameplay

    Selectively nerfing enemies, especially in regards to their notable issues = mediated and fair gameplay. The Napalm's AoE, it was one of the most annoying factors regarding Plague Star since the toxin mixer had no survivability even in Limbo's rift if the AoE erupted anywhere near it, and neither did most frames, especially ones spec'd as casters with like 300 or so Health and Shields and <100 armour like Ember or Banshee

    The Scrambus and Combas are cool enemies to fight in general and sure they're easy to dodge...on open tilesets like planetside Neptune and Pluto, try reviving, hacking or activating Life Support on Jupiter in a Hallway or that two storey indoor area when there's nullifiers, Scrambuses and whatever else

  11. Toxic Ancient: Nerf that godforsaken breath attack

    Toxic Crawler: A short countdown and means of anticipating if a dead TC will release a toxic AoE

    Tusk Bolkors: Need serious revision on damage output and armour/health, especially on Bounty 5

    The Sergeant: Still waiting on this kid's rework. Too easy for his own good

    Swarm MOA: Magnetic Proc...why?

    Tar MOA: Is a pain for most people that aren't running a Raging Oberon (these guys are irritating on sorties because of the random sidesteps and jumps along with their tar attack) 

    Capture Targets: For the love of god, give them more abilities but please, tone down that movement speed, it's unrealistic, unreasonable and downright unbearable on maps like Jupiter and Europa

    Hellions: How many rocket swarms can they fire in one hover??? It's worse in the Plains since they home in as well. Even one volley while the Mortar cannon and Mortar Trooper also fire is it for an entire squad on B5

  12. I've done a few interceptions and if you leave the enemy alone enough and CC them every now and then without outright killing them, it isn't that bad but its still stressful when you're at 80% but the squad only has like 6 reactant. Mobile Def is alright in the sense that it's literally just Defense 3 times but shorter. Once all 3 are done, it's the same as a post-objective capture. Moderate drops

    19 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    It's time to scrap reactant. Seriously, DE.

    It causes problems on Excavation with energy drops (which also need scrapped).

    It causes issues with Survival, with O2 (another bad system that needs scrapped).

    It causes late joiners to miss relic drops.

    Now it causes issues with Sabotage, too.

    All this...and you know what it ADDS?

    Nothing. Not one thing. It doesn't enhance enjoyment. It add variety. Or bring ANYTHING to the game at all. Reactant's SOLE PURPOSE in Warframe - the only thing it actually accomplishes - is to break everything it touches.

    So just remove it already. It's tired. It's old. It's obviously broken. It adds nothing. So just remove it.

    You can add something down the list need. Some Void Tear close mini objective. But scrap reactant. It's not worth all this.

    I've been pondering this for ages now. And I get how everyone feels, without Reactant it'd literally be a high value regular mission. Wouldn't be as fun and challenging but it'd be feasible across the board. But for the love of God is it a pain sometimes. Joining at Wave 4 when everyone's already at 10 Reac, joining a Sabotage just to find 3 other guys waiting at the reactor room, waiting an eternity for a single fissure to pop into existence. Worst of all is Excavation. Reactant is partially to blame here but a factor nonetheless. I don't know if people don't know about reactant or simply don't care but the need for reactant screws over everyone in most Excavation Fissures because people SIMPLY. RUSH. EVERYTHING. What I'd propose is some sort of field boss. Not too difficult, not too hard, balanced just right so that it accommodates to the Fissure Era and Level of enemies in the level. Some sort of "Void Guardian" or "Void Essence" in the form of a corrupted Warframe specter or the like that only spawns when the objective is completed. Killing it will cause the same 10 reactant explosion and "schwooom" noise to play for all players and extraction will become available. That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's better ideas

  13. Title says it all. I was thinking of buying a Kuakka, figured I should probably place down a sculpture for the lols, now I'm forever a hovering camera with only RS to look around and B to "Exit" (which instead causes me to descend). I can only hover around, no pause menu, no chats, all I can do is place, edit and remove. Won't go away until I close Warframe and relaunch

  14. Title says it all. I'm sure everyone's had this problem. Barely any enemy spawns, barely any Fissures appearing, both equating to barely any reactant dropping equating to a complete and utter waste of time. That sense of annoyance you feel when the era of the relic you wanna unlock only has ONE fissure active and it happens to be a Sabotage. It's a pain. I'm surprised nothing's been done about these fissures, I mean Exterminate used to be like this until it got fixed, what about this sorry game mode?


  15. On 12/02/2018 at 2:34 AM, Host_Migration said:

    TBH they should just remove this silly requirement it just give trolls/griefers unnecessary power.

    This right here. Sure, some people might want the system to stay and hey, that's their opinion. But personally I don't appreciate rewards being a sacrificial option especially when liabilities of getting trolled are as high as they are

    Edit: I agree with how flawed this Shard requirement is mainly because just an hour or so ago, my squad had a member drop out due to having to sleep. He had no intention to troll, he has human responsibilities as do we all. The host and myself naïvely offered our shards with the assumption that we could either get them back or that it's impossible for something in your current rewards menu to be consumed or voided during a mission. So eventually the 3 of us that were left headed to extraction. Only one person kept their shards because they had no idea where the shrine was and the host and myself were left with nothing but Sentient Cores and a useless Eidolon Core

  16. Or just simply add an option to take the Shard back but with a timer of 10 seconds after offering so a troll doesn't place it and immediately take it back to glitch his way into Phase 2 without actually consuming the Shard...or better yet, as someone suggested on the reddit post linked by OP, make it like the dual panel doors but with 4 "panels". Meaning that all 4 shards are offered at the same time by all 4 members at the altar, nothing less. Idk, that's my ten cents. It's a shame DE doesn't forsee these things. B Eidolon Shards are pretty damn valuable so using a commodity as a key of sorts should already have warranted concern due to the already apparent number of trolls in the community (looking specifically at all the people joining the last spot in a rad share to equip a different relic, start the timer then leave...on the topic, auto start should only be enabled as an option for the host and after the first 15 seconds or something so that anyone vigilant enough can leave early if the host is a troll themselves)

  17. Thank god. Someone actually came forward with how absurd and horrible this feature is. Mars got me. I remember admiring every second of that distant cliffside mining colony while waiting for the rest of my squad to meet me at extraction. Now I feel like throwing up just looking at it. Jupiter was absolutely breathtaking until fog happened. I remember landing on Uranus for the first time way back when Inaros came out and all I did was watch the scenery for a good 10 minutes. The laser going through the clouds, the rock formations, the cities or labs underwater, all of it. Until fog happened. Seriously, this fog has distanced me from the otherwise gorgeous visuals of the game and I've loathed every second I've had to spend looking at it. DE, for the love of the Unum, get rid of the fog, PLEASE

  18. Anyone else noticing the irregularities between skyboxes for a majority of the maps? Both intro videos and just looking at the skybox from the windows of ships. Was running Xini the other day (Infested Corpus Ship with an asteroid belt and a distant planet as the usual skybox) and noticed the ship was in the Void for some reason. Ran ODD a while back, it wasn't even a derelict ship that my Scimitar was flying to, it was an Orokin Tower with Uranus in the background. Started Hieracon, ship was flying to Mars, a Mars Exterminate I was flying to Earth and the list goes on. May not affect anyone much but personally this breaks the immersion of the game itself coz I'm left going "Wait what? The mission's at X, why am I flying to Y? Why's there a Corpus Ship somehow stationed between the Grineer fleets orbiting Earth?"

    Anyone else seen this? Any thoughts?

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