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Posts posted by LaserApocalypse

  1. Please revert Chroma to pre-nerf survivability. He is really weak right now, and i honestly do not understand why it was nerfed to begin with. I get why Fury was nerfed, he could one-hit the Eidolon legs. Clearly a problem, i understand that and i don't think Fury needs a buff. But lowering his armor buff completely destroyed what i enjoyed Chroma for: a really solid tank. Please revert the nerf, it would put Chroma in such a good spot. 

  2. I don't think the point was even to encourage people to do join in. They are just aware that there is a split, some people like the cinematic and some people hate it. So they still gave the ones who like it the possibility of joining in. Being completely invincible to dmg i think is completely fine as an incentive.

  3. Just now, toafarmer said:

    Update, lets see what's new! Oh, nothing new. Rivens still capped on 60, hema research cost still broken, no razorback armada, no skins, no weapons, no nothing. Same old, same old. 

    Do you really expect them to ever touch on hema again?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Matak-FR said:

    What's the problem with vex armor ?

    Well some people on reddit explained it far better than i could, but at high power strenght you either do no noticable extra damage or you start spitting out zeroes (Ignis Wraith is a good example) essentially, its extremely broken with some weapons.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lokime said:

    Please revert the changes made to sari syandana... it remains closed all the time except on bullets jumps... Not to be mean but I'm sure you ruined it for most of us. It only needed to closed when you shoot (already did) and open menus (already did), this change is bad :(

    It was a bug, and alot of people disliked it, me included.

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