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Posts posted by Oktalz

  1. I guess COD isn't a AAA game?


    COD´s Storymode is simply 1man or co-op which P2P works fine for, CoD´s use of servers for hosting PvP aka Deathmatches and so on is also in a limited environment that is an enclosed area with no randomly generated content (enemies, the map itself, quest objectives etc etc). CoD is created the same way that Half-Life 1 and Counter-Strike was created and it works in the same way and as such the game has different goals than Warframe has.


    EDIT: Compare CoD to Battlefield, both are in the same genre and both games aim to capture the same demographic and yet Battlefield is best played on dedicated servers because the maps are vastly bigger and the environment is affected and it changes, there are more elements at play which dedicated servers help users to remove connection issues or at least lessen them.


    DE started Warframe out to be like a general TPS and has since incorporated more and more RPG elements, more and more randomly generated content and bigger and broader maps. DE_Steve even stated that we can expect a SandBoxish environment and a sense of evolution and progression within the world.

    DE is moving somewhere along the lines of progression towards elements that Bungies new project Destiny is doing, it is pretty evident and guess what destiny will have servers for specific groupplayed content and so on where more people play. If you want to you can play Destiny like a singleplayer game also but then you are depending on only your own connection for certain online components.


    Bottom line is your comparison in using CoD to Warframe is both off the mark and the games are not even in the same genre or striving for the same things.

  2. Bigger games than warframe have to go p2p for financial reasons.  Anyone that thinks this game will get dedi servers is incredibly naive, games rarely (in fact I can't think of a single game that has) transition from p2p to dedicated servers.


    I am yet to see any AAA game go for P2P tech if the game is successful, further saying that it is naive to think that Warframe will have dedicated servers is just silly. Saying something like this makes me feel like you are perfectly happy if the game stagnates and dies before it actually gets to a point where it is a complete game, and judging by how DE think about the future I´m happy that it seems like they agree more with the likes of myself than naysayers and doubters like yourself.

  3. TL:DR - Will be posting mod ideas in here when I come up with them. Mods will be centered around builds.


    Here below I will post some mod ideas I have, in some cases I will explain the reasoning behind the mod and in some I think you can figure out yourselves in what way they can be incorporated into Warframes gameplay and why it can be viable/needed.

    So here we go ^^;


    I´m not going outside the norm here in terms of resource costs, I try and keep the "ranks" of the mods within what we are used to and the general consensus is that the costs of the current mods can be applied to these in terms of the amount of ranks they have to their corresponding tier.


    Tier 2 = common/uncommon / Tier 3 = uncommon/slightly rare / Tier 4 - Rare/Lower Droprate Rares / Tier 5 (Legendary) - (my own rating being a grand prize if you find it ingame).


    Tier 2 Mods:


    Brass Knuckles (Passive Power) - Hand to hand weapons get bonus specific damage inscreases by 10/20/30/40/50 (%) to flat damage output (per hit) and combo multipliers.


    Slice and Dice (Passive Power) - 1 hand and dual wielding slashing weapons (Swords, Axes, Glaives, Daggers) get bonus specific damage inscreases by 10/20/30/40/50 (%) to flat damage output (per hit) and combo multipliers.


    Brutal Burden (Passive Power) - 2 handed weaponry get bonus specific damage inscreases by 10/20/30 (%) to flat damage output (per hit) and combo multipliers




    Tier 3 Mods:


    Channel Focus (Active Power) - (Tenno kneels and channels. Kneeling has to be done as this will require that someone covers the player that is channeling) Convert HP into energy at a 1:2 rate  starting at 1/2/3/4/5 units/sec for 5 sec


    Channel Chi (Active Power) - (Tenno kneels and channels. Kneeling has to be done as this will require that someone covers the player that is channeling) Converts Energy into Shields at a 1:3 rate  starting at 5/15/25 units/sec for 5 sec




    Tier 4 Mods:


    Pistol Equilibrium (Active Power 1 time toggle to give effect) - Instantly swap all your remaining primary weapon ammo into secondary weapon ammo.


    Rifle Equilibrium (Active Power 1 time toggle to give effect) - Instantly swap all your remaining secondary weapon ammo into primary weapon ammo.


    Knowledge is Power (Active Power) - Battlehardened Tenno can activate this mod to cut in half the energy consumption and cast time of their abilities for the next 10/25/35/50 seconds, cooldown of the power is  4 minutes so use it wisely. Reasoning for this mods existance is to allow for certain builds that rely on duration in different ways or power to be able to be played in different ways.


    Blood Money (Passive Power) - This mod will introduce a different way of ranking it up, you actually can only fuse it up with another Blood Money mod. Blood money is very powerful and a very rare mod. Blood Money increases your chance to find higher rarity loot by 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%  (scaling off of the % drop chance that the loot has in the loot table aka increasing a loot drop with 2% chance by 60% isn´t too OP by those standards.) It will also allow for occasional double drops of materials which it will roll the chance for every time material drops. Each rank up will increase the amound of chance that it will roll towards a double material amount drop aka 100 Neurodes turns into 2 x 100 Neurodes and is "Player Unique" meaning others can´t benefit from it.


    Adrenaline Rush (Passive Power) - After being ressurected by a teammate you go into a frenzy increasing all damage dealt by 100% by all your sources of damage output, you are also invulnorable to any kind of damage and can not be crowd controlled for the next  10/20/30/40/50 seconds (mod has an internal cooldown of 10minutes). This mod can be used in conjunction of other mods ingame to create what can be called a suicidal burst build.




    Legendary Mods:


    Brawlers Presence (Passive Power) - While in melee stance, the longer you can keep punching / fighting and successfully pulling of combos without being interrupted you stack up buff which is party wide. The buff will give your party members a 5% Boost to movespeed, 5%Boost to all damage, 5% boost to resistances. This buff stacks up to 10 times. This mod will come with 1 rank, this mod will be legendary rank aka very very very rare. The incentive behind this mod is that for organized groups you can give one person the melee brawler role and he will in conjuction with other mods or with a specific frame be a source of teambuffer through combat.


    Dog Tags (Passive Power) - This mod will give a new and unique twist to how grinding can give you a passive benefit. For each enemy you kill, they have a chance of droping a dog tag while this mod is equiped. Collecting dog tags from specific factions allows you to store these tags up to a certain amount. Ranks of this mod will inscrease the amount of tags you can store for each faction. IE 100 tags/faction - 200 tags/faction - 300 tags/faction - 400 tags/faction - 500 tags/faction. These tags can then be used to get discounts on everything from crafting requirements on faction specific items, ie requirements for crafting a weapon go down by 50% when the mod is ranked up and max amount of tags is achieved. Upon every discount usage the tag amount for that faction gets cleared down to zero and can then be stacked up again. This mod is of course very rare and very powerful depending on what you want to spend your discount on (cutting resource requirements in half or removing the need for 1 specific part in a blueprint).


    These are some ideas, hope you guys like them.

  4. It's a gameplay representation of matchmaking.  It's icing and doesn't provide much in the way of actual new functionality.  They haven't actually confirmed that there will be actual dedicated servers for this so I'm not about to get my hopes up on it.  Performance issues will still probably be a concern regardless.  This is just added immersion when there is so much more that this game needs.


    I understand your concerns, however there is no way that this whole Peer-to-peer connectivity can go on if Warframe is going to get anywhere in the long run. This whole setup that we have now works for the moment and because we are in a Beta, however when looking at the long run and the idea to make Warframe a lasting and established product then dedicated servers for certain parts of the game will have to be added. Either we get dedicated servers in the end or the game and it´s progression will be limited and eventually stagnate.

  5. There's going to be one for each planet. And I'm sure there'll be some sort of limitation, like only some people are shown, or maybe only your teammates, or maybe only those looking for group.


    There is not MMO scape in that sense. when you play solo or with your own group of premade players you are playing your own instanced version of the overworld.. there is no MMO traditional hosting a place for hundreds of players at a time. I was pretty clear about this if you read it.

  6. I've been running a lot of T1 Survivals every day to try to get the Paris Prime Upper Limb, and all that drops seem to be credits and fusion cores and Burston Prime Stocks.


    Even the 20 minute reward, which is supposed to be a guaranteed Prime part of BP drop, gives keys.

    Rewards over time can get worse too.




    And to add further insult is that you can get multiple of a part or BP in a single run. I've had more runs than I care to count give 2+ Burston Prime Stocks or Mag Prime BPs. At least with the loot pool diluted the way it has DE could make it you can only get a particular part or BP once per run. At least that would give us a bit more motivation to last longer in Survivals.



    I understand this and even though I agree I´m sorry to say that it has to be this way for now. If DE change it to how we want it to be the items would be owned by everyone too fast and the void would lose it´s value more or less becoming a  hunting ground for a few select mods and higher credit drops.


    So it has to be the way it is too keep people playing, people will be annoyed and they will whine but most will still play, I might add that I have done 40+ runs in T3S and not a single glaive prime blade for me, most runs lasting 30-40min.


    So I see what you want and it would be lovely but it can not change because of the games current state and lack of end game, this is one of the things that keep us grinding keep us playing.

  7. Rule #1: You don't force PvP on players in your games; it NEVER works.


    Rule #2: Obey #1.


    Rule 1# When replyin to a forum thread it is wise to read the OP first.

    Rule 2# There is no rule 2 cause rule 1 is mandatory making any replies without following Rule #1 sound like nonsense.


    OBS! As I read it the whole point was that you had to opt in for anyone else to be able to invade your game and kill you... no force involved. 

  8. Selling Unranked mods.


    Warframe Mods:


    Flow 10p

    Narrowminded 20p

    Focus 5p

    Fortitude 10p

    Master Thief 20p

    Quick Thinking 15p

    Reflex Guard 5p

    Streamline 10p

    Vigor 20p

    Stretch 5p






    Accellerated Blast 10p

    Thunder Bolt 3/3 15p Unranked 8p

    Vital Sense 10p

    Serration 4/10 30p

    Point Strike 4/5 10p

    Metal Auger 10p

    Split Chamber Maxed : 50p / Unranked: 20p

    Rifle Ammo Mutation 10p

    Stabilizer 10p

    Barrel Diffusion 20p

    Stunning Speed 10p






    Corrupted Charge 10p

    Rending Strike 10p

    Power Throw 10p

    Sundering Strike 5p

    Whirlwind 100p


    Sentinel Mods:

    Sanctuary 20p



    Drop me a Line if you need any of these mods.

  9. That's not what he's getting at. Stop simplifying the issue. So sick of wasting posts on people like you.


    He's arguing that some of these new enemies have crossed the line from challenging to frustrating, and offering a way of putting them back in the former category. If you couldn't figure that out from his post, you have no business being on these forums.


    If something frustrates you because you are having issues with them then these issues are probably a challenge of some sort.

    Common logic dictates that if you find something being easy, you will have no issues with it. If something doesn´t challenge you, you will also never feel any kind of discomfort.

    Frustration = discomfort = annoyance = a mental challenge.


    And yes he is actually saying exactly the think you quoted, let´s make this game such a nobrainer that it basically plays itself.

  10. Not bad, for once an idea that does not involve "I want more DPS ffs, I am so underpowered because I´m a utility based frame".


    Hrm hrm Trinity + Penta/Ogris says hi, Vauban + Punchthrough/AoE says Hi, Immortal Loki + Crit Melee Weapon says Hi. 


    So happy to see this. +1

  11. Note: this is all from the perspective of a solo player.


    For the longest time, Ancient Disruptors have been my most hated enemy in the game (though Eviscerators are fighting for first place) because they are simply anti-fun. I can be running around with 200+ energy, giving priority target to Disruptors when I see them, but every now and then one sneaks up on me (or I get stun locked by other Infested and Ancients just join the party) and suddenly I'm missing all of my energy with nothing but my guns in a mob of enemies. Not fun.


    Now "leech" enemies have been introduced as one of the new enemy "leader" types, which drain your energy by simply being near you. Granted, they have to get fairly close to drain your energy and it's much less impactful than a Disruptor, but this aura can be applied to enemies of any faction (usually on melee units, which want to run at you) and is still anti-fun.


    Other leader units make sense, giving enemies elemental effects or resistances, but whole "leech" idea just seems like a kick to our space ninja genitals. One could also argue that the "life steal" enemies are also a bit unfun (or should at least be unique to Infested), but at least they have to attack and hit you for the effect to apply and their presence more than likely won't cause your death and an unnecessary revive.


    So, my solution is this: get rid of the "leech" leader type, as it's unfitting of the leader concept and just isn't fun, and please tone down Disruptors already to either A) drain a percentage of your current energy or B) have their attacks temporarily disable the use of abilities for a longer duration with no energy drain. I would prefer B, though I'd be fine with A, and both solutions would allow the enemy to do it's job and, most importantly, allow counter-play.



    Now it's time to see how many people reply to this thread with "no, don't change anything because I'm a super-hardcore player and everything in every game must be difficult because that's my idea of fun."



    **Edit: I forgot about the "Mag" leader-type, which is the same thing as a Disruptor (applied to any faction), I would be fine with this as long as it received the same Disruptor changes that I suggested, possibly toned down more for ranged enemies.


    No offense but all the leaders are a walk in the park and I totally disagree with anything of what is said here.

    I still think this game is far too easy and the LEECH effect stops the moment they die and they die ASAP. 

    I mean for once they give you a target you have to prioritize, THAT my dear friends is a GOOD thing. There should be consequences for ignoring certain targets.


    And another thing they don´t leech that much and lastly if you can´t play this game when you are out of energy there is something to be said about your playstyle and that it needs updating. You are not only your Warframe skills, you are also your as efficient as your weapon loadout.


    Regards Oktalz

  12. Sacrifice was removed and was only available for a limited time.


    even if it was it is not the most crucial mod to make you able to play the game and even manage higher content, but yeah it may have been removed and might come back. Like with Natural Talent. Still doesn´t change the fact of what we are talking about here.

  13. Nothing about PoE.  I was in the closed beta.  Patch 8 or was it 9, I believe where the balance was decent,  Then they changed and suddenly melee became garbage.  Because the mechanical way that armour worked.  The harder (the bigger the number) the less damage you stopped.  Meaning you need hammers and staves to be used for Melee, because of two Gems.  Ground Slam, with as many range boosters as you could get, or Lightning Strike again, with as many range boosters as possible.  Simply because Merciless level Hillock was impossible to pass with Leap Slam, or anything that made you face tank.  Because PoE armour mitagation math was broken by design.  They fixed it last year, but they still have a lot of issues.  They actually had the Grineer Torch issue, where a beam attack would melt you down in seconds because of the constant damage, but unlike Warframe, PoE has no active dodge mechanic.  And cover doesn't really exist there.


    Just because you're seemingly blinded by the the fact that PoE resembles Diablo 2 on the surface, and you miss that game terribly, does not mean that PoE is a great game.  It still needs a LOT of work.  I hear they still haven't finished the End Game, past those random Maps, which is also subject to RNG, or did they fix that?


    I'm sorry, but you clearly have no experience in PoE until they released it free to play.


    And until recently, Serration dropped off Grineer BALLISTA, we're taking Update 10, to 11.5. One of the STILL rarest mobs in the Grineer arsenal.  Not to mention that I watched my cousin LAST NIGHT, and they faced quite a few Grineer Scorpions (not as many as troopers and lancers, or butchers for that matter) on an exterminate map (We have to share my rig, unfortunately, otherwise we'd be duo'ing the entire game) I didn't see any mods drop, except a Fusion and a couple of others (I think it was Melee Prowess, kinda useless at the moment) from the Grineer Troopers, after an HOUR of playing various maps (I went off after watching the first game, doesn't need me breathing down their neck.)  Three mods in about 2 hours of heavy gaming,


    I think they have a couple of Point Blanks, but doesn't want to use shotguns.


    So no, you're the one who clearly have no idea what you're talking about, hence I will stop replying to you.


    I was in closed beta by application in PoE and I played after it went Free to Play also and your assumptions as to what I have done and what I know do not substantiate your false claims any more than your contradictions first claiming facetanking is possible and then explaining that you had to use leap slam because it doesn´t work. You got more holes in your comments than swisscheese.


    Furthermore there is cover in terms of terrain and if you use the map cleverly it works just fine as cover, also skills are not lock ons which means if you keep moving "orbwalking" you can shoot ranged abilities and use skills while moving. Yet again you don´t know how to use the games mechanics or the terrain to your advantage and so you blame the game for being bad. PoE is much easier now that it was before because of whine from people who can´t do the little extra to become better and rather ask for nerfs to damage and so on. Sure PoE had it shares of bugs and so do most games P2P and F2P alike but this is normal and does not make your claims valid. Bugs are to be worked and fixed thanks to the community and their feedback, however whining because you fight a high firedamage mob with no resistances in PoE and dying all the time is not feedback much like not being able to roll, slide, move out of damage and modding properly is not feedback to the low amount of health orbs that warframe has. It´s just being lazy and not wanting to do that little bit extra to get better at the game. Claiming high end content is much harder now that Frost got nerfed is also false and much else that I consider crying on these forums.


    I get at least a few serrations every day or every other day while playing warframe and you only need one because once you have it fusion cores does the rest to level it up. So yeah you don´t have to reply cause yet another time I will punch holes in your claims as I have done thus far.


    You want everything served on a platter and if your cousine cant find a serration mod, why don´t you trade him one when you find it? Why doesn´t he ask for a trade? Unmodded seration for Void keys which he probably has. Deals can be made. You need any more proof as to how hollow your logic is?


    With all due respect, think before you speak. 

  14. All that says is that Nostalgia is king, and that gamers HATE, HATE, HATE change of any sort.  They want to kill their favourite game, pin it a wall like a butterfly in a collection, and admire it, complaining how nothing will ever match the 'perfection', blind to it's flaws.


    Massive Damage difficulty it does not make.  Path of Exile is a heavily flawed game, because people want it to be 'hardcore', but they don't understand what makes a game 'skill based'.  In Path of Exile, there is NO SKILL INVOLVED.  NONE, ZERO.  ZILCH.  Unlike Warframe, Path of Exile doesn't have any defensive mechanic.  If you're melee, the only thing you can do is face tank, walk up to the enemies and take the hits.  No dodge, no block.  You walk straight in and soak it.  And hope your gear is both strong enough to take it, and strong enough to destroy your enemies.  Ranged has a better chance, but that's because they can kill things before they can come close enough to hit.


    Diablo 2, and it's clones (of which there are several) is about loot.  Nothing more.  You get better loot to take on the bigger challenges.  All based on a rather unforgiving RNG mechanic. That's what makes it 'hard', because it's all based on luck, from the Materia, er, Skill Gems, to the weapons and armour, to the slots inside the armament.  All random chance.  No skill involved.


    Warframe has a lot more mobility, and some, admittedly anemic, defensive options at the moment, but DE wants to increase it.  So by default, Warframe is more skill based.


    Please do not bring up Path of Exile, I like the game (Hell, I backed it at the $30 level because I wanted the soundtrack, even though I'm poor), but it's a terrible, misguided comparison, especially since you're not sure what 'hardcore' truly means.


    TL:DR = stop lying.


    Clearly you know nothing about PoE, so many false claims here that it is just baffling. Please if you want someone to take you seriously while lying you might want to actually have some credible lies that walk the line between truth and falsehood. Blurting out transparent lies gets you nowhere.


    There are plenty of defensive capabilites in PoE, there is plenty of skill involved and the game doesn´t play itself for you as you make it sound. The "facetank" comment is the best part in this whole heap of lies. I will not get into why you are wrong and how resistances and builds come into play as I already see that such explanations would be lost on you.


    EDIT: It´s RNG and clearly your Cousine is killing the wrong enemies cause Serration is quite frequent. Again stop talking about things you know nothing about.

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