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(XBOX)Nex the Slayer

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Nex the Slayer

  1. I also have an issue with the new melee controls, albeit for different reasons.

    I like to use Gunblades, and always have one equipped on my Mesa. Since Mesa is my main, I end up using it quite a bit. Gunblades are historically horrible on consoles with default controls, because they're difficult to aim. For Xbox, it's hard to use the Right Stick to aim and also use B Button to fire. There was an easy fix for this, tho; just switch your melee button to RT (R2 for PS4), and you could use your Gunblade like a gun, as long as you had your melee weapon equipped.

    So, your quick melee would remain as B Button, and you'd use RT when equipping your melee weapon. This felt really good, even with non-gunblade melee builds. I press RT, something dies, whether it's by gun or by melee.

    With the new "smooth melee" system that came out, this is no longer possible... at least, not in any sort of convenient or easily playable way.

    By binding melee to RT, you can no longer use RT to fire a primary/secondary weapon, and therefore cannot switch back to your primary or secondary weapon. So you end up with some Frankenstein controls where you either melee or fire with RB, which of course means moving your ability button, which means moving something else, and so on.

    Basically, fun and easy controls for Gunblades on consoles has been completely removed. Not to mention, our controls on consoles don't have presets or loadouts, so even if I made a control scheme specifically for Gunblades, I wouldn't be able to switch back to a normal playstyle without resetting to defaults. Which means, you must then reassign everything again when you want to play with Gunblades.

    I have a layout scheme I want to try (use Right Stick/R3 for abilities, and RB for melee), but currently can't because I can't change where Melee Channel is bound, which is sad.

    UPDATE: There is an option in the Controls menu, just above the "Archwing" options, that allows you to continue to melee with the fire button for guns. This renders most of my complaint above moot, except that I can't use LT to block/zoom in with my Gunblade. That's more of an annoyance than a problem, though. Also, gliding with melee weapons has been completely removed, so there's that.

  2. I apologize if this post offends you, but I very rarely see Hydroid players, and of the people I've seen and asked, ZERO of them use Hydroid's puddle for anything other than healing and quick knockdowns. I know it's the strongest ability in the game. I'm saying the restrictions on using it make it near useless, imo. Maybe the PC crowd is different, and the puddle actually gets use. But for the current state of the game, and how inconvenient it is to use, yes, I'm calling Hydroid's puddle trash.

  3. After all-out avoiding playing Hydroid for a while, I recently started making builds and loadouts for every Warframe I own (which is all of them... endgame, amirite?). I got to Hydroid right around the time Aquaman came out, so I decided I'd give him shot. I gotta say, Hydroid isn't bad. His 1st ability is great CC that knocks down enemies and synergizes very well with a melee weapon. His 2nd is a good panic ability, and can ragdoll high priority enemies in front of you and leave them at your melee's mercy. His 4th is a "that's a lot of enemies" type move, that you save for when a team mate is downed and surrounded, or the defense point is getting a little too swamped.

    But his 3rd... maaaaaaaaan... It's interesting to me how useless this ability is, despite it having "synergy" with every other ability on the list.


    - It's range got reduced in the rework. Ouch. For an ability that ramps up/does more damage with more enemies inside, a cut to range really hurts it's potential damage output.

    - In order for it to have a large number of enemies inside it for maximum damage ramp, you need to lure those enemies towards you first, and have them be within your puddle range. And you need to do it without just standing there so you don't die. Somehow.

    - Once the puddle is on the floor, there's no way to draw enemies towards you besides grabbing an enemy with a tentacle, which is kinda dumb because the range on it seems to be calculated from the center of the puddle, so it's so low that you could just shamble over in your puddle and they'd fall in anyway. And the tentacle uses energy.

    - You can't pickup energy orbs. Period. Undertow as a playstyle is kind of based around babysitting your puddle. Low MR players won't have access to the Mods, Arcanes, or Syndicate benefits needed to sustain a puddle for an extended period without running dry on energy.

    - The edges of the ability aren't clearly defined, and are hard to see. It's a little easier when using Curative Undertow, depending on your energy color. On that note, it is not very obvious to team mates that you are using Curative Undertow, whenever you are. This  augment should be more visible, like how the Kavat's Tek zone is very animated and visible.

    - Enemy damage buildup is calculated individually, and resets for that enemy whenever they accidentally fall out. For example, you can be doing 2000 damage per tick to a level 150 Bombard, but the next level 150 Bombard that falls in your puddle will start out at the lowest damage number, usually 50-60.

    - Enemies will stay in undertow when you use Tidal Surge, which is good... but this doesn't apply if you go up or down a slope. Undertow doesn't work in a cylinder, it works as a flat circle, or a reeeeally thin cylinder. Whenever you go up/down a slope, if part of your circle is above or below the ground due to the slope, the enemy falls out. This also means your puddle range is effectively reduced on a slope, going from a circle shape to a thin rectangle shape, with rounded ends.

    - There are people who say Undertow is good for knocking down enemies, opening them to ground finishers. I say that strategy defeats the purpose of having the ability do damage at all, and the enemies don't stay down long enough to make it more effective than just using your 1st to knock enemies down, or your 2nd to ragdoll them down.

    - Above all, puddle play just isn't FUN. No one wants to babysit a puddle instead of jumping around, shooting, and stabbing things in the face. It gets boring. And even for people that just like to sit and let the game play while they eat or something, the puddle isn't big enough to fully protect a Defense objective, even with max range.

    - Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm get awesome benefits with Undertow, and can kill enemies very quickly (especially with TB's Corrosive Barrage Augment). But these don't make Undertow a better ability, they just highlight how good those other two abilities are.


    Teddy Roosevelt once said "Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining". So, here are some ideas for making Undertow an excellent ability. (Please use responsibly and separately, hahaha... these ideas aren't meant to be used together)


    1) Provide a way to taunt enemies into your puddle.

    There's no use sitting in one spot with a high damage puddle, waiting for enemies, if they never come. Playing with other people gives your enemies more targets, and since Hydroid is invisible during Undertow, enemies will largely ignore you. A taunt would actively draw enemies into the kill zone.

    My idea is to use the Kraken to taunt enemies. Have him pop his head out, enraging nearby enemies to run up to him for a fight. This can be either radial, or work in a cone, with affected distances based on range. Yes, this wouldn't make sense with Kraken, I get it. Kraken would make more sense as instilling fear, and most enemies have guns, why would they charge in? I know. The important thing is the taunt mechanic. Instead of a "taunt" that attracts attention, maybe it could be a "rally point", that all enemies run towards for some reason? Maybe Kraken has a hypnotic gaze, or something. Anyways, this would replace the tentacle grab with right-trigger.

    2) Make Undertow a placeable ability instead of a channeled ability.

    This would make it easier to place a Curative Undertow on an ally, and make it easier to draw enemies into the puddle on our own. This could be done with Zenurik's Void Mode, Operator Arcane, a Zaw's Arcane, Guardian Derision, or the Tek Zone set. In addition, Hydroids would be able to shoot into their own puddle, which team mates can't be counted on to do, especially since Undertow is so difficult to see. Low duration builds could also utilize Undertow to do 1-2 second water dunks, opening enemies up to ground finishers and melee attacks.

    3) Slow down the damage ramp-up, but make the damage universal, not individual.

    This would reward efficient puddle-sitting, with higher ramp-ups for large numbers of enemies and high power strength. This can have a damage limit (not recommended), or the puddle can shrink in size as the damage increases, until the puddle reaches a minimum range (minimum is not affected by mods, I'm thinking small enough to only fit 2 or 3 enemies), at which point it basically instakills, depending on armor and level. This would put Hydroid next to Gara in terms of scaling damage, and make him MUCH more viable for late-game content, instead of sitting in a puddle for 5 minutes waiting for a Bombard to die.

    EDIT: My friend just told me this would be too broken, especially for an ability that already scales. I disagree. As long as the range is really low, an infinite damage puddle can still only kill an enemy or two at a time. In addition, you now have to worry about proper aiming with your Tidal Surge or risk missing enemies completely, and you'd be required to use your tentacle grab to bring enemies into the death puddle. With so much Surging and Grabbing, energy would become a real concern. All damage buildup resets when you exit Undertow, so energy conservation and regeneration with Arcanes and Syndicates is key. I could be balanced, if done properly.

    4) Let Tentacle Swarm collect enemies in Undertow.

    When using the right trigger to grab nearby enemies with tentacles from Undertow, instead, if there are any enemies currently being held by Tentacle Swarm or Hydroid's Passive, the tentacles are drawn into the center of Undertow and enemies are dragged into the puddle. Any extra enemies are deposited outside the puddle, as normal. This rewards players keeping an eye on their durations. By using TS to grab enemies across the map, using Undertow near the end of the duration, and using TS again when your puddle is getting full, you can effectively juggle enemies until they die.

    This could also come with some cool animations, like Kraken opening his mouth and dropping all the enemies inside before going underneath Undertow.


    OOF... I'm tired. Comment or whatever, upvotes are appreciated. Let me know what you think, honestly. Any one of these changes could bring Hydroid up to A+ tier, as long as the finer points and stats are edited with care.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    you do realize they already said hes getting a rework with his deluxe right? 

    Yes. I'm aware. I'm just submitting ideas in case the rework changes aren't finalized. I don't live under a rock, haha.

  5. This started as a comment on another post, but kind of took on a mind of it's own, so I'm posting it here. Comment if you want.


    Iron Jab:

    I like the idea of a swinging pole for his 1st ability. Noice.



    Personally, I think his 2nd ability and Passive should be swapped. Hear me out: Defy works a number of times, giving back less and less health, until it stops working and you die, right? The only way to reset it is to turn off Defy and turn it back on. Instead, make Defy his passive, which will work a certain number of times (like 2 or 3... maybe make the amount increase based on Wukong level?) until reset by one of Wukong's reworked abilities, like his 3rd ability. Since Wukong is melee-oriented, turn his 2nd in to a duration based boost to the combo counter. This would function much like Relentless Combination, except it adds combos on a hit basis rather than a status basis, and increases in amount per hit with power strength. In addition, while in use, the melee counter NEVER RESETS. This will make Wukong appealing to new players who don't have access to Body Count (Acolyte Mod), Drifting Contact (Nightmare Mod), or Rivens (Story Locked). It also makes any Gladiator mods a new player gets from Plains of Eidolon somewhat useful. This ability could apply to the whole group, or just Wukong. Maybe the whole group could be an augment?

    In addition, a combo counter boost would make crit melee weapons viable for Sanctuary Onslaught while using Wukong, something I've been sour about for a while.

    SIDE NOTE: Has anyone noticed that the combo counter resets when switching in and out of Primal Fury? This is dumb, especially since PF doesn't bring anything to the table, like Excal's infinite punch through or Valkyr's invincibility. I vote that the CC not reset when switching.


    Cloud Walker:

    Yeah, let's change this. Like mentioned above for 2nd ability, this could reset your death counter and also send out a mist from your current location, opening enemies up to finishers. Range based on range, open-to-finisher duration based on duration with small mist effects around enemies still affected. Unlike Excal's blind, I'd vote that this ability use a TON of energy, since it'd reset your death counter. This prevents ability spamming, and discourages negative efficiency builds unless you want the trade off of more power for no death counter resets. Not a problem for vets who can predict and avoid death easily.

    Alternatively, Wukong could make fully modded copies of himself to fight on the battlefield, which would make the high energy requirement justified. Or even stranger, Wukong could imitate a Warframe on his team, fully modded with that player's mod loadout!


    Primal Fury: Refuses to scale into late game. It's Crit based, so a Condition Overload build doesn't pan out, and the fact that you can't use Combo Counter mods on it means it can't scale crit-wise either. Really doesn't bring anything to the table right now, like I mentioned above. Seems kind of dumb that it doesn't have any special features to make it stand out. It screams "Oh look, I have a pole!" and that's about it. Ways to fix this:

    1) Add something to make it worthwhile, like: Slam attacks use energy, but send out blinding mist based on range; or, all enemies become visible through walls and can be teleported to by using your 1st ability while in PF; or, PF works like an extra steel charge, buffing all allies melee attacks based on power strength and tenno affinity range.

    or 2) Make Combo Counter mods work with PF, remove the Combo Counter reset when activating it, and turn 1st ability into a 360 degree high powered sweep while PF is activated and you're not looking at the ground (because of 1st augment).

    or 3) Wukong's pole can change shape, right? Holding "Y" (or "triangle") to switch weapons while PF is active changes the staff into the type of melee weapon you have equipped. This melee weapon receives all the base benefits of the staff (extra damage, extra range, and the augment) and ALL mods equipped on that melee weapon (including Rivens and Combo Counter mods), but none of the mods on Primal Fury. This comes at the cost of DOUBLE channeling energy requirements. Pressing "Y" again changes back. With this setup, I'd recommend NOT removing the Combo Counter reset when activating PF, as the option to use your equipped melee weapon would make this ability unbelievably strong. It'd need to have a small drawback like that.

    The reason I came up with that last idea is that as a MR25, I have a lot of melee weapons that just outclass PF by a mile, and scale well to boot. With a good melee weapon, there's no reason to use PF. This option lets you choose PF for low level players, or Boosted Melee Weapon for high level players that can deal with the energy requirement.

  6. Iron Jab:

    I like the idea of a swinging pole for his 1st ability. Noice.



    Personally, I think his 2nd ability and Passive should be swapped. Hear me out: Defy works a number of times, giving back less and less health, until it stops working and you die, right? The only way to reset it is to turn off Defy and turn it back on. Instead, make Defy his passive, which will work a certain number of times (like 2 or 3... maybe make the amount increase based on Wukong level?) until reset by one of Wukong's reworked abilities, like his 3rd ability. Since Wukong is melee-oriented, turn his 2nd in to a duration based boost to the combo counter. This would function much like Relentless Combination, except it adds combos on a hit basis rather than a status basis, and increases in amount per hit with power strength. In addition, while in use, the melee counter NEVER RESETS. This will make Wukong appealing to new players who don't have access to Body Count (Acolyte Mod), Drifting Contact (Nightmare Mod), or Rivens (Story Locked). It also makes any Gladiator mods a new player gets from Plains of Eidolon somewhat useful. This ability could apply to the whole group, or just Wukong. Maybe the whole group could be an augment?

    In addition, a combo counter boost would make crit melee weapons viable for Sanctuary Onslaught while using Wukong, something I've been sour about for a while.

    SIDE NOTE: Has anyone noticed that the combo counter resets when switching in and out of Primal Fury? This is dumb, especially since PF doesn't bring anything to the table, like Excal's infinite punch through or Valkyr's invincibility. I vote that the CC not reset when switching.


    Cloud Walker:

    Yeah, let's change this. Like mentioned above for 2nd ability, this could reset your death counter and also send out a mist from your current location, opening enemies up to finishers. Range based on range, open-to-finisher duration based on duration with small mist effects around enemies still affected. Unlike Excal's blind, I'd vote that this ability use a TON of energy, since it'd reset your death counter. This prevents ability spamming, and discourages negative efficiency builds unless you want the trade off of more power for no death counter resets. Not a problem for vets who can predict and avoid death easily.

    Alternatively, Wukong could make fully modded copies of himself to fight on the battlefield, which would make the high energy requirement justified. Or even stranger, Wukong could imitate a Warframe on his team, fully modded with that player's mod loadout!


    Primal Fury: Refuses to scale into late game. It's Crit based, so a Condition Overload build doesn't pan out, and the fact that you can't use Combo Counter mods on it means it can't scale crit-wise either. Really doesn't bring anything to the table right now, like I mentioned above. Seems kind of dumb that it doesn't have any special features to make it stand out. It screams "Oh look, I have a pole!" and that's about it. Ways to fix this:

    1) Add something to make it worthwhile, like: Slam attacks use energy, but send out blinding mist based on range; or, all enemies become visible through walls and can be teleported to by using your 1st ability while in PF; or, PF works like an extra steel charge, buffing all allies melee attacks based on power strength and tenno affinity range.

    or 2) Make Combo Counter mods work with PF, remove the Combo Counter reset when activating it, and turn 1st ability into a 360 degree high powered sweep while PF is activated and you're not looking at the ground (because of 1st augment).

    or 3) Wukong's pole can change shape, right? Holding "Y" (or "triangle") to switch weapons while PF is active changes the staff into the type of melee weapon you have equipped. This melee weapon receives all the base benefits of the staff (extra damage, extra range, and the augment) and ALL mods equipped on that melee weapon (including Rivens and Combo Counter mods), but none of the mods on Primal Fury. This comes at the cost of DOUBLE channeling energy requirements. Pressing "Y" again changes back. With this setup, I'd recommend NOT removing the Combo Counter reset when activating PF, as the option to use your equipped melee weapon would make this ability unbelievably strong. It'd need to have a small drawback like that.

    The reason I came up with that last idea is that as a MR25, I have a lot of melee weapons that just outclass PF by a mile, and scale well to boot. With a good melee weapon, there's no reason to use PF. This option lets you choose PF for low level players, or Boosted Melee Weapon for high level players that can deal with the energy requirement.


    I... wrote a lot, so I'm going to make another post with this entry. Feel free to comment in either spot.

  7. So... I forgot button mapping was a thing. I moved Block to Left Trigger, Melee to Right Trigger, and Channeling to B button. Result? OMG Redeemer Prime is amazing! This is the most fun I've ever had with gunblades! Plus, quick melee doesn't change with it, so if you have a weapon out, you can still use B button to melee!

    The only problem now is that there are no controller presets, so switching back and forth for different loadouts is a chore. Sure, hopping back to default is easy, but re-mapping for gunblades takes a minute or two.

  8. 15 hours ago, (PS4)vortex2917 said:

     Think the whole wind up time and aiming problems could be solved if they made the alt fire button the shoot/throw button for gunblades/glaives. It would make it easier to aim and would use an existing button

    Give this human a goddamn medal! And a cookie! Or at least a french kiss!

  9. 14 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    And Redeemer has inate punch through. So with the right set up one can effectively one shot high level heavies.

    but OP is right. Hopefully gunblades get a nice upgrade. They are a bit clunky. 

    Sorry, but your video is a little inaccurate. Don't worry, I did the same thing too, when using my Sarpa.

    The reason you're doing so much damage is because the enemies' AI is paused. This means they are unaware of you, and your damage has stealth multipliers factored in. You're currently doing about 8x more damage than you would normally. Give yourself invincibility, turn on the AI, and see if you can get the same damage numbers.

    Did the same thing with my Sarpa against 8 lvl 150 Corrupted Bombards and destroyed them in about 15 seconds. Turned the AI on, and subsequently got pooped on. Took about 10 minutes to kill everything without the stealth damage.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Honestly I can't see why this is such a big issue to some people.

    I have seen so many of these threads now, and they're just... whiny. This is a non-issue.

    Instead... 'oh, but this gunblades suck, and Mesa's passive sucks, I want them to be different because this Prime Access says they're supposed to go together'. 

    I mean, I did already mention that passives aren't supposed to stand out, and that the first two are good. Sure it's whiny, but feedback is feedback. I'm looking forward to melee 3.0, but it's not here yet... and they both do suck. This really IS more of of a "wouldn't it be cool if" post, but I guess that just depends on how you read it.

  11. MR 25 Mesa main.

    So... I don't want to look a gifthorse in the mouth, especially since I was 95% sure Mesa Prime was going to pushed back three months; but with the Mesa Prime Access including Redeemer Prime, I thought now might be a good time to bring up this topic. I mentioned it before in a Mesa Prime suggestions article quite a few months ago, but though it was worth mentioning again.

    Mesa's passive has 3 facets, and the third is arguably useless. Not equipping a melee weapon provides you with 50 extra health, which is not affected by mods. This is not unheard of, as most Warframes have abilities that are lackluster compared to others in their kit, and passives are rather gimmicky in and of themselves. Plus, the other two facets are fairly useful, so this third one I feel has largely been ignored. The only reason I even have a problem with it at all is because of Mesa's relationship with Gunblades.

    First off, Gunblades are pretty useless. I love Gunblades, and personally use a Sarpa with my Mesa loadout, but even I have to admit that Gunblades are primarily for Fashion Frame and for showing off as a status symbol. One notable exception to this is using Shattering Impact to strip armor off of Eidolons, which I honestly don't know if that even still works. (Note that Gunblades may actually be more useful on PC, but speaking as a console player, they are rather unruly). They are difficult to aim properly, and missing by a hair throws your shot completely off. Executions are often missed at point blank range, which happens more often than not since the built in ragdoll effect leaves enemies prone on the ground all the time.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, almost no one runs without a melee weapon, unless they're leveling something up. The benefits of having a melee weapon to stagger an enemy that's in your face is too great, and it keeps you from wasting ammo when opening caches. If a passive tells us not to use a melee weapon, it needs to be worth it, in my opinion.

    Redeemer has been associated with Mesa for a long time, and is advertised in Mesa's "Gunslinger Bundle" where it is described as being one of Mesa's favorite weapons. Which makes sense, because what gun-oriented Warframe wouldn't want a melee weapon that is also a gun? Following suit, we're getting Redeemer Prime in a few days. But... what's the point of giving us a weapon with Mesa Prime that actively works AGAINST her passive ability for more health? If Gunblades are supposed to go along with Mesa, as has been established and continues to be established, shouldn't it benefit her?


    TL;DR List: (1) Gunblades suck right now on consoles. (2) Mesa's Health passive sucks. (3) GBs and Mesa go together supposedly, but there is no benefit except Fashion Frame, since GBs suck. (4) These two sucky things would be slightly less sucky if they synergized.


    I think Mesa's no-melee passive should be in effect when a Gunblade is equipped, plain and simple. If Gunblades are mostly useless, it won't give Mesa an undue advantage. Plus, the added 50 health can't be modified, so it's not an insane buff anyways. Anyways, here are some suggestions on different ways it could be implemented.

    Option 1) If we honestly consider the uselessness of only 50 extra health, I think it'd be fair to make that 50 health able to be modded, as long as no melee weapon is equipped, including no Gunblades.

    Option 2) If Gunblades are guns, and therefore are not standard melee weapons, it would follow that the non-moddable 50 health passive could be applied while Gunblades are equipped.

    Option 3) A combination of the above two suggestions may also be interesting: Moddable 50 health with no melee weapon, Non-moddable 50 health with a Gunblade equipped.


    In addition, I'd like to propose some GB changes for Melee 3.0 if it ever arrives, to make GBs a little more helpful:

    1) While the Gunblade is equipped, and when using the current blocking and channeling buttons, the Gunblade is aimed and fired like a primary/secondary weapon. This would only shoot a single time after charging up, and would have a 5-10 second cooldown, which could possibly be modified with a new mod. (I know Channeling is going away, I'm just suggesting using the button for this feature)

    Alternatively, you could make the block button the ADS, and let the melee button be used to fire. This would require some hand coordination, as your right thumb would fire, but your left thumb would be needed to aim on the right stick. The reason I'd rather use the triggers for this is that aiming the weapon with your right stick (thumb) and using the melee button to fire (also thumb) would be fairly difficult.

    This would allow for easy "executions" of downed enemies even at a distance, and allow Warframes to strafe while doing it (if using triggers), something that can't be done currently and often spells immediate doom since mobility is everything in Warframe. It would also let you more easily target a high priority or dangerous target that has gotten too close, and needs to be ragdolled away.

    2) Don't allow forward movement for Gunblade stances on the first swing.

    If someone is trying to only fire their Gunblade and not swing it, it requires precise timing. If you melee at the wrong time you start the basic attack combo, which will carry your Warframe forward on the first swing. This moves you closer to the enemy you're attempting to shoot, and slightly moves your aiming reticle off target. As a result, you almost definitely miss because of the tight aiming tolerances for GBs. Especially if you're aiming at a target while your Warframe is facing a different direction.

    3) Make the Samba Slash combo for Bullet Dance home-in on enemies.

    This is more personal preference and quality of life, as High Noon is definitely better for precision aiming. When you spam your melee attacks with Bullet Dance, you begin retreating while firing with epic dodge rolls. Given how difficult it is to aim a GB already, this erratic movement makes it even more impossible to land shots (on console). Allowing it to home in on the nearest enemy in a cone in front of the direction your Warframe is facing would make it a much more useful tactic instead of the Nerf Gun feeling it has now.


    Let me know what you all think, honestly. This took awhile to write. 


    • Like 1
  12. There may already be a thread like this, but I wanted to make another thread where people can share new ideas for Mods, and give DE a wishlist of cool features to think about. Feel free to post your own ideas in the thread, and try to make them as balanced as possible so we don't sound crazy!


    Rocket Deflection (or other, better name)

    This would be a "Warframe" mod that allows players to redirect Rocket projectiles towards the nearest enemy, whether they are close or far. Of course, players will need to be careful not to redirect a rocket when an enemy is standing very close to them. This ability can be triggered by having your melee weapon equipped, and performing a Channeling Block. The SPEED of the rocket after being redirected is affected by the blocking potential of your melee weapon.


    For example: 

    - A Dagger weapon (35% damage reduction) will redirect projectiles at 100% of their normal speed

    - A Sword weapon (60% damage reduction) will redirect projectiles at 150% of their normal speed

    - A Heavy Blade weapon (85% damage reduction) will redirect projectiles at 200% of their normal speed

    (This is just an example. Ideally, I'd want these numbers to be higher to ensure contact is made.)


    If there are ranks, perhaps the ranks can determine how much damage the redirected rockets do. I'm actually torn on this. Part of me thinks that modifying the rocket's damage is overkill. The other part thinks that melee builds are a dying breed and channeling builds are non-existent (except with Nekros), and therefore needs to be a little over-the-top. The decision to make it a WF mod instead of a Melee mod is based around how much potential utility you lose from your Warframe, which might make a rocket-damage-increase justified.

    My thinking is 5 ranks, with a +100% damage bonus for each rank (+0% unranked, +500% rank 5)

    This mod should work with all projectiles that explode, including bombards, corrupted bombards, razorback rockets, bursa rockets, and maybe the Scrambus weapon (IDK how that weapon works, TBH). Obviously, there needs to be a maximum detection range, but I don't know what a good value for that is. Also, due to how blocking works, rockets that hit your Warframe in the back are not redirected, and will explode on you.

  13. This isn't really meant to be a real post, I just wanted to throw out some cool skin/color ideas for modern culture.

    - Tide Pod themed Equinox

    - Zombie themed Inaros

    - Aquaman themed Hydroid (classic and modern)

    - Sharknado themed Hydroid/Zephyr with move synergy!

    - Monster Hunter themed Operator outfits

    - Constable themed Limbo

    - Overlord anime themed Nekros/Frost

    - (Nearly) extinct White Rhino themed Rhino

    - Black Panther themed Valkyr (couldn't help it)

    - Angel themed Trinity

    - Megumin (Konosuba) themed Nova

    - Bomberman themed Vauban

    - Static Shock themed Volt

    I WAS going to add Wukong to this list, but his Tennogen skin makes for a good Ninja Turtle cosplay. Maybe make a Turtle Shell-like Syndana?

  14. A friend and I were wondering what the maximum armor rating possible in-game was, and since there was no definite answer anywhere on the interwebs that WE could find, I did the math myself. This took a couple hours, so I guess just give credit where credit is due? I don't care too much either way.

    Anyways, the final equation ended up being:

    700[BASE] + 315[GA] + 315[AA] + 770[SF] + 2797.54125[AURAS+CD] + 5222[OBERON*7] + 60[UNAIRU] + 747.5

    + 1169[WARCRY] + 420[AG] + 140[FD] + 450[HC] = 13,106.0412 ARMOR

    The two candidates for this were Valkyr and Chroma, but since Chroma + Elemental Ward + Vex Armor don't continue to scale with the other mods used in the formula, Valkyr easily outstrips Chroma's armor rating, most noticeably when calculating for the Stand United aura. A quick explanation of all the conditions in the equation is listed here. Please keep in mind that there are a limited number of Mod Slots on Warframes, and as such, only the mods that would provide the highest possible armor rating were included.

    • BASE = Valkyr Prime's base armor rating
    • GA = Gladiator Aegis; 700*(0.45)
    • AA = Armored Agility; 700*(0.45)
    • SF = Steel Fiber; 700*(1.1)
    • AURAS+CD = 8 Stand United auras w/ Coaction Drift, calculated for 1 aura w/ 1 CD Strength, and 7 auras w/ 7 CD Effectiveness; 700(0.255*1.3225) + 700(1.785*2.05)
    • OBERON*7 = 7 Max Power Strength Oberons, casting Hallowed Ground while Renewal is active, adding a flat 746 armor rating for each one; 7*(746)
    • UNAIRU = The flat 60 armor added by Unairu's Passive, Stone Skin; +60
    • HR = Hallowed Reckoning Augment for Oberon. At max power strength, adds a flat 747.5 armor rating. The Wiki doesn't say this augments stacks, so I'm assuming that it DOES NOT stack for the purpose of this equation; +747.5
    • WARCRY = Armor added by Valkyr's Warcry ability. Normally this value would be over 1200 at max power strength. However, some mod slots are being used for Armor Mods, Coaction Drift, and Health Conversion. Health Conversion replaced Augur Secrets, which only added 84 armor via power strength. Final power strength was 334%; 700*(3.34*0.5)
    • AG = Maxed out Arcane Guardian set. Adds 60% armor when you take damage (20% chance); 700*(0.6)
    • FD = Focused Defense, the channeling melee mod. Adds 20% armor when channeling with your melee weapon out; 700*(0.2)
    • HC = Health Conversion. Adds up to 3 non-stacking stacks of 450 armor when picking up health orbs; +450

    This armor value is entirely theoretical, as I am sure that no one has ever actually attempted this and since several conditions are required to be met to achieve the max Armor Rating (specifically the ones that have time limitations, such as abilities and Arcanes). As a quick list of those conditions... this armor rating is only achievable with ONE Hallowed Reckoning armor zone, SEVEN Renewal/Hallowed Grounds, while Warcry is active (15s), while Arcane guardian is active (20s), while channeling, with at least one Health Conversion stack.

    I was very thorough. I suppose my question is, does anyone know a way to increase your armor rating higher than this?

  15. So, I'm high MR 23, at the point where I can do things for fun. Like Archwing missions! In my attempts to complete my AW mod collection, I've run into a particular bug that made me want to throw my controller into my TV. A lot. I thought it was a one-off bug, that doesn't happen often, but it's happened three times to me already since the Plains update.

    I apologize if this is actually a different Corpus enemy, and I got the name wrong, but basically, the glitch goes some thing like this:

    • Load into Corpus AW Mission (usually mobile defense)
    • Continue playing normally
    • Immediately die when a Corvette spots you

    Usually, Corvettes only shoot 10-15 ish pellets that do Magnetic damage. Usually a light bump to your shields, and only really dangerous when there are 30 corvettes around you.


    When this glitch happens, however, each Corvette will fire what seems like 80-100 pellets in rapid-fire succession, immediately depleting your shields and wrecking your health. If there is more than one Corvette, your game slows down to about 10 frames a second until all the Corvette's volleys are complete (after which you're dead anyways). This glitch remains in effect until the mission is completed, and I have no idea what causes it.

    I'm all for Spartans fighting in the shade, but this was friggin' ridiculous.

    For reference, I was using a rank 18 Elytron with maxed health and armor. I ran into a few Corvettes while solo-ing mobile defense, and nearly died within 2 seconds of them coming around the corner. Normally, I can sit still and let 3 Corvettes whale on me for nearly a full minute before I get concerned. The clip is listed below for whoever wants to see me run into a wall of NOPE.


    I hope this gets fixed soon.

  16. Thanks for inputs!, I just wanted to quick correct Sasuda on what I meant by the Blazing Chakram Augment. I don't mean for the ring to pass through walls (that would be ridiculous). I'd just like the flight path to be visible through walls. For example, if you aim it down a narrow hallway while standing behind the door frame for that hallway, you can still see the flight path the Ring would take, even though there is a door frame obstructing most of your view. Similar to how you can see everywhere Nezha's Fire Walker flames are anywhere on the tileset by aiming down the sights of any weapon.

    Other than that, everyone is making valid points, and I like the feedback!

  17. I've moved on from idolizing Mag over the past few months to enjoying the crap out of Nezha. I like his kit, and he's very versatile. Moreover, just skating around with his low friction feels awesome! I've been looking more closely at his abilities, which aren't huge damage dealers, but solidify his position as a support frame. The difficult thing about Nezha is that using his abilities for support take actual effort: there's no "press this button and you're good". I actually really like this. Using Nezha requires brains and constant attention to detail. Some of his abilities could use some tweaking, though, and I'll cover those along with the augments.

    First, I wanted to go over some ideas for augments for the abilities that don't currently have any.


    Blazing Chakram: a mix between a mobility, crowd control, and healing ability. The ability kind of falls flat at CC, though. The Universe Ring can either travel straight, bounce for more distance, or hit enemies. Since the ability is meant to do either of these three, the Blazing Chakram has no homing on enemies at all. This is most likely to prevent hitting an enemy when you really want to use the ability to move around by teleporting. This can make using Blazing Chakram for CC or healing extremely difficult (on consoles, at least) due to problems aiming. Other problems include the inability to move during the cast animation and the low flight range the Universe Ring has without bounces, making the mobility aspect useless in the face of Skating using Nezha's passive.

    BC Tweaks (or overhaul, now that I see how long this is...):

    • Make BC a one handed ability, able to be used while moving. This ties into the next bullet point.
    • Allow the player's momentum to be preserved on teleport. If used from a standstill there is no momentum after teleporting!
    • Flight Speed (and therefore max flight distance) of the Universe Ring should be based on Power Duration, while the "Burn/Healing Pulse" duration should be constant and shorter (5 seconds instead of 10).
    • Separate the ability into two modes (a quick press version and a hold version, like Inaros' 4th or Ivara's arrows). Holding the power will let BC home-in on nearby enemies, bouncing between enemies up to 5 times. Quick pressing the power will remove homing from BC, and allow the Ring to be free-thrown.
    1. The Hold Power would be great for CC, since BC ragdolls the enemies it hits. Every throw is 5 enemies ragdolled, provided the Ring can travel from one enemy to another without hitting a wall. If there are no more enemies, or the ring hits a wall on the way to the next nearest enemy, the Ring returns to Nezha. The ability can be tapped again at any time to teleport to the Ring's location.
    2. The Quick Press would use BC the way it is now, bouncing off walls to increase distance and hitting only one or two enemies if free-aimed, with 2 small differences. First, once max distance from Nezha is reached and no enemies have been hit (right when the Ring starts to return), Nezha is automatically teleported to the ring (this makes using BC for mobility much easier, since we won't have to eyeball when the ring is where we want it to be). Second, if the Ring hits an enemy while Fire Walker is active, Nezha is automatically teleported and performs the Fire Walker Explosion (this makes hitting specific targets with the explosion much easier)
    • EXTRA: a visual cue of the time left to trigger a healing pulse on an affected enemy. This can be a HUD timer at the top right, or more interestingly, the enemy can slowly begin to change into the player's chosen energy color over the 10s (5s) the ability is working. A near solid color indicates the ability is about to run out. Once time runs out for the healing pulse, the energy coloring simply disappears with no added effect.
    • With all the above changes, the base energy required to cast BC should probably be increased.

    BC Augment:

    • Quick Press, instead of immediately throwing the Ring, brings up a predicted flight path for the Universe Ring. This path extends out from the front of the player, similar to Nidus' ability, except not restricted to the ground. The flight path can be seen through walls, and the endpoint of the flight path is shown on the Minimap as an off-color version of the normal map icon for the Ring (I'm thinking Light Blue, maybe?).
    • On the second press, the Universe Ring is thrown, following the flight path and instantly teleporting Nezha at the end of it. If the second press is used with the Hold Power variant, it simply acts like the Hold Power variant and ignores the first press.


    Divine Spears: Honestly, a GREAT ability. You can run it with low Strength for enemy stalling (good for Genetic Code Farming). It opens enemies up to ground finishers (good for Obex augment and Jat Kittag augment). For people who have trouble aiming their Blazing Chakram, this can hold enemies in place long enough to get some much needed healing. The only real complaint I've heard about and experienced is the forced cancel animation. Even so, like I mentioned earlier, I don't have a problem with this since it keeps you involved in the Warframe. After the first few times being forced into the cancel animation, you learn not to forget about it. The below suggestions are individual (pick one), and more geared towards making the cancel animation "fair".

    DS Tweaks (individual suggestions, pick one):

    1. The easiest way to appease the animation gripes is make the ability one-handed. I am against this, though, as Divine Spears affects a large number of enemies for a decent amount of time. It SHOULD be a two-handed ability. Still, I'm adding this suggestion to the list.
    2. Alternatively, as a reward for keeping enemies on a stake for the full duration, the slam animation can do double the damage it normally does after the timer runs out (you're still stuck with that animation, though).
    3. Nezha receives damage mitigation during the cancel animation based on the percentage of enemies that were killed while impaled on the spears. For example, killing 9 out of 10 enemies on the spears results in 90% damage mitigation during the forced animation cancel.
    4. When duration is over (instead of a forced animation with Impact damage), the Spears shatter inside the impaled enemies, dealing reduced damage as Slash damage. Maybe only half the damage it would normally do? With no status chance? And no forced animation?

    DS Augment (individual suggestions, pick one)

    1. Works like a Hunter Tether from Destiny. All impaled enemies take 8%/15%/23%/30% extra and shared damage from all sources, scales with Power Strength (This will make killing all impaled enemies easier, making it less likely to get a forced cancel animation). In addition, killed impaled enemies have a 5%/10%/15%/20% chance to drop an Affinity Orb.
    2. Taking damage from Nezha's other abilities while impaled increases the damage of the Impact slam animation by 25%/50%/75%/100% for each ability. Increased damage scales with Power Strength. (Example: at 100% Power strength, an impaled enemy that is burned by Fire Walker, burned by Blazing Chakram, and slashed by Warding Halo takes an additional 300% Impact damage when Divine Spears ends)


    Next, let's talk existing augments:

    Fire Walker: DO NOT TOUCH THIS ABILITY. THIS ABILITY IS FINE. THIS IS NOT THE ABILITY YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Does an amazing job of making enemies clutch their faces. Turns out, it's hard for enemies to catch a fast Warframe when they're currently on fire. Duration based, great status chance, low damage (but it's not for damage anyways). A great alternative to the raw damage of Ember's 4th ability, Fire Walker focuses on status-ing so hard the enemies can literally do nothing.

    FW Tweaks: Besides the explosion change mentioned for Blazing Chakram, I wouldn't touch this ability.

    FW Augment: Pyroclastic Flow

    • I did not realize how much DAMAGE this augment did until I used it. Holy cow! The accumulated damage is great! Don't change it!
    • The execution of said damage, though... a straight line? No, that's useless and damn near impossible to utilize.
    1. Change to PF traveling backwards through the fire you just finished laying. This can be done instantaneously, doing massive damage to everything standing in your fire in exchange for killing the fire trail faster (50% it's normal duration). Or it can be done gradually, with the fire trail dying out once the PF reaches the oldest instance of fire laid down by Nezha.
    2. Change to an explosion within a certain radius, like canceling Fire Walker with Blazing Chakram.
    3. Change to a slowly expanding ring of fire from where Nezha is standing (fire spreads out in all directions based on Power Range, let's say 10m, and the thickness of that expanding ring is based on Duration. Example, 100% Duration is a 3m thick expanding ring, 300% Duration is a 9m thick expanding ring. 100% Range is a 10m radius the fire expands to before it begins to disappear, 250% Range is a 25m radius)
    4. Change to a cone of fire, similar to Frost's Ice Wave (not a fan of this idea, though).

    Warding Halo: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Is it inferior to Rhino's? Yes. That's fine. It does things Rhino's Iron Skin can't. Nezha is a Jack-of-all-Trades. His armor ability isn't supposed to be as good as Rhino's.

    WH Tweaks: Nope.

    WH Augment: Safeguard

    • If anything, I wish this ability could be cast on you own Sentinel easier than it is to right now. Maybe using the ability again, while already having your own WH, and not aimed at an ally, can apply it to your Sentinel?


    I wrote a lot. I was super specific about the BC tweak, but I'm more interested in feedback on the augments. What do you guys think? Does anyone else have ideas for good Nezha Augments? Let me know!

  18. Now, now hold on... don't jump to conclusions, here. I'm not a newbie. I'm an MR 23 that absolutely loves Mag.

    I always thought Mag was terrible during my earlier time playing Warframe, and never played her. Recently, I've rediscovered (and loved) playing Mag on high level content. In the last few months, I've realized that Mag is considered bad by a majority of the player base because they:

    1) Have no idea how to play Mag correctly, which I chock up to being newer players.

    2) Don't have the right Mods available to utilize Mag properly, also due to being a newer player.

    3) Thought one of the first two reasons when they were new to the game, and never went back to try her out.


    The fact of the matter is, Mag is less enjoyable to play than Volt or Excalibur simply because she's more geared toward endgame when you can properly modify her for range and duration, and more readily have access to the proper weapons to synergize with her abilities. With this in mind, is it really ok to have Mag available as a Starter Frame? If DE decided to replace her, what Warframe should take her place?


    To start with, if Mag was replaced, I think it's pretty fair to say that she should be replaced by a female Warframe. She's the only female starter at the moment, and we all would like to remain politically correct, for the sake of crybabies. In addition, we should take out any Warframes locked behind quests. With this, our roster is reduced to:

    Banshee, Ember, Equinox, Ivara, Nova, Nyx, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr, and Zephyr.


    We also need to consider that your first Warframe should keep you interested in the game, and make you feel good enough to keep playing. In other words, they should be fun and easy to use on low level content. With that tidbit (which eliminates Mag as well), I've eliminated Equinox (too complicated), Trinity (arguably not fun / complicated), and Zephyr (NO). Now, we're left with:

    Banshee, Ember, Ivara, Nova, Nyx, Saryn, and Valkyr.


    Next we remove broken or exceedingly powerful frames. We want something for our young bloods to work towards, and don't want to give them too much power off the bat. I've removed Ember (a.k.a. WF easy mode), Ivara (arguably best stealth frame), Nova (EXPLOOOOOOSIOOOOOON), and Valkyr (arguably best tank, and never dies). Tally:

    Banshee, Nyx, and Saryn.


    Volt is a squishy caster with low armor and high shields, while Excalibur is a melee oriented Frame with relatively high armor (15 armor, 225 armor, respectively). If we remove the other Warframes that are exceedingly squishy casters, it removes Nyx and Banshee, leaving us with Saryn.

    To be fair, I believe all three of these frames would be good replacements for Mag. Saryn excels at low level content, and 3 of her 4 abilities don't require you to know anything about how they synergize to be useful (her 2, 3, and 4). Banshee would be an excellent choice as a support frame, and would get newer players familiar with their mini-map and radar. Nyx, while often neglected, has lots of useful abilities for making enemies ignore you or easier to deal with, allowing you to progress easier through content where enemies might be just a little stronger than you can deal with.

    My personal choice is Saryn since she's less squishy, but what do you all think? I've heard arguments for Zephyr, too, but I refuse to consider her until she gets some form of rework.

  19. I'm looking to forward to Mesa Prime! Eventually. Maybe. I hope. Probably never.

    Mirage came out this season, and it'll probably be Zephyr next season because my luck is terrible, but I wanted to throw out some ideas for Mesa Prime in case feedback for ideas were still being considered. Topics for this discussion will be Mesa's passive, whether her abilities need work (I don't think so, personally), ideas for her Peacemaker augment, and what weapons should be included in her Prime package.


    First up, Mesa's passive. In my opinion, the gun perks are nice and not really noticeable, but helpful enough to be a decent passive. The section I most wanted to focus on is her "No Melee" health passive, which adds 50 health to her current health if no melee weapon is equipped. This is helpful, to a degree. Depending on the mission, sometimes the only weapons Mesa will use are her secondary weapons, and only for the Peacemaker scaling. However, especially with the 'stunning' utility of Shooting Gallery, using a melee weapon to kill enemies is much faster and more energy efficient than using your secondary or PM.

    Basically, hardly anyone runs without a melee weapon, and the amount of health added is so minimal, it doesn't make a good trade-off. Not to mention that there are Gunblades in the game, and one is even featured in Mesa's Market Bundle along with a Gunblade stance. So, my two suggestions are the following:

    1) Make the Health added a base health increase, that scales with Health mods such as Vitality. This makes running with no melee weapon much more appealing.

    2) Keep the Health bonus as 50 health added, but allow it to be applied when running no melee weapon or whenever you use a Gunblade in your melee slot.

    This would make the health passive much more attractive, and bring Gunblades to the forefront for people who play Mesa, which is good since Gunblades are supposed to go with Mesa to begin with.


    Next, do Mesa's abilities need reworks? I say no, they don't. For the purpose of providing alternate opinions, I have a friend who wants Mesa's 4th ability to increase in Range with Range mods for the Plains of Eidolon. I don't believe this would be a good change, mostly because Mesa is already one of the strongest WFs for PoE. Her 4th ability is stupid powerful, and increasing it's range would push her already powerful ability over the edge. Not to mention it could poke into your Strength if you used Overextended.

    If there is an ability that needs rework, I'd suggest her 1st ability. It's the only one that is currently borderline useless. Although being useful for low level, new-to-the-game players, with the new star chart system, this becomes a moot point as you won't get Mesa until access to Eris has been unlocked. Unless Mesa is bought with plat, or a player is taxied (which I don't even know if it is possible or not), this ability loses all effectiveness once the player has access to higher damage weapons. The damage cap for Ballistic Battery is 1600 at base, and 5968 with max power strength. Nothing in the face of a weapon like Opticor or a well modded Sniper Rifle.

    The biggest problem with coming up with ideas for an ability change for Mesa's 1st is that all her other abilities are so good. Adding CC is kind of pointless since her 2nd ability does it so well and her 4th kills everything. More damage is, again, not necessarily needed since her 4th rips enemies to shreds. That said, some ideas for her 1st ability:

    1) Ballistic Battery keeps current damage caps, but in addition to the extra damage, will ragdoll any enemy that isn't killed by the shot, as long as the stored damage is maxed out. If an enemy is killed by Ballistic Battery with maxed out stored damage, the enemy will explode, dealing the damage cap not only to the enemy killed, but to all enemies in a 6-8 meter radius, causing a guaranteed knockdown proc. Damage decreases with distance, range is affected by power range. 1st ability Augment can be adjusted to deal one of Mesa's equipped weapon's status effects to all enemies affected by the knockdown with 100% proc chance. This ability can be toggled while in Mesa's 4th ability, to promote quick damage counter build ups and application.

    This gives the ability a CC element, and allows for the quick spreading of Procs like corrosive or viral. It can also be used to put a troublesome single target enemy (like a lvl 100 Nox) in timeout for a few seconds until he can be properly dealt with. Although the extra CC isn't needed for Mesa, this ability change would give utility for those who run high range and low range Mesa.

    2) When an enemy is killed by a Ballistic Battery shot, it will drop three ammo packs for whatever weapon Mesa has the lowest percentage of ammo max for (inspired by a friend and the Grunt Birthday Party Skull, lol). When an enemy is killed by a max damage shot, the enemy also has a 100% chance to drop an energy orb. The augment can be changed to a 100% chance to drop an item from the enemy's loot table when killed by a maxed out Ballistic Battery. This can apply to multiple enemies at once if the weapon has punch through and kills multiple enemies with one shot. Depending on how difficult it is to do, perhaps ammo drops can be specific to individual allies and drop the ammo types they need most as well.

    This will help out allies with dwindling ammo, and promote the use of punch through mods. It can be useful for farming mods and rare drops, but only if the killing blow is from Ballistic Battery. Whether the augment is for Loot Drops or Energy Orbs would be up to personal preference.


    Moving along, Mesa's Peacemaker augment. What to do for this... to be honest, as mentioned above, Peacemaker is perfect. I wouldn't touch the way it works, not even for an augment. It simply DOES NOT NEED ANY MORE DAMAGE. The only things you could add are ability ranges (which I am vehemently against) or mobility, which I think would work amazingly well.

    For the perceptive ones in the crowd, you may be aware that Mesa has a Conclave mod that does exactly that. "Mesa's Waltz" allows you to dodge roll while Peacemaker is active for no additional energy at max rank. Although I haven't personally used it (because Conclave, haha), the theory behind it is sound. I'd have no problem with a mobility oriented augment.

    Currently, a player can activate a slide before using Peacemaker, resulting in a moving wall of bullets that destroys everything as long as the slide lasts. It does look a little weird though, using the stationary stances while actually sliding. I think Mesa's augment should add two types of mobility.

    1) Holding the crouch button and a direction input while Peacemaker is active (and Mesa is stationary) results in a a slide with half the momentum of a normal slide. While sliding, Mesa will use an actual slide animation, and be able to fire her guns while sliding. The ability to slide can be enhanced by equipping slide mods for more distance and speed.

    2) Tapping the crouch button and a direction input while Peacemaker is active will allow Mesa to roll a normal distance and stand up straight again. As opposed to sliding, Mesa cannot shoot while rolling, but is arguably more mobile and is easier to control movement.

    Alternatively, a suggestion by a friend:

    1) Using Peacemaker while in the air will allow Mesa to remain suspended in midair and fire on all enemies below (kind of like a Bayonetta style thing) for the additional cost of 1 energy per second at max rank. This will make it much easier for Mesa to have the high ground in any situation, and help with those pesky enemies that stand directly under you during Peacemaker, that you can't shoot because your ability can't see them over the lip of whatever you're standing on. It also helps with enemies standing behind cover, since the higher up you are, the harder it is for enemies to hide.

    The augment could be one of, or all of these suggestions blended together. I think they're both interesting ideas.


    Lastly, for Mesa's Prime Loadout. I think a Prime version of a Gunblade would be amazing, especially with the Health Passive changes mentioned above. What do you all think? Redeemer Prime or Sarpa Prime?

    As for a gun, I think it would be doing Mesa an injustice to not include a secondary weapon of some sort, since that's what she's built around. My friend and I have argued back and forth about what weapons should go with her (mainly if it should be dual wield or not), with my main conviction being an Akvasto Prime. It makes sense to me, since Vasto is a six shooter that kind of captures the whole "wild west gunslinger" theme of Mesa. Plus, there's already a base form, and it received a buff recently with the Plains update.

    Alternatively, I wondered if an arguement could be made for Marelok. Marelok, while being a Grineer weapon, is a secondary that has high Impact damage. Peacemaker is 50% Impact, which means modding for Impact on Marelok would mean modding positively for Peacemaker as well. The interesting flipping mechanic on each shot makes Marelok feel like a cool gunslinger weapon, too. I personally like dual wield for Mesa, and an Akmarelok Prime would increase the fire rate (because dual wield) and also lend to Mesa's passive (+10% fire rate).

    The fact that Akbolto Prime just came out would make it weird for another dual wield sidearm to come out immediately afterward, which is mostly why I think Zephyr will probably be next for Primes, but I'll get over it.

    What do you all think? I covered a lot here, so feel free to comment on one topic or all of it.

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