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Posts posted by (PSN)SkrillexJkU

  1. 4 hours ago, Lumamaster said:

    It's not that it's only melee, as Exalted Blade, when you melee with it, it also releases an energy wave that penetrates all enemies in its path and deals high damage. The damage now falls off significantly over distance, but still does do damage.


    In short, at high level gameplay, Exalted Blade basically only does meaningful damage at melee range, but it's still good early on for taking on large groups of enemies.

    Alright thanks alot finally someone answered that question guess it's gonna be great at low levels while me and my friend play

  2. 6 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

    Though many comments here already recommended you which of the 3 starter frames you can freely choose from, I'll see if I can try to answer the second half.

    As far as 'mages' via spellcaster Warframes to that description you could work towards are quite a few.

    Like some mentioned, there a few great ones that are also pretty versatile, for example Nova or Ember.

    I'll list them with brief descriptions:


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    If you're looking for an ice-themed, defense oriented but still has great damaging and controlling potential would be him.
    There's quite a bit of flexibility with them with modding and enough little secrets and hidden passives about him to keep you occupied for a while ;P


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    A fire-theme Warframes with continuous burst damage and with a bit less of crowd control over the former, but still more than enough to be wrecking with.
    Most of her abilities are much more AoE (Area of Effect) based with an emphasis on keeping burn proc's on enemies as much as possible. Her armor rating is slightly higher than most Spellcasters in her category so it'll be much more forgiving if you're a bit more out in the open of battle.


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    Although designed to be more combat oriented (the opposite of a glass cannon lol), has many abilities to make her one of the highest damage dealing Warframes in game. She has the highest armor rating in her class (of spellcaster-esque Warframes that have an emphasis on ability and energy management over gunplay).
    She's more-or-less functioned around de-buffing mass crowds as much, and as fast as possible. Her primary source of damage will be coming from (mostly) two types of elemental damage, Toxin and Viral. If you decide to play this for a longer period of time, you'll come to understand how elemental and such work out.

    This is a pretty advanced build, with a lot of jargon you wont understand fully, but if you want a good idea of the damage potential, I implore you to watch this short video:


    Few off-ideas that are a more of a blend of other class-archetypes to recommend:
    [Editor's note: these are more "advanced" Warframes that you'll need to play the game for sometime before obtaining them. But nonetheless something to always look forward to and to set goals to get!]


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    She is, along with Sayrn, another direct-combat oriented Warframe that is designed around extreme mobility and height advantages......or in laymen terms, she's a bird-looking Warframe with air-combat as her niche haha. Due to her having one of the lowest armor rating in-game, she instead has the highest combined health+shields out of all the Warframes currently. She also has one other defensive ability to keep her safe, which I will explain below.

    Although you will be using her abilities quite a bit and as much as any other caster-esque Warframes, but [mostly] not for damage. With my previous explanation of her, controlling the air around you, you'll be using her abilities often for mobility purposes and minor crowd control potential.
    She has one ability that funnels the air around her as an defense shield to deflect all means of projectiles. Also to note her "ultimate" ability which is to summon 4 tornadoes to deal a significant amount of damage, but more so for pulling crowds of enemies in for some crowd control. If you play long enough and understand how elementals work, you shoot your gun or melee weapon at one of these tornadoes to add an additional elemental for damage. For example, unmodified and they do a total of 9600 total damage, shoot one with Viral, and that will boost it to 19200 total damage.

    Anyways, enough gushing about Zephyr lol. She's my most used Warframe :P So if you ever get her and need some build recommendations, feel free to shoot me a message!


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    A tactician Warframe for a sole purpose of crowd control and locking down enemies as much as possible. All his abilities are 'grenade' based, as that you have to throw them like you would otherwise, but have many purposes of crowd controlling potential, and de-buffing. This can range from magnetized springs, trip lasers, concussion grenades, a very large virtual-like gate that suspends enemies in the air if they walk inside of it, and you can quite literally create a ball of vortex which pretty much sucks all nearby enemies into one [like] singularity to where you and your teammates can start firing at since they're all mushed up together.
    Because you'll be running in the midst of battles, he has a unique passive where he gains more armor rating for every ally nearby, which is incredibly helpful. Especially since it's just enough to where it can be the deciding factor of you dieing and loosing all your health from a Bombard's missile, to having just enough health left to either kill him or retreat to heal.
    A very advanced playstyle that many would definitely recommend trying once you unlock him!


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    Quite literally Pirates of the Caribbean inspired Warframe, who uses water for pure crowd control. From summoning a barrage of water-cannon missiles from the sky, to turning into a puddle to sink any enemies nearby to the depths with you or to a tidal wave and knock enemies over, to even summoning The Kraken's own tentacles to grab and swing all enemies around to keep the fire away from you and your party.
    They are all for crowd control purposes, as aforementioned, so note they do not do as much damage as say for other spellcaster-esque Warframes in his category. But his crowd control abilities are definitely more than enough and always welcomed in parties!


    So that's a few recommendations I can give for now, but definitely more than enough for you to look into and work towards to eventually try out to see if it's for you! I hope that's enough information for you, and remember these are only a few from a slew of different styles and themes of Warframes, so if you end up really liking the game and start collecting them, I'm sure you'll find the perfect Warframe (or Warframes) for you!


    Thanks alot for this it really helped me I went on the wiki and read about all those warframes and they all seemed interesting  especially frost also thanks for the video on the saryn the damage is so good I wish I could understand most of the stuff in the video but guess I have to play the game to understand them gonna hop on tonight i picked Volt and my friend picked Excal so let's see warframe 

     Cheers to u

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kryshok said:

    Well of the starter three I would go with either Volt or Mag since they do rely on their abilites more. That being said keep in mind once you begin farming for new frames Mag of the three is easiest to farm since her parts drop on Mars, Volt is a clan frame and Excalibur is on Pluto or Ceres. 

    The other frames mentiones like Oberon and Vaubahn are closer to a caster even the dreded Limbo but the closst to a mage frame would be Nekros. 

    But honestly for a first frame I would go with Excalibur...he has four usable abilities and balanced overall.

    Aleight i'm picking excalibur when i open on my ps4 but do you knownif Excalibur's Exalted Blade was nerfed to become melee only cause what I read on the internet seems like so?

  4. 10 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

    If all you use is Exalted Blade, Excalibur counts, right? :tongue:

    Volt would get my vote if you are new and want to cast a lot. 

    I kept searching on the internet but people kept saying it got nerfed and from their words it seemed like that skill became melee? If it ain't melee I might aswell really pick it up i liked the skillset because of the blind and rocket aoe i think? 

    Edit:Volt's skills seem to be like a CC mage with utilitities like shield and speed buff I'll ask around if my friends will join it's my pick

  5. I'm a new player just finished downloading warframe when i had first opened it it guided me to choose between Mag,Volt and Excalibur warframe so I am asking if one of them is like a mage warframe in other games where it has close to 0 survivability but has the ability to CC and deal atleast a decent damage? Also if there is any other warframe that is like what I explained because I always play the mage class in most of my online games

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