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Posts posted by erinarbleizez

  1. how dedicated servers is the modern way? P2P is more modern than dedicated server (and all P2P Open Source project like ZeroNet, Peertube, Mastodon can't be more agree with me…). In fact full P2P game make it last longer even after the company decide to stop supporting it while with dedicated servers if the company decide to shutdown the servers, even if you decide to play a game, you won't be able to 😕 So yes thanks to better connection internet coming or already here (fiber channels and 4G+/5G) we should fully embrace P2P so in the futur our children can retro games that require full connection. I would also add that if DE decided to go full P2P with blockchain for authentification, they would be able to reduce their cost while making possible high number of concurrent login (and we saw for the tennocon, that right now, it's not the case ><)

  2. that would mean ballas has the power to see in the futur and knew for the Zariman incident and that tenno will need warframes before the incident happened or was responsible for it… Would be interesting to know that the incident was not an incident and ballas sabotage the ship knowing the result of long exposure of the void but doesn't explain how he could possibly knew the survivors would take the name tenno 😕… Without this explaination there is an egg/chicken problem between umbra memories, ballas vytruvian and ordis scan… 😕

  3. il y a 2 minutes, Elenortirie a dit :

    the way I understand given lore I'd say umbra's were proof of concept, primes were first stable prototypes, and then non-primes would be "mass produced serial" model. with excalibur being the first one the line.

    but if he was a proof of concept how to explain that it was build for the "unholly tenno" (ballas words) and at the same time in the vytruvian we learn warframe were created before the tennos and Orokins were not able to control them before margulis discovered that tenno can?

  4. as a PC player that also intend to migrate since my switch is my main gaming planning in the last 12 months, just a little message to wish you a restfull warframe's holidays before the big drop 🙂 Personally I still hope DE will be able to find the good window when console and PC are almost sync like right now to give the possibility to migrate account, so I will continue to play on PC until the release ^^

  5. il y a 15 minutes, PoisonHD a dit :

    Well, if you played The Sacrifice we know what the first frame really was.

      Masquer le contenu

    Ordis says that Umbra's parts are older then anything we have ever seen before, meaning he is the oldest Warframe/the first warframe.


    that's not possible because ballas say that umbra will be created for the unholly tenno but we learn in the same quest that warframe predate the zariman incident… 😕

  6. il y a une heure, rune_me a dit :

    Of course it is a playable version. Not everyone runs Warframe on max setting. There are people playing Warframe on laptops that have much weaker hardware than the Switch. 

    In fact, I was used to play on max settings and tried after the switch announced on minimal settings and it's definitly not that bad… Different, but DE made a very good job and I can't imagine Panic Button screw the port… and seeing all graphic option I don't think the switch version will be equivalent of the low settings, Something more around medium one...

  7. il y a 30 minutes, ljmadruga a dit :

    Basically it’s a large robot armed to the teeth with heavy missiles. It is manned with a pilot. It has a piece of glass protecting the pilot’s head from the front. The rest of the pilot’s body is completely protected except from behind. There is a miniature reactor inside its chest that is protected by heavily armored plating.

    The mech itself would have base stats comparable to that of a grineer Nox. The pilot is the same as a normal Corpus crewman.

    To disable the mech, one can kill the pilot from behind, break the glass from the front and kill the pilot, or destroy the reactor.

    The mech can then be piloted if the reactor is still intact.

    Something to add to the idea: instead of a single point of failure, why not make it so we have to destroy it piece by piece to reveal the weak point ^^. 


    edit: typo

  8. Il y a 4 heures, den2k a dit :

    ...but it does not have to munch the sam textrues and meshes due to different screen size.

    Also, power is *not* something you can easily compare because different architectures and different optimizations skew all results. On paper PowerPC was incredibly more powerful than Intel IA-32, in reality not quite so.

    yup or on gaming base: Sony Cell architecture was terrible for devs on PS3 but is still used in super computer because of how powerfull the architecture is

  9. I have read on reddit that it's appearance can be (take that as a theory, a good one, but just a theory) based on moon level on your profile (more night => more appearance). Would be interesting if it's confirmed ^^

  10. Il y a 4 heures, (PS4)RhinoCharging00 a dit :

    As I have argued over the last few days, will the Switch version of Warframe be a sub par, barely recognisable, cash in that really should be forgotten?

    What next, Warframe on mobile?

    How can the Switch, already the weakest hardware on the market, offer;

    A) A genuine alternative to current platforms 

    B) A product worry of £/$/€ 50 expenditure 

    Many console players, though I am not quite one of them, already feel the ps4 and XboxOne (not so much Pro and X versions) are struggling to run the game, especially when 4 players are fighting a screen full of enemies.

    It seems the draw, the selling point, the hook, is the ability to play on the go; of being able to play Warframe on a bus, train...even on the toilet. 

    For how long though?

    As a (relatively) hardware intensive game what can players expect as far as play time on a fully charged Switch tablet?

    3 hours?


    And what exactly are you going to be playing?

    At what resolution, how many enemies on screen, how much detail, how much customisation?

    So I ask, unless you are already a Switch owner, and have no other platform to play games on, what exactly are you expecting to get?

    If you already have a p.c or console why would you, forgive the pun, switch to an inferior platform, at considerable cost?

    Just for a few hours of play time on the train?

    Now, if it can be made to run, and surprises us all, would anyone consider the jump without account migration?

    I ask all this not out of contempt, nor is it some sneering garbage about consoles and the so called p.c master race, and it isn't about putting down Nintendo.

    I am genuinely curious what it is people expect from the conversion.

    (The elephant in the room is also account migration, so perhaps someone can clarify the situation?)



    As a PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch owner, I have definitly made the switch my main console because:

    a) I have 2h of bus transport Everyday (1h to go to work 1 to return home) so enough battery and a lot of mobile data so tethering is not a problem and my gaming time increased a lot (make the count: 2h per day in bus + 2h of lunchtime *  5 workday = 20h hour of gaming thanks to the switch)

    b) a dock to play at lunch time because I will not install games on my work PC

    c) a third dock in my bedroom so I can move more easily the console from the living room to the bedroom

    The mobility and the ability to play on a big screen surpass the graphism

  11. Il y a 6 heures, PorkedPork a dit :

    So now that it is confirmed that players who play Warframe on Switch will be isolated from the other consoles without any hope of crossplay or account syncing, do you think the announcement that Warframe is coming on the Switch is now significantly less impressive?

    Where was it confirmed? I saw Nothing on official twitter account... Even if I have almost all frames and a lot of maxed mods, I am still planning to make the switch version even if I have to start over (this is a grind game, with or without all my stuff, I will still do the same things, over and over)

  12. same problem here with my own mail server mail... I have checked if there is a port or DNS problem but everything is fine and I can receive mail without problem but no trace of a warframe mail in the mail server logs... 😕

  13. Hi everyone,

    since a devstreams (I don't remember which one) with the "idea" Rebecca and Steve about pokemonGo where you would actually have to go to real planets and seeing this mobile game invading devstreams since it's launched it worked in my mind (not travelling through planets but pokemonGo version Warframe... ^^) and had a pretty clear and most stupid idea ever: SimarisGo. Instead of capturing pokemon you would have to prevent the invasion of earth from corpus, grineer and infected by scanning them for Simaris around the globe like we do Inside the game (weak points, etc...), filling our codex and as a synergy betweem SimarisGo and Warframe, gaining influence for the Simaris Syndicate Inside Warframe... Warframe also has in it's gameplay something near the 3 clans of pokemonGo: Invasion missions: choose a side in the war and gain crédits, loots and influence ^^

    I already said it's a terrible idea but I had to write it once and for all to stop thinking about it ><

  14. 2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    It sounds like you're an console gamer dude.

    If you had a PC at home like a PC gamer would there's no reason to use the Xbox for Warframe.

    But no, unless the 72" TV was 1440p @120hz and somehow had no input lag I'd go with the monitor.

    I am a console gamer, never said the contrary and this subject is all about xbox player... Iquite not understand why PC gamers bother about xbox player anywhere about something that is fully a console feature... the PC Gamer I mentioned at work? I bought it, not my boss gift, so yes I have a really big and powerfull PC, and I will not buy a second... I prefer the confort of the couch to the same kind of chair I sit during the whole week for work...

  15. 47 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Why would a PC gamer ever want to play on Xbox?

    I'm not even being master race about this.

    I see no situation where I wouldn't just use the PC version.

    if you have like me a 72" TV at home and a gamer PC at work, you surely will want to play warframe on you couch at home on a console (Xbox One for instance because that's the subject) and continue at work during lunch time your gaming session... Right now I have 2 saves on 2 plateformes (Steam and Xbox, sadly my PS4 passed away 2 weeks from now :'( ), 2 clans, 2 group of friends... That start to be unmanageable...  having Xbox Play Anywhere would make it possible to merge those 2 groups and would make it possible to stop crafting twice the same frame/weapons...

  16. and to finish with the other argument: "too much work to adapt game to be profitable..."



    How easy is it for developers to incorporate Play Anywhere/cross-play?

    Ralph Fulton, creative director, Playground Games: It’s actually very easy. UWP is a great help with this.  Because we’re using a single service – Xbox Live – and a single API, the code is almost identical between Xbox and Windows 10 versions. This makes it much cleaner and easier to write the code in the first place, and it’s then easier to maintain.



    Voilà :)

  17. and once again, I can't talk for everyone but right now it's lunaro update on X1 and that's the version on Windows store servers and would be happy to have this old version on Windows store... Why every PC player here want the windows store version to be the same as the steam version ? so I will say it out loud (not really that loud because screaming on forum is annoying :) )

    if having the xbox slow paced update on Windows store version is the price to be able to play at lunch time on my PC with my clan on xbox, that's a price that I am willing to pay for having Xbox Play Anywhere.

    Sorry for the eyes but now you can't ignore what we expect as Xbox Play Anywhere and why it would not interfere with steam version... Windows Store players would be xbox player with xbox live account and because cross play between xbox players and steam players is not likely to happen steam players would never play with Windows store players but Windows store players ARE on xbox live so they would be able to play with xbox players

    So the argument about certification and slower update is pointless and I'm sure that other people wanting XboxPlayAnywhere are also willing to pay the price to play the lunaro version as a Windows store app...

  18. 2 hours ago, taiiat said:

    probably. most of what they(and many others) say is a lie.
    lots of promises, most of them thrown away immediately after the marketing event they say it in.

    for the same reason they already do it - because they make hilarious profits by doing so.
    why are there Console Exclusive games, and why are Consoles made to be a trap? because it tricks the Sheep and they just keep dumping money.

    for Warframe specifically, people already play Warframe on their Platform. so they already get money. Microsoft wants more money, not less. just as Sony does. and again, the best way to do that, is to be slimy and force people to stay on their proprietary platforms.

    ok, so you say that Microsoft luy, so what about Quantum Break? Already out, first xbox play anywhere: buy the xbox one version get the PC for free, cross save fully working, etc... And a good solo game, having fun to play both at work and at home on PC and Xbox One. I have something else to precise, I'm on no side: I have a gaming PC with a pretty cheap but yet good gaming GPU: radeon R9 290 tri-X, a Xbox One, a PS4, a Wii U, a 3DS and a PS Vita and I play Warframe on PS4, PC and Xbox One, so yes no side at all and no problem with console exclusive. So thanks to you answer, is Quantum Break a massive hallucination? (ok don't answer this one, it's pur sarcasm: Play Anywhere already work...)


    Edit: forgot to mention Warframe is only available on Windows, so you alreay run Microsoft proprietary OS to run Warframe and if Microsoft decide to force you to play on their exclusive plateforme (Windows Store), they can by killing win32 format and bye-bye steam and .exe... Wait: project centenial... ok, this one was also really easy and prove that I should really stop responding on this subject because I start to loose contrl and it's not professional...

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