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Posts posted by (PSN)etone2001

  1. Pandero is Octavia's signature weapon and she is a relatively recent frame so I would recommend to sell if you are in need of platinum right now or hold on to it if you want to sell for a higher price in some months

  2. 21 hours ago, NAVYclam said:

    Hello, im a starter and took a break for along time. Now that league is going sideways, i would like to play warframe.

    But i don't know if i should continue playing oberon(prime). I always liked the "support" role but not too support based.

    Which is why i like him. And im curious, has he gotten any buffs in the last 3~4month? Is he in a terrible spot?

    What would be the ideal build for him?      


    Just wanted to say that in Warframe we dont really "main" warframes...we use those who are helpfull in a mission so dont invest a ton on one warframe...just enough to feel good with him (aesthetics) and focus on builds and getting frames like oberon that are really helpfull in high lvl missions.


  3. 17 hours ago, (PS4)black_viper21 said:

    You can use it regardless on xp/level. I used plenty of ranked weapons to craft another. I regretted later on because I had forma installed, but was worth in the end.  What you're referring to goes off of trading syndicate/special weapons.


    *Did you hit square for the bolto to be used for crafting? One of the bolto's will automatically be selected either way to make it easier. Note: the background of the selected weapon will be highlighted in case to clarify the confusion of choosing. 

    my bad


  4. On 2018-05-26 at 5:42 PM, (PS4)mewtwoXY4303 said:

    Hi I created 2 boltos and can' created Akbolto it says I'm missing one bolto but I have 2 I need help

    If you used one of the boltos then you cant use it for crafting both boltos have to be 100% untouched not even with 1xp on them

  5. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Tenno_Nic said:

    Hola, alguien me puede explicar de forma clara el daño de canalización, cómo funciona y sus valores actuales? Gracias por la información...

    Este video es bastante detallado y creo que te puede ayudar si no responde todas tus preguntas contáctame por privado y te proveeré con mas información

  6. 31 minutes ago, Klaleara said:

    I know there are plenty of Gara builds, but none of them include the melee build.  As Gara's first ability works off of very specific melee mods, I'm curious if anyone has an idea?  I don't know all the melee mods that would work with it sadly.

    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Gara#Abilities read the description of the first ability in this wikia post and there you should be able to extract most of the information you are requesting, if not then feel free to tell me and we can search for a concrete question around the internet or even test it.



  7. 7 minutes ago, Zhaalk said:

    Fisrt of all, I appology for my unskilled english expression, english not beeing my mother tongue.

    So, I was wondering if it is an intended situation to have to give an Orokin Catalyst plus 100 000 credits (equivalent to a rank 4 ascension I think) to the Cephalon Suda syndicat in order to go from the abyss to rank -1.
    If it is the case, what is it gonna to cost to go all trought from the botom to the top. Will it cost me that much each time ? :awe:

    Here is the context : When I unlocked the ability to interact with the syndicats, i started to up the Meridian of steel. I also made made a sacrifice to Suda to unlock their sigil (but never used it) before deciding to up the Red Veil. Obviously, the Suda ranks dropped since they are ennemy and now I am asked a "huge" sacrifice only to go from -2 rank to -1 rank. So I am afraid that it will cost me that much each time if decide to max Suda know.

    Could you help me to clarify to me how the cost works with negative syndicats. :smile:


    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Cephalon_Suda... go down to sacrifices and there you can see what you'll need.

    Hope it was helpful,


  8. On 19/04/2018 at 4:38 AM, (PS4)FuriousButtons said:

    Amprex Croni-Critaata


    +76.2% Critical Chance
    +31.1% Fire Rate (x2 for Bows)
    +75.4% Damage

    MR 15, rolled 19x

    Ranked 5/8

    Vazarin polarity

    What is a good asking price for this riven? I have gotten mixed responses for my asking price so I thought I would come here and get some opinions. Thx. 

    300-400...prices really depend on the buyer...for better answers I recommend posting it on trading post (https://forums.warframe.com/forum/182-trading-post/)

  9. 20 hours ago, (PS4)xxDrDoom said:


    I normally play Trinity for Tridolon captures, which means it is my job to gather Eidolon lures.  Not a problem, except the camps and lures haven't been spawning.  I have a route, which normally worked fine until the last update.

    So my ask is, for those of you who play Trin, where are you going for lures during Teralyst fight?  What order do the camps/lures spawn (from the left to the right, back to front)? 

    My normal route used to be, Teralyst Spawns center or left, I go to the right to get 3, then to the big lake for 4 and up the hill to get 5 and 6.  I've tried other routes, but usually can only find 1-2 lures 95% of the time. This is regardless of where Teralyst spawns.

    We usually enter the plains 10-15 minutes before nightfall to charge Madurai and stay near the door.

    Looking for a new and better way.  I've heard something about ping pong lure gathering, but haven't been able to find any video or forum posts to show it.  From what I understand the lures will respawn, and so you can ping pong between 2 camps close to one another to quickly gather lures.  However, I can't seem to find where or which camps/lure this is referring to.

    Appreciate any help.

    xxDrDoom, MR25, PS4

    Hi man...just wanted to answer because you stated that "it's your job to gather lures" you may want to find a team where at least the harrow and volt helps you find them that's beneficial you are experienced so I guess you are not getting near the camps before they spawn so sadly I don't have an answer just caught my eye the "Your Job" part :P

  10. 15 hours ago, Stankrer said:

    Still I hate to see that there is a boss fight where you MUST have certain weapons in order to be effective (and have fun), given the amount of weapons this game has. 

    I dont like it when majority of weapons isnt being used. It was for this reason that I left Warframe. However I came back after riven mods appeared to save unpopular weapons.

    But thats just how I feel like. Thanks for the replies guys.

    To be honest I like the fact that snipers are almost the only weapon that can be used in this battles...why?

    Well snipers aren't really used in other areas so as you said the game has a great variety of weapons so the fact that snipers are getting so much love now doesn't only benefit them as a weapon type but also the market with the possible mods and rivens you can get for them.


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