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Posts posted by Citrus_Orange


    His passive is hardly noticeable. I think the range just needs a buff, or just replace the passive with something else.

    His first ability definitely needs to raise the cap amount of enemies affected by Enthrall (Calling a 4 man "thrall horde" is rather underwhelming) but still make them vulnerable to friendly fire. This would mean that by having more enemies that are killed by his 4th ability while being affected by thrall would create a decent AOE damage zone. I also find the pillars of energy to not last very long, so giving it more duration would help.

    His second ability's cast time is just too long and for what it gives, it hardly provides much survivability, especially against enemies such as Heavy Gunners and Corpus Techs. I think the charges should be based on power strength plus the amount of times enemies hit you for a brief duration of time or have a brief invincibility period for every charge used.

    His third ability goes well with his fourth ability, so much so that I think it should just be another feature to go with his fourth ability. Similar to how you can left click to deal more damage, you could press right mouse button to dash and steal HP or shields. This would free up a space, which could be a debuff/cc ability.

    His fourth is okay, but one of the issue is the infested, as the ancient healers kept buffing the weaker enemies with toxin resist. By buffing his first ability, it would cause enemies to go against each other, which means that the ancient healers will not be able to provide the buff. It would make his 4th ability decent across all factions. 

  2. So lately, I have this bug where sometimes, when I press my right mouse button to aim, the camera sometimes zooms in and out. I'm currently using a Corsair M65 that doesn't have this issue on other shooting games.

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