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Posts posted by Azifel

  1. 13 minutes ago, ArcticMantis said:

    Why not remove your sentinel weapon? This way your sentinel has no way to generate aggro.

    Good point this is a valid option for me to do, at least until I get a sentinel I don't own and have a new weapon to level up. But I could suffer with having it attack while leveling the weapon. Honestly half the time I forget they have weapons equipped. 

  2. 1 minute ago, armedpoop said:

    No...there really doesnt need to be any reason for leavers to be punished. Save that for pvp and team based competitive games. Leaver penalties have no place in a casual game. 

    100% agree.



    Also OP, you can't expect everyone to play the same way. Public is there to allow people to play randomly, and if that random person decides to leave, there is no reason to stop them

  3. 20 minutes ago, JustSneaky said:

    MR gain would be still same, standardized across players. Only the one who "no life game" will get bonus xp for it, as reward for their..sacrifice? :) Of course there is problem, if developers make this gap much bigger, than intended, (And there are greedy &#! developers in video game industry who will do it), but still it will be like getting discount for buying more stuff, than buying only one. (2+1 free as example).


    As i think of it, it's actually already in game. When you play def or excav, you will start getting 25% boosters..

    If MR gain is still the same(leveling different gear to 30) I don't see the point in implementing bonus exp for no life playing. We already have affinity boosters, and endless fissure missions give boosters up to 2x by staying longer  your edit explains this. This discussion is getting a little away from the original post, being MR gained through re-leveling 1 set of items, or other methods to obtain MR.

  4. 1. I'm all for this, as long as they fix issues with host migrations failing when someone leaves.

    2. Vote to kick would just give players the ability to kick a player for whatever reason they see fit. Essentially this tool is often abused in other games. Trading one abuse for another isn't necessarily a good thing. On to the topic of language filtering, a) text filtering is simple enough, voice chat muting shouldn't be too hard to implement.

    3. AFKing causes you to not receive rewards, & vacuum stops working till you stop being afk.

    *Your leecher doesn't sound like a leecher... It sounds like a pub game runner who was looking for a quick run to move on. If he sat at the exit, he wasn't leeching drops or affinity. It sounded more like a conflict of interests. Honestly you should've just ended the match, got him out of the squad, closed the squad like you planned on to begin with and started again. Not everyone wants to run 1200 cryotic runs, or 30min+ survivals. Does it suck? Yes. Is this preventable? Yes.

    Forcing someone to stay longer than they want is just as rude as ordering people to exit. Some people have prior engagements, or unexpected occurrences. Be courteous, explain your circumstances, from both sides. Someone joins your pub, let them know your plans as soon as possible, I find most quick runners leave when I explain my group is going an hour long into survivals. On the flip side, if something unexpected happens and you absolutely need to leave but still want the rewards from your participation, explain why you need to leave. People have done this to me and have been polite about it and I find it acceptable to leave to help my fellow player.



    being rude is toxic

    explaining your situation & being polite goes a long way

  5. 2 minutes ago, JustSneaky said:

    I edited my comment. Sorry for it, when i type in different language, it took time to properly form the thing i wanted to say.

    Time played is just as easily cheesed as weapon leveling, credit farming isn't a good way of measuring content finished as I've made 800k credits(1.6m with booster) using chroma & secura lecta for 30min in a survival, potatoes are a one and done thing for each item so this still just ties in to owning a bunch of items.


    I still stand by my statement. The majority of content is the gear itself & star chart progress is taken into account already. Star chart mastery is worth 27,246 total for 219 nodes which is a little more than 9 weapons.

  6. 15 minutes ago, JustSneaky said:

    Well yes, but this the main problem. You see personal preference in my vocabulary mean "something i want, but someone don't". That mean you find something you like and keep it (new car, house, headphone, chair etc). The problem is where game "progress" (and yes having more slots to trade, more syndicate points having aces to more content etc is progress) is tied up to "we don't care about your preference, eat whole table of food, even if you didn't like it" or better "i know you have bwm, but if you want to get driving license, you have to use all those hondas, kia etc).

    The majority of your MR bar is filled by using warframes, weapons, companions, & archwings this is true. But you do get MR for completing nodes on the star chart, you can see that in your profile in game under stats. MR isn't a number to show skill, it is to show how much of the game you've experienced, and the majority of content in warframe is exactly what fills the larger portion of your MR, your gear. Not using the weapons and passively leveling them is completely a player choice, but this system was designed as a way to show how much content you've progressed through, and then using the tests to test your knowledge of that content.


    Mastery is a method of tracking a player's relative progress and how much of the game's content they have experienced.  -http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank

  7. 18 minutes ago, JustSneaky said:

    It's game problem, to having 90% of items (weapons) useless, to the point, where you don't even want to use it, when you can get the "meta" weapon right of the bat. Well MR 2 to be fair. Right now i finally leveling up nikana, but when i max level dragon nikana, sure i would scrap it for prime nikana..If mr 2 already have boltor P, why bother with other weapons. This is more like gating problem.

    Honestly the hardest tileset in the star chart can be beaten with MK-1 weapons. The only reason to not try out new things is personal preference, MR gating is there to prevent new players from entering content that might overwhelm them. You don't just throw new players into everything, there is a reason progression exists in all mmos.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

    ....I don't think the MR system is the problem here. It might be a bit clunky at times, but this seems like just a case of being overly stubborn to the point of making a problem out of a non-issue.

    This right here.


    It's not the game that is gating you off content, it's your own personal preference to not use other items.

  9. I hardly ever run the attack mods on my sentinels so I'd prefer it to not be innate. When they attack they generate aggro, when they generate aggro they die faster. I use my sentinels as personal supporters. Losing vaccuum, medi-ray, guardian, sentinel specific utility, etc. etc. isn't worth the low damage they provide by fighting. 


    Albeit I approve the targeting sequence mod idea, I wouldn't personally use it but people who like their sentinels to attack might.

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