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Posts posted by Cinderain

  1. Can I get a re-invite? I don't actually have any members on my friend list, which I can see how that would have been useful now.

    Really? The entire first half of my comment, about support taking so long to fix my account and explaining why I need a re-invite was removed? What is this, censoring? Oh my goodness.

  2. It would obviously be a great deal of work, so this is mostly just wishful thinking and less of a suggestion, but has the team ever considered making Bladestorm operate similar to Hysteria and Exalted Blade?

    Even after the change to Bladestorm, my problem with it is still the same. I mean, I get what you were going for, letting people choose whichever enemies they wanted to Bladestorm. It sounds great on paper, compared to how it was before. Unfortunately, I'm still sitting here watching a cutscene, with nothing to do until it's over.

    I think Bladestorm would be infinitely more fun if it were an active ability, a state where Ash's Arm Blades can be used as a melee weapon with their own animations. During this state, when using Teleport and choosing to perform a Finisher on an enemy, instead of the typical Finisher animation it could play a random Bladestorm animation. They do look cool, and that time and work shouldn't go to waste.

    This would still let people warp around and assassinate enemies, but with more control and freedom

    and shuriken would be way cooler if we could cycle through different types/elements

  3. I was part of this Clan back when it was first created, but the game massively burned me out. It's been a long time since I've been here, or played for any regular amount of time.

    All of the changes seem interesting, and the content I can't access on my own makes my heart sad. Any chance of an invite? Hopefully this doesn't take forever to get posted.

  4. The only thing dat annoy me is im in the earth for example gonna do survivor mission and they cut the oxygen supply for the ENTIRE @(*()$ planet just how?


    The best part is when it's mindless zombies cutting off oxygen support outdoors, on Earth, in a forest.


    they unplugged the trees, duh

  5. It's already got a lot


    Yes, like I said on the previous page, I know. That's what I was referring to, that and so many people's willingness to pay to bypass it all.


    I suppose I worded my post inefficiently.


    "By adding an option to rush it's growth. I'm surprised the option isn't there already, but I won't be surprised when DE adds that option. Seeing all of the people so willing to pay to bypass it, from a business standpoint, DE would be stupid not to take advantage.


    Because all of this kind of design and practice is exactly what all games need more of. Who doesn't love a good time gate?"


    Maybe that's better, but I'm still just ranting to myself.


    No, I meant along the lines of saying


    "Hey, you can't rush this btw"


    Yeah, and that's sensible and unlikely.

  6. DE should address this somehow in the next hotfix.


    By adding an option to rush it's growth. I'm surprised the option isn't there already, but I won't be surprised when DE adds that option. Seeing all of the people so willing to pay to bypass it, from a business standpoint, DE would be stupid not to take advantage.


    Because all of this kind of design and practice is exactly what all games need more of. Who doesn't love a good time gate?




    Edited for possible clarity, I'm surprised I'm still awake enough to care.

  7. staying up to 5:45 in the morning,


    They shouldn't give themselves deadlines when they end up having to stay up to 5.45 in the morning.


    Don't set a date, don't hold yourselves to an expectation, don't rush to meet a deadline.


    its also called [bETA]


    Beta has lost it's meaning in this age. It's become an excuse, a wall to hide behind, a carpet that you can just sweep things under. Pff, and it's become a marketing tactic, too. Looking at you, Destiny.


    When the game isn't in Beta, things will still be the same. The game will receive updates, the updates will have bugs. What will people pin it on then?

  8. There are 7 billion people on the planet. How are people seriously surprised when other people have different experiences? Motion sickness is a real issue, and can easily be caused by video games for many people, but there are ways to design to mitigate that.


    It shouldn't be outright removed entirely, but it is harming players and should be tweaked to alleviate that.

  9. Sad that this got it right decades earlier


    I don't see how that's sad.


    Older games didn't rely as much on graphics as games do nowadays. Because of hardware limitations, they focused on gameplay and functionality.



  10. How do you people stand ambient background noise 


    Unless it's actually good, ambiance can be repetitive too, especially if you're more perceptive and notice the patterns and looping more easily.


    I don't have a Kubrow, by the way, I'm just offering perspective.

  11. How do you people get annoyed this easily you must have a hard time living if every noise annoys you 


    Repetition is boring.


    Repetitive noise is annoying.

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