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Posts posted by uscoastguard

  1. Selling Unrolled Rivens for: Dehtat, Kesheg, Akvasto, Staticor, Prova, Ogris, Heat Dagger, Ether Daggers, Pox, Magnus, Twin Kohmak, and Despair 50p each. Please PM on here.

  2. I used to have the same problem. Very annoying. Try disabling DirectX 10 and 11. Fixed the issue for me.


    If that doesn't work, make sure your Windows is Updated. And as a last resort, send a ticket to support.

  3. I've played the new update a bunch since the release, but I've been getting really frustrated over host migrations leading to the loss of all my mission drops (Cores and such). I think maybe there should be an auto-save feature (much like after completing a bounty) after destroying an Eidolon's limb or capturing it. I get a random host migration and get sent back to my landing craft. Even if I rejoin the squad I still lose all of my rewards. I've met a few other people with the same issues,  I'm not sure whats causing this host migration issue but it really only happens when fighting an Eidolon.

  4. I've got a Dual Opticor Riven that I've had for a while and I thought I'd get rid of it since I don't use it anymore. 



    +156.8% Critical Chance

    +108.8% Cold

    +148.4% Critical Damage

    +88.2% Recoil (Doesn't matter)


    Please leave offers here or private message me. I can upload a picture if needed, just can't atm.

  5. 6 minutes ago, --Q--Traxtorm said:

    VERY IMPORTANT: you need 100% status chance BEFORE adding multishot. This means for base 25% status kohm you need +300% status chance. With 4xdual stat and shotgun savvy you get only 270%. The UI might show you 100% because it rounds up and you have so much multishot. In fact you have 99.6% status chance, wich means around 44% status chance per bullet. Your riven is still very good, but built for raw dmg, not status.

    Ah, thank you for informing me about this. UI is a bit misleading. Damage + Multishot is still very viable at higher levels.

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