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Posts posted by Toutong

  1. I went in that alert randomly by clicking on a 9 - 14 mission and had a lot of fun doing it, also the reward is quite good, 70k credit for 5 minutes is quite insane for a low level ^^

    I was in a group of really high levels and they were having fun too even through they were not able to kill ennemies ^^

  2. 17 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    how long ago was the first one, I only did mine within the last 2 months as that's all the time I've been playing the game.  Pretty sure I had moas and shield lancers in mine too and like I said it wasn't exactly hard as you learn to fight these in the early stages of the game.

    It was before the Warframe 2.0 change i guess or right after don't really know ^^

  3. 1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

    I think I had less than 30 hours play and it wasn't exactly hard, if you took notice while playing normal levels, I didn't even practice it as I didn't know about the practice room (well entire second floor actually) at the time .... Nothing special other than the mods I could gain at that level

    I actually did that test 2 times, one with my older character i had a easy peasy fight because there was no difficulty, no shield thingie ^^

    Now the second char (my actual main) i was thinking i would get that easy test but when two shieldied man takes you and do some table tenis with your Warframe it feels bad and you die pretty fast, there is a HUGE gap of skill level between MR2 and MR3 maybe the biggest one that's why a lot will have troubles with that one ^^

    I hope you understand :P

  4. Just so people know it is supposed to be a new player test, sure if you have more than a thousand hours on Warframe you'll pass it with basic weapon and without any difficulty but we are talking about people having maximum 30 hours of play ^^

    When i saw thoose shield guy i got rekt on my first attempt, with the second attempt i was able to understand how to deal with them but you can't expect most player to deal with them at that time ^^

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