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Posts posted by Professionlol

  1. yeah they definitely need to fix ashe's q....


    LoL jokes aside, this is really killing him for me. its a great move when it works, but i am gonna have to bench him if they dont fix this soon.

  2. The psychology behind this behavior is simple.

    They are at the extraction point before you and you are much slower than them.

    That is all that matters.

    They are there first and the rest are behind.


    To these imbeciles being at the extraction point and dashing around fast (macro abuse if necessary) to be ahead is how the game should be played regardless of the mission scenario.


    I have lost count to the amount of times I have come across someone behind me, mashing the slide melee macro button to touch the wall at the extraction point only a second before I get there, as if to beat me in some race.


    Do they get anything for what they do?



    Are they feeling good about themselves doing what they are doing?


    agreed. its not about the destination, its about the journey. Hell isnt that the thing that made mmos popular in the first place?

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