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Posts posted by (PSN)oddessy20

  1. I don't play trials so the only other comment I have is on Wukong. 

    I get that there are upper levels of Warframe in which people can judge a set of abilities differently than I. I play survivals and Defense missions for the most part. My experience throughout the game is rather low, I've only been playing a year. But the moment I saw Wukong on the market, I bought him. First frame, pretty much ignoring Excalibur. He's now my most used frame by 10% or more, and he's been forma'd the most. I enjoy the hell out of him. 

    Iron staff: My kubrow does the finisher moves, or I come in for the kill with, oh, Sydon. Murder everywhere. 
    Defy: nuff said. Essentially I deign not to die. 
    Cloudwalker: those status effects DID suck. 
    Primal fury: everything dies. All of it. 

    The comments made on Wukong almost allude to  an elitist attitude. As if because he doesn't aoe everything dead, or heal everyone everywhere, or buff the group...he's no good. I couldn't disagree more. There are a near infinite amount of MMO's out there that have the class that doesn't do anything but damage and survive. Wukong is that Frame. He doesn't have a crowd pleasing, all encompassing kit that addresses all aspects of gameplay that is Warframe, sure. But his theme is accurately based on the legend of the Monkey King and while I won't say there isn't room for improvement of his abilities, acting as if the abilities he has now are useless is dismissive at best. Just last night I rocked an hour for funsies pretty much perma-casting Primal Fury. I was giggling the whole time. DE doesn't need to cater to the "make me have fun" crowd. 

  2. I'm surprised that the Rathuum updates were additions and not changes to how you can access Uranus and Saryn warframe pieces. Is it really that popular to add another level and keep it blocked off from other assassination missions?

    Other than that, I'm super excited!

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