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Posts posted by Esperiae

  1. Their are only small quibbles about the materials that DON'T cost real money, but requiring 150-200+ Forma for a working guild Dojo? Yeah, that's not ok.



    I'm sure the dojo construction isn't meant to be a short term goal, even for a large clan, so whatever in this world made you think that.

  2. Wait what? 21 years old is a kid? This is new.

    " You shouldn't be playing games " Don't make me laugh, as if some random dheb#g should tell me what to do and not to do. Don't worry, when you live life longer you'll learn that life does not work that way.


    it is a kid when you come here to complain how "oh the rng is so bad! everything should be easier to obtain because i don't have that kind of time to put in the effort to get it" because you fail to see the fact that the option to buy them is available so you can obtain from what you could not get through patience and commitment, i mean it is a f2p game after all, they have to make money to run the server and pay the staff, they also have responsibilities to take care of, and certainly are they going to be able to run a game when everyone wants everything now and for free with little effort. But hey! don't worry maybe when you live life longer you'll learn that things in life are not always going to be handed to you on a silver platter, it just does not work that way.



  3. Not everyone lives by their parents wallets. Ever heard that half the community does not want to join big corporations as faceless zombie army? Well news for you, we don't.

    I'm guessing you lack a job. that sucks.

  4. If you are a spammer that has the need to mow through a bunch of enemies quickly, then yes. but then again, probably the only time you will run into something like that is in a defense mission, in which energy is highly abundant. then there is also the fact that quite a few people stack Energy siphon artifacts.


    So no, probably not. but choose wisely!  

  5. I Also am running across tileset glitches for the galleon, particularity the defense mission Eurasia. the Grineer tend to get stuck in the the corner down the steeps from the objective to the left down the flight of stairs and next to the door on the right if going up the stairs left if coming from the stairs. the other spot is farther beyond the room in the next door that leads to the main area where you take a right there up a short step of stairs where there is a corner on the right if going up the steps left if going down. 


     Finally the Grinner have a tendency to fall or get stuck in/under the stairs of the first steps of stairs in front of defense objecting which is right in front of the big door.






    I don't know for sure but I think the storage box is off, The "clear" is mislabeled as oleada, those are also the stairs that the grineer have a tendency to fall under.





    these are the two corners the grineer have a tendency to get stuck into, but after several playthroughs of this mission, I have come to believe the grineer are not properly routing to the objective. Some are getting stuck in corners, or walls, others will not leave their spawn points or just get lost.

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