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Posts posted by bumwald

  1. DE is thinking about realism.  It's realistic that the enemies would drop ammo that you cannot use.  I see no problem with that.  I like the ammo conversion mod, it helps a lot.  I don't really think all the ammo types dropping is great, but it's far from horrible.  Also, disabling the offdrops doesn't mean you'll get more ammo that you need, but this does give you more ammo that you need.  I don't see any problem with the current drop rates.  I occasionally run out of ammo then I use my sword, pistol, and abilities till I got plenty more.  Maybe you should learn how to aim and you'll run out less.


    You obviously have no programming experience.  Putting that mod in is actually just as difficult, and more costly, as making it only drop ammo for your gun. The added cost comes from having an artist make the graphic for the mod, not much but everything counts.  Perhaps you should learn a thing or two, before you make yourself out to be an idiot.

  2. So clearly we have been ninja-patched, which btw DE.....BAD! You're better than ninja-patching. Anyway....


    There is a condition set that makes you rapidly lose energy AND have 0 shields at the same time. That is 100% defeat unless you bring a fully modded Rhino, or Frost. DE what you've done is take away both our offense and defense all at once, leaving us with just guns, which can't do much on their own. Here are some suggestions to make this better:


    1. Decrease the speed at which energy drains by at least 25%

    2. Instead of no shields, just apply the half shields condition of the ice maps.

    LMFAO seriously?  powers are much much much weaker than guns and always will be.  I've tested this.  Used my ember and got over 200 kills.  Did 6% damage despite killing over  3/4 the enemies.  Powers are not stronger than skills, I didn't fire a single bullet, just used my powers.  Powers will not kill high level ancients reliably.  Maybe you can kill one with 2 or 3 skills chained, but you'll run out of energy pretty quick doing that.

  3. man I can't imagine getting to 100.  wave 17 on xini is the hardest wave I've gotten to.  gotten to 25 on easier defense missions.  Was still easy but we were farming so took the reward at 25


    But yea, defense missions are the best challenge in game.  totally fun!

  4. yes, I agree when the nightmare mode was brand new I enjoyed it.  I don't really like a lot of the modifiers but the no map is just stupid.  If you wanna turn off the enemy radar, that's fine, but theirs just no fun or challenge in not knowing where to go!

  5. the game mode itself isn't very hard at all.  The only thing that makes it any challenge is the $&*&*#(%& limitations.  I have a 240% shield mod but a very weak HP mod so the no shield completely destroys my build.  This might be an issue if the enemies weren't much much easier.  they take longer to target and I quite frequently have them dead before they do.  


    the no map thing is the possibly the worst thing I have seen in any game.  How is it a challenge to run around for 30+ minutes like an idiot.  It's not fun.  if I wanted to get a piece of paper and hand map the dungeon then I'd do that, but I'm playing a game with a map system because it's what I want.  Their is absolutely no fun factor to not having a map and I'm pissed that I had to deal with that bullS#&$ to only give up after 30 minutes of wasting my time for NOTHING.


    I have seen nothing nightmarish about nightmare mode, except how incredibly bad the design is!

  6. yes stacking duplicates would be pretty sweet.  They would not be duplicates if one was leveled though.  so a max level 3 fireball card would not stack with a level 1 fireball or level 2 fireball card.


    but if you really have that many mods dude...you should probably just level another set so you can switch between weapons and chars without having to switch your mods.  I hope to get to that point someday.

  7. sorry, but autorun would be horrible for this game and does not fit any shooter.  That's why there is not a single shooter that has autorun and there never will be a successful one that does.  This game is just too fast paced for it to work.  Autorun would lower your twitch responses that are critical to playing well.  Especially if you take your hand off the keyboard.  you'd be surprised how quick you die when you just keep running into the enemies for even 1/4 of a second.


    honestly though dude, it's not very healthy to play a game for 6 hours straight.  I've done it myself, I imagine most gamers have at some point.  Holding down the forward button doesn't bother me though, it's holding the sprint key and using ctrl to slide for increased movement speed that gets me.  I have to playin ember the thing is so slow compared to others!  With loki I was always out front but god... loki's abilities just aren't my play style.


    A suggestion to alleviate your problem though might be to buy a different keyboard.  You can get some keyboards with short throw keys.  They are a little harder to use and take a while to get comfortable with, but it's much less force required to push the keys and that would help as well.  I personally do not use them, but there is a distinct advantage from using them if you get used to it.  During the last olympics me and my coworkers would compete on the google olympic games that got posted to the google homepage.  one guy had the short throw keys on his keyboard and none of us could compete with him until we figured it out and tried his keyboard.  I smashed his time my first try and everyone smashed their personal bests first try.  It doesn't seem like much, but they do give you an advantage.  Which is why I don't beleive in wireless mice...kinda suckin now tho since all the feature rich gamer mice are wireless >.<  ok I'm done rambling, really, I promise, I'm done....right..... NOW

  8. if you abort you get that added to your stats.  I'm not a quitter.  I'm not on a laptop, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard.  how would being on a laptop make you click accept that's halfway across the screen?  The fact is I clicked the alert in the corner.  it comes up with an option to accept, but the game completely ignored that option and sent me to the mission.


    Y'all are missing the point, I never accepted the alert, I never made a choice to join it, and I never clicked a button to join it.  This is a bug that needs to be corrected.

  9. I just joined an alert mission I had absolutely not desire to do.  I clicked the alert from the UI in top left corner to see the reward.  didn't want the reward but the game sent me into the alert anyway.  I never clicked accept or reject, it just queued me as soon as I clicked to view the alert reward!  I'm kinda pissed that the game would force me to waste my time like that.  I have hard levels that are actually fun that I can do.  instead I'm stuck in some low level alert with a crummy reward.

  10. I think the solution to that would be if sniper rifles were their own type. and instead of snipers having a whole different set of mods, some of the mods could work on both types. shotgun is a separate type for the point of balancing so this could work.

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