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Posts posted by Cpt_Capitalism

  1. Thanks for the update, but I have a question. Next round of Tennogen when? I’d love nothing more than to abuse a 100+% status chance Reactive Storm Baruuk in that snazzy Bedouin skin.


    Also, with the new shield-gating and slash/toxin functions, I can’t wait for the inevitable Enemy Augmented Shields Sortie 3

  2. 8 hours ago, GREF_TM said:

    Dunno, i think the only reason this mod sells at all right now is "OHMYGODITSPRIMEDCHAMBER", and as soon as people will cool off and realize that it's not something special anymore, good luck selling it for more than it's worth now.


    That's unless a single round sniper gets released at some point.

    Depleted Reload Vectis build is a single shot with a reload speed fast enough to keep consistent other larger mag sniper rifles. I know because that's what I use while hunting Eidolon's and had it ready just in case Primed Chamber ever came back.

  3. I haven't actually hunted a Kuva Lich yet, so I'm not too sure about all the mechanics and I don't know about what their max level is, but what if every time you die to them the weapon you got was able to pick up an additional mastery rank up to a cap of 40? Sure it means you'd have to intentionally burn some Parazon mod capacity, but the actual challenge of the Lich would be higher and you'd have incentive to let them get to higher levels before killing them.

  4. 6 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    DE doesn't need an idea on how to make the DSS work, it just straight up did not work before they had to get it into the game. It's not a priority.

    Never said it was a priority... Just thought it would be neat and decided to give my opinion on how to make it potentially more fun/viable.

  5. 17 hours ago, --RV--Dopekoke said:

    The worse is when you only have a melee out and try to use iron skin or warding halo but block the incoming dmg thus getting a less boost to the shield.

    A quick solution to that is to assign the codex scanner to a number key, swap to it real quick, pop Iron or Halo, and then swap back.

  6. Channeling is going to become Warframe's version of Devil Trigger from DMC. Although that would be neat!


    And YES! I've always wished different stance mods had actual different stances applied to the weapon, aside from Blind Justice for Nikanas.

  7. To preface this, I decided to try weapons that I don't use often and decided to use the Dark Split-Sword. I actually enjoyed my time.... with the dual sword stance. The biggest problem I had was that all the dual sword stances don't match any heavy blade stances and it would not have been possible to keep my build and use a heavy blade stance without forma-ing the stance polarity. So I figured that I'd share thoughts on how the weapon could be improved.


    Firstly, I feel that with the introduction of Aura forma's there is the possibility of adding Stance forma's that do the same thing (enable all polarities)... but for melee weapons. That'd solve the the stance issue real quick.

    Another solution that comes to mind has to do with mods and weapons as well and is a little more in-depth. Now that we have reached a state in the game where Warframe's have Exilus mod slots and weapons have alternate fire modes, why not give the DSS a dual/two stance slot(s)? One for dual sword stances and the other for heavy blade stances and then give it an alt-fire mechanic where upon hitting your assigned alt-fire key/button you do a neat little animation where you slap it together or take it apart? That way you could use the dual sword stance with its increased attack speed to strip armor on higher level targets and then swap to heavy blade stances on the fly and really tear into it. I do recognize that this creates more work, as no skins would be able to be used on the weapon unless it's like the Day of the Dead DS and DD skin. Holsters would in theory be relatively fine... considering they don't work anyway. But if they did, instead of just main hand and off hand, it would specify dual sword main hand/off hand and heavy blade main hand. Also as a final touch, I'd just recommend swapping the SC and Crit properties of the different stances. i.e. making dual sword stances have higher SC and heavy blade stances have higher CC and CD.


    P.s. Since there's another warfan in the works, could we get another split-sword? I was thinking a Corpus themed one. Where the default attack style is that if a Sword and Shield, something akin to like a Prova or Plasma Sword merged with a giant energy shield that then converts to a Hammer?

  8. So DE, quick little suggestion/question. Is it too late to add a split effect to the Nami Skyla Prime? Or! Better yet, could we get a Nami Solo Prime in Baro relics like we got the Aklex Prime? I don't know, I'm just not a fan of having just Nami Skyla Prime.

  9. You uhhh.... You really like Riptides don't you? lol

    Not that I meant that in a bashing way or anything, in fact, I kind of like your ideas. IMO my only real problem with The Captain is that he has very severe damage falloff when compared to other frames, that and the Tempest Barrage needs a targeting fix (I cast it once and all of its shots were fired upon my sentinel).

    I do agree that the passive should probably be changed, because I've only seen it proc, maybe once. Maybe add in some additional loot drops because he is a pirate? ;)

    I really like the idea of incorporating a Pseudo-Zarr effect on the barrage. It could be like grape shot and cannon volley.

    Personally, I don't really have an alternative for Tidal Surge, I just feel as if it's just a faux Rhino Charge and would rather just see something else entirely.

    I really want to like Undertow because it's an amazingly good CC, but it does probably the least damage with its only real saving grace being that it costs virtually 0 energy. If they buffed its damage as well as applied say a chromatic effect to it at the cost of slightly more energy, that would be rather interesting. (I use sickly sea-foam green energy color).

    Tentacle Swarm I feel is his strongest ability and pairs rather well with the Tempest Barrage, however, it lacks team synergy (most of the time) and I feel that people with accurate weaponry complain about that quite a bit. If it say, spent half of its duration holding things in place, allowing for people to get shots on targets, and then flailed them around, applying Impact procs to sunder enemy armor, that would be a nice change and would synergize a little better.

    I do like that the 1 and the 4 can be called on positions, I think that should stay the same. But those are my thoughts.

  10. 3 hours ago, Navarchus said:

    I still think, as has been suggested I think at least 8 times now that Nami Skyla Prime should turn into different weapons depending on stance.
    If DE is concerned about 3 weapons sharing the same riven then make a system for different phases of "split" weapons to have different Riven mods. 

    • Dagger for Skyla Prime maybe for crit
    • Machete for Nami Prime maybe for status
    • Dual Swords for Nami Skyla Prime maybe for channeling or finisher

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I just got around to using Hydroid as well as the Nami Solo and Nami Skyla, and I thought to myself that since Pirate Captain Prime is next, he should have a weapon befitting a pirate. So at first I thought just Nami Solo Prime, but then I thought, "Hey, he's a pirate, he should play dirty. How about Nami Prime? And it works similarly to the Dark Split-Sword where the stance changes how it handles." However I was only thinking of Nami Solo and Nami Skyla because they both have a Zenurik stance, I never really thought of Skyla Prime. I do feel that another "Split" weapon would be nice, but the different splits would both have to be good, unlike the DSS which only really has the Dual Swords being good.

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