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Posts posted by (PSN)brasaremean

  1. 7 hours ago, xSpoinDoubleG said:

    Why on ps4 they give you 100 free plat 50k credits and more, and on pc it s giving you S#&$

    On PC you guys have disgusting plat discounts, on PS4 we barely ever do, and even when we do, it's never as low as on PC.

    Also for the 100 free plat you need to be a PS+ member on the account you play Warframe on. So basically you're paying $49.99 for the free 100 plat.

  2. IDK only thing I'm bothered by is that I actually bought two of the kavat starter things to make mine. Now I didn't do it for the 44 argon crystals (nor did I know the cat does that to such extremes) but I imagine some people did buy it for that reason exactly. And changing this now when they've given their money for it feels unfair. Just sayin'.

    Edit: that being said, I'm fine with the nerf cause Smeeta is more useful than just that buff.

  3. Loki for speed, using whatever weapon you want with Hushed Invisibility. Downside, you have to recast invis but your energy syphon/zenurik works while invis which is good. Can't go through lasers.

    Ivara tho -- perma invis with Rakta Cernos, Rakta Ballistica (or other syndicate weapons with Hush), can go through lasers with Infiltrate which for a nooby spy like me is a godsent, can pickpocket energy/other loot in Prowl. If enemies get alerted, just put them to sleep. You can cloak allies as well if you cast cloak arrows on them. If someone is down an needs to be revived it's great. Downside is being slow. Can't bullet jump, can't slide, can't sprint. I just spam roll. You can't use any non-silent weapons without breaking your prowl without a silencer mod. If you need energy just cast cloak arrow, and chill in it with a pizza or whatever, but this rarely happens to me, Ivara has so much energy and you can build her for very good efficiency so you never run out of energy.

    Anyways, Ivara is my choice for a stealth frame. I only go Loki in rescue cause you need to get fast to extraction once you rescue the person.

    Ash I generally don't like the way he plays so I cant comment on that.

  4. What I did was install a greater lens -- one on Banshee the other on Ember. Use Resonating Quake Banshee in defense, mobile defense and , use Ember in survival and extermination. Either for interception. Basically.

    Easily get around 3k per one orb.

  5. When Lotus warns you about scouts, hide. When I was farming Vengeful Rev sometimes they were gone before we could even find them which sucked (for farming purposes).

    But one of the junction tasks is to kill like 10 sentients. I find Plato to always have an open squad to join. But still you should just learn to kill them solo. I can tell you how I do it, but I'm sure there are more experienced players who have more effective ways of dealing with them. Either way:

    1. Get Tonkor and Sonicor. Make sure they deal different dmg.

    2. Go in with Trin.

    3. Run at them, shoot at them, make them scan you.

    4. When the fighters show up, link, then blessing before you do anything else. Make sure to have good duration on.

    5. Energy vampire one of them. When you EV the one you're targeting will not be able to fight back. Link should protect you fairly well from others while you kill it. It's simple. Tonkor it in the face, Sonicor it in the face, Tonkor, Sonicor, Tonkor again till it dies.

    6. Repeat with the other sentients.

    7. Never get Vengeful Revenant. But at least you killed them. Yay.

  6. Honestly, it really comes down to your personal preference. I feel like any weapon could be viable in high lvl missions if you forma it enough. And all of them are fun to use.

    As for me, my favourite is Tonkor by far. Once you go Tonkor every other primary feels weak. There's just no competing with taking out a whole bunch of enemies with a single shot. Honorable mentions go to Synoid Simulor (gotta love that constant flow of energy, if not for the annoying sound I'd consider just running it all the time), Sancti Tigris with punchthrough, crit build Soma Prime, red crit Dread and sometimes Ignis (if you're forma happy like myself). Oh and Rakta Cernos on Prowl Ivara. So good. Attica is also one of my favs but unfortunately I use it only to mess around, and definitely wouldn't take one in a high lvl mission when there's other much better choices.

    Secondary I almost exclusively run my Atomos. That thing is insane. Also Vaykor Marelok, Rakta Ballistica, Sonicor, Akmagnus, Lex Prime, Akstiletto Prime.

    And I'm personally a fan of Orthos/Orthos Prime, but I think in terms of dmg War and Galatine are much better. Dat reach thoooo. Redeemer on stealth frames. Too good. Jat Kittag (with the Kela mod), Fragor Prime are fun as hell to use. Just hammer everyone. Lacera felt pretty good to me. Any dagger with Cover Lethality on stealth frames.

    I guess that's my two cents. I honestly really think you should just try everything out and see what you like the best.

  7. The main issue with hacking on console is sometimes the controller stick will slip, ruining the whole thing, costing you precious seconds to fix it. Sometimes I don't even notice it happens and I'm like WAT DID I DO WROOOONG and then I fail the hacking.

    But ye, start outside with the 3way ones, and work your way from there. Middle last.

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