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Posts posted by RayxAyanami

  1. On 3/2/2018 at 4:53 PM, dead.rabit said:

    There are some things you have to do in-game that're just boring.. Mechanics where you're trying to stretch out gameplay by making it difficult to farm certain resources so the player-base is using the most effective way possible to work around that and those workarounds are not as intended. The player-base are farming this way, even though it's a chore because the "official" farming technique aren't nearly lucrative enough to merit our time. I'm concerned that this is putting new player off warfarm.

    • Cetus wisps
      The most effective way to farm these is to enter plains solo and run around the big lake and reset. Rinse and repeat for an hour and you can build your amp
    • Cephelon Simaris standing
      Solo stealth scanning every enemy in a mission is more effective then hunting targets.
    • Focus
      Like Simaris, stealth bonuses to affinity are too large.
    • Argon Crystals & Void Vault
      Using my ninja-death-robot to open every container and check every room is not compelling gameplay.
    • Ember & (to a lesser degree) Banshee
      I immediately abandon any mission where Ember also joins that mission... There's nothing for me to do in that mission except walk to the exit. Make world of fire do % health damage so it's primarily a cc tool instead of a murdering tool.

    What I would suggest.. Is introducing new, fun ways to farm these resources effectively rather then making these techniques ineffective. The fact that people are trying to work around the systems using the tools you're presenting them with I think is a sign of player engagement and nerfing these would upset people. However I firmly believe introducing new or tweaking existing fun farming methods sufficiently to make these workarounds obsolete is the way to go.

    All the best,



    Wisps can be obtained quite easily through bounties
    Argon Crystals are easy to farm, I still can't comprehend how people complain about them.

    Standing and Focus do need to be looked at again. 

    Ember is fine, She's been through so much nerfing, and people still complain, Leave the poor fire chicken alone and get good for once. People can do the same with a lot of other frames (Even better). Where's the "Nerf Volt becaus his discharge gets all the kills" or "Nerf Equinox" Thread.

    And as a forum tradition,





  2. 6 minutes ago, Tereman86 said:

    Hi all,

    I was on level max 30 whit my excalibur and then i polarized an empty slot (first on top - was empty - in upgrade section) then my excalibur is now unranked an i can't put more than one mod - now  i have only 0/4 capacity and before polarization i have 30/60 (because i used a orokin reactor to double up mods capacity) - now i'm like a new user..wtf :(   - You still are apparently c: 

    my moods are still there but now i can't use them...i must play again tu reach max level 30 or 60? and after that how i can double my mod? 

    what happened?

    thank you

    That's what forma does. Weapons/ Frames get reset to rank 0 every time you polarize a slot. iirc It does give you a warning.  To double your mod capacity, use an Orokin Reactor or Catalyst.

    Problems sometimes solve themselves if you read things ingame. 

    Also - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Forma

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hasteo said:

    Hey All!

    Been playing Warframe for just about 3 weeks now and this game is truly something!

    There so much to do in this game that I'm having a hard time focusing on what I should do next. Which leads me into my question.. I've done some relic farming and relic missions to get some prime parts and blueprints. I've already sold some parts so I could pickup Primed Point Blank and I've kept some parts to potentially craft and I've got a duplicate Ember Prime Chassis that I can sell for Plat.

    What should I focus on doing with my Prime Parts that I have been farming? Sell for Plat? Ducats? or just craft them?


    To give some background of where I'm at in Warframe currently;

    In the 3 weeks I bought 2 Pinnacle Packs from Steam which had a 50% off sale and I got 1800 plat + credits, boosters and other small goodies.

    I bought Ember Prime (0), Loki Prime (0) & Frost Prime (0) blueprints farmed their mats and crafted them.

    I have Excal (MAX), Rhino (MAX), Mag (MAX), Nyx (0), Frost (2) & Oberon (0).

    I bought some fashion frame items, color pallets & slots and currently left with 601 plat.

    Just unlocked Saturn.


    I feel like all 3 options are viable for me right now but should I be focusing on one over the others?

    Any advise is appreciated, thanks fellow Tenno's! 

    If you don't own then, craft them. If you do, sell them. 

  4. What sort of label do you want for prime parts? 

    There is a separate section in our Inventory for prime parts, and you can choose the quantity of the item you want to sell.

    If you want a warframe or a weapon, but have no slots for it, you can still build it and keep it in the foundry, it won't disappear.  Once you get more slots you can claim them. The foundry acts as a reserve. 


  5. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Matty-Axel said:

    I get that, i do, and im ready for it. At least then ill have a clear goal in mind and be able to work towards endo in other ways as well as hoping for that lump sum. BUT i would like the experience of earning my first riven probably sometime before my 50th run

    Your luck must be really bad.....

  6. There will be no need to use Sentinels if Universal vacuum is implemented. You can try and give niche reasons like "Helios scans", "Carrier converts Ammo" or "Taxon gives shields", but In reality, Kavats and kubrows are far superior as companions.

    Let's just leave it as it is.

  7. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)TehChubbyDugan said:

    my problem with Ophelia, and why sharkwing got mentioned, is that Ophelia is the ONLY place you can farm for it because of sharkwing being everywhere.  I am so tired of farming the same mission over and over and over for literally nothing to show.


    Farm prime parts, sell them, get platinum, ????, profit.

  8. Join Polymer farm groups, Do survival runs on uranus, Farm prime parts and sell them for plat and then buy the mod. It's not that hard. 
    You in no way have to go through submersible missions on that planet for the mod.  Welcome to Warframe, meet your host, RNGesus.

    SaltFrame Intensifies.

  9. 13 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FlameBoss57192 said:

    I need help leveling up my mastery rank bc I keep playing and playing but my mastery rank progress isn’t going up at all

    You need to build new Weapons frames, sentinels etc in order to increase Mastery Rank. Frames give 6000 mastery and Weapons give 3000 mastery once you rank them up to 30. You can get the mastery points only once per equipment (Forma doesn't count).


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