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Posts posted by Caorun

  1. How could i have missed this topic for so long god dimmwit !

    Tzirael bro.....your sounding like a butthurt guy in the ears of the general public, while in fact your the only brave guy out of the old school players who are literaly crying in silence because of this S#&$, i love you son, i came to share the burden.

    I say it in advance !!! for all of you who will not acknowledge this problem as a legit excuse that i will be able to use against Player A next time i meet him!! i declare war!

    this is not a shared issue with all fps games, In lunaro depending of your fps your (virtual)physical actions are different. as one of the exemples i can tell you is that with 72fps and lower i can jump on the ball to make a 'triple' jump while over 72 i cant.

    i am speaking about all of this mess as an overall 'fps' problem while in fact it involves not only fps but also other factors that are a total mystery to me, even to tell you specificaly witch actions does it affect i wouldn't know what to tell you. It even happens that 2 players with same fps get different attributes from this fps advantage, wierd. So yeah it looks like there is slight differences from player to player....

    We still manage to get our fun, this problem is even maybe a part of it, and make it less boring lol but well just came to share a bit.



  2. In our clan it happens many times that some amazing players go 1v1 and we all jump on the pillars to spectate the whole thing and its amazing haha.

    Spectator mode ??? i'm all for it, dunno how difficult to make it would be, but it would simply be amazing.

  3. I will state here the lunaro interface behavior before you start a game and give my opinion between {}

    you click on lunaro to start a game:


         - people are playing on the server:

             - you join the game right away after vaguely seeing the name of the players before you join the game

             { maybe putting the name of the players and a start button would be better since some players quit right away after seeing some players they don't want to play with }

         - nobody is playing on the server:

             1 - there is a counter to 10 before you go alone in the waiting room

             2 - you directly go in the waiting room(i get those 2 options depending on the region i'm playing in, wierd)

             { just option 1 but without the counter and a start button to go in the waiting room if you want to play alone would be much better }

    my goal here is to loose less time and be less frustrated by the public match interface.


  4. since all the lunabros are here i taught about giving you a shout.

    Nice post you got here.

    I personaly want to talk only about one thing.....the computer performance problem that for me is a much bigger issue, fps being the biggest factor.

    I was a normal player and became a very good player(in lunaro standards :p not in our clan lol) just by upgrading my fps.

    it allowed me for exemple to completely stop being checked against decent players in 1v1's. all my mechanics are faster, i am literaly doing everything faster. And some other players are even faster than me, they can literally, check, get the ball and shoot at the same time haha.


    so the problem here is that all our gameplay mechanics are different since we all have different fps and computing power, the solution would maybe to cap it. Worst is all off those enhencing settings are in the 'display' option...... how in the world can the display affect the gameplay so much, i'm not even sure DE intended it.

    for me all the problems stated above fall very short in front of that 1, they literaly make the game different for everyone, witch vary from very slow to godlike fast, witch for me stops you from being competitive.

    I didn't even talk about all the new players who don't even know about fps and get disgusted by lunaro cuz they think they suck too much when they don't even know that they have to enhence their settings.

  5. Never taugt i'd come on the forum for this but it has to be done

    After more than 1000 matches i want to state my opinion on some problems(could've done it earlier :p)

    On the latest updates:

    -Random check immunity not needed, or at least make it controlable.

    -passing not working under some conditions (when passer have wall to the back or just got staggered, when receiver double jump or other moves etc....)



    -"beginers" or "casual players" stopped playing because it is almoast guaranteed that a veteran player while join and steal all the fun. The problem here is that when clicking on the lunaro window you commit to start a match without any information or balance system beforehand. Would be nice to have a lobby window, or giving the choice to join an "easier" match when possible, dunno..... kind of tricky i understand.


    -the framerate that is in the 'display' option affects the gameplay to a huuuuge extent, alot of actions cannot be done without high fps and even some actions cannot be done without low fps...... it's adding balancing problems to the already well know 'hosting' problem. Don't know anything bout fps only that i'm a beast when over 100 so i can't help you on this one.


    Lunaro concept is awesome, very awesome. Even with alllll those problems surrouding it ppl still play it.

    Do what you can DE :), we'll still be there even if you don't.




  6. To all my Bros and Brosess who risk there life eveyday on the battlefield !! Something changed my life and while im thinking about becoming a good lad i taught i would share it with you .

    We needed to release the pressure of having so much blood on our hands so my leader made the first fresh and steam rolling Lunaro clan for entertainement purpose !!!

    Tired of getting rekt by autopassing godlike players??? tired of munching your keybord to release steam ??? or maybe you'r a veteran and would like a community to run after the ball together or even more simple you are new to it and would like some tips.

    Come get some virtual fame and golry with us. You will become drunk of all the salty tears you will ingest. And i promise to all that we will give you hugs when you get rekt.

    We have a 30 ppl capacity, fully upgraded, alloy wheels and chrome finition.

    More seriously we will probably get to do raids together and organise lunaro tournaments in a short futur, the fun is infinite.

    You will get alot of help since all of my leader's underlings are lunaro beasts and have a high rank.

    Lags cause you to lose ? no problem our tips are lag friendly. "Embrace the lag" is our motto.


    P.kai, Alkorin, SwiftSerpent950, Tzirael, Buzz_B, Testedant, Numel007

    those names ring a bell?? you probably already threw your PC through the window and cannot read this post. And those beasts are in the clan but don't worry i am taming them little by little .


    Lunaro more than a game a lifestyle, come whith us and discover a whole new side to warframe pvp.


    Be quick 5 days ago we were 2 today we are 17.


    Clan name: Deus Genus

    Leader Name: P.kai (he's the guy bringing the water during our matches)



  7. The way i dealt with unnfair or bad matchups....first from the beggining i was a beginer so i got my &#! kicked each time ofc, but i made friends in the process who where similar level to me or a bit higher, even super strong ppl for advices. And now i end up inviting them every now and then, it kinda balance it or at least make it so that there is no quitters. Yeah when S#&$ go bad i call my friends xD

  8. Bros!! Against a team of 3 strong players, the defense is so tight that those op periodical auto-passing patterns bs that you usually see strong players doing against beginners to show how dominant of a mâle they are while almoast never work.

    The strong solo guys usually start by blaming the lag, then its about their teamates sabotaging them or the mosquito stealing their focus but in the end, they all redeem themselves and become passing champions.

    This is how lunaro looks like when all players are veterans. If you don't team play you lose, even if your godlike strong.

    see 5:20, 7:48, 8:55, for clear exemples of how pass while dominate this game in long term.
    Sorry no end of footage >< and for the music drums get meh crazyy.


    P.S.: P.kai stop hidding from me for so long, doing a tutorial is no excuse i want revenge.


  9. sometimes when you catch the ball in the air after a Roll('shift' by default), you must reach the ground to shoot. Another thing is the fact that when it lags, 80% of the time a short shoot becomes a long shoot automatically.

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