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(XBOX)Road Reiderz

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Road Reiderz

  1. Dude that is FREAKING COOL LOOKING and hey who knows if you fully draw that out they may use that for a Prime of Atlas. I mean they do use fan made drawings for weapon skins and even some warframe skins so who know if they like this and if you do a full drawing of what he looks like from all sides maybe they will ask if they can use that for their base of him but hey what do i know of that but if they do you made one heck of a prime drawing for Atlas be proud of that!

  2. I am having a problem in the same way but with mine I can't upgrade the mods I do have it's like i have them but don't have them. Cause of this I can't upgrade my mods like some of my Prime mods and Augment mods.

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