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Posts posted by JuriDoppelherz

  1. On 5.12.2016 at 9:25 PM, JuriDoppelherz said:

    - problem -

    Update on the problem, because DE might not be at fault in all cases:

    About a month ago i started to have serious network problems ingame, stuttering/teleporting enemies and players, unable to interact for seconds, UI not updating numbers (with the ping in the 130ms range). Blamed bad hosts, the problems seemed to be random, but more common in endless or sortie missions. Once i was hosting and people complained i should never host again, mission failed shortly after despite the fact, that the mobdef console was fine on my end.

    So i started investigating connection issues and found out that my ISP put me behind a NAT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-grade_NAT



    Check your router public ip, if it does not match http://www.whatsmyrealip.com/ chances are your ISP ran out of ipv4 address space and the strict NAT popup is right.

    Maybe the popup should not display local ip's, because the forwarding in my network was fine all the time and the error message is misleading.

  2. On 20.3.2017 at 2:33 PM, svegurok said:

    You know there is a lock in options. That allows you to set which host you want to get. Or rather how high ping you allow your host to have.

    You mean that setting, that doesn't work how it should (in public games)? I have set the limit to 200, yet i very often get hosts with an average ping of 300, which may drop below 200 for a split second. Then there are hosts with ~100 ping, but have pingspikes >1000 every few seconds.

    Now there is two cases where the limit is working flawlessly. The first is trading, getting an invite from a player with a bad connection will prompt a window "hosts ping is over [x], wanna join anyways?" well duh, i don't care about ping in a dojo for one minute. And the second case are normal group invites where it prompts the same window.


  3. 5 hours ago, MimouAuditore said:

    cumulative = grindy

    best score = skill (kind of)

    so I go with skill.

    let's say you are a skilled swimmer and have to get 500 non-swimmers from one side of the river to the other. maybe you can get 2-5 people across per run so you grind it out.

    the current situation for non-maxed, non 100% active clans is you have 500 people dragging you down at once - good luck reaching the other side of the river with skill alone.

  4. I get that many people like the new game mode including myself, but it should have been a new type of mission and not exterminate. It is fast and fun, you don't run out of enemies because someone nukes all enemies before they transform in fissures (or someone gets thrown into the mission when like 20 enemies are left - why matchmaking... whyyyy).

    Now one problem i have is that i don't get an exit marker after i have killed the required amount (is that only me or a known bug?). Sometime a green marker pops up, but it shows where the next bunch of enemies spawn. So either i kill 2-3 times the amount on my way in hopes they lead to the exit or find my way by trial and error+experience.

    Also i agree with the OP, exterminate was a nice gamemode for exploring or testing stuff outside of simulacrum. Now think of all the new conditions they added to unlocking riven mods. They started out "do this while wearing that" now there are conditions like "do this while wearing that, don't do x, don't do y, do a backflip during nightphase of earth".

    Wasn't it nice to have a gamemode with a (low) fixed amount of enemies?

  5. Hi,

    2-3 days ago after a hotfix i got the strict nat popup. Funny thing is i could still join&host games just fine, but the popup is annoying. So i forwarded the standard ports in UDP, still got the popup, foward TCP as well for good measure - no change. My network seems fine with&without forwarding, upnp is off. How do i get rid of the message everytime i log in?

  6. Either way, there needs to be a failsafe for radiation sorties that places the operator where he can be revived. There are only like 2-3 Frames that can revive him inside of a rad cloud. Frostglobe is one of the abilities to get him out of a radiated area, but apparently it also sends him to outer space.

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