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Posts posted by DrakeRaids

  1. 2 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

    sell the prints and make another one?! 

    prints are going for 100-200p generally, and there are people that like that head type (dunno why) 

    it also helps it has yours has a nice colour theme. 


    Smeeta is the desirable one right? I may do that. 

  2. They seem kind of bland is my issue. Just don't inspire me, and I hadn't heard much about them till they where released. Compared to Ivara who has a really cool and dynamic new play style Wukong and Nezhas abilities and numbers seemed kind of meh. Wukong can kinda tank ok but I already have a frame who does that really well! And Nezha feels equally redundant in my current roster without appealing visuals. New players may enjoy them, and great if they do! But for someone whose played this game for a long, long time it takes something new and interesting for me to invest into a new frame.

  3. I think the crux of the issue is for a lot of people they want the Operator to be them. They want them to do and act in the manner they would act in their mind if in the Operators circumstances. The game doesn't seem to be designed like that though. The Operator is not intended to be you,Mobutu rather you are intended to play the Operator. You don't complain when cast as an actor, that certain lines are not what you would say, because you're not intended to be playing you. It's natural that some people aren't fond of that though, as this is the first time such role playing has put itself in the game though.

    But that's just my two cents. I like how this turned out overall.

  4. This is actually a lot simpler then you realize. Humans are Orokin. That's... it really. It called him an Orokin because he's human. Thats all there is. Orokin aren't a fancy special race of ascended, or a race from someplace else, or frankly anything special really. It's just a normal fellow in some gold bling. It called him an Orokin because to the sentients Human = Orokin.

  5. She had a rational worry that once we woke from the second dream (which appears to have been Orokin induced initially at least) we would go berserk like the Stalker did. So her hiding the Moon was valid, even if her fear turned out to be unfounded. Irrational distrust of Lotus is just that. You can be worried she may be compromised in the future, but thus far she's done nothing but do every single thing in her power to protect us. She may be stifling at times, and set restrictions we disagree with, but she -is- a mother. Part of what they do.

  6. To the OP, I understand where you're coming from but I think you're struggling on how to Mod ember which is why you think it is the worst frame.  I agree she is difficult to mod because you need everything Range, efficiency, strength, duration.  you just have to mod for all of these things and sacrifice more than other warframes.


    IMHO this post needs to be locked.


    Sorry you don't like the discussion, and I don't mean to cause anyone irritation. I do struggle to feel like I'm getting good use out of Ember at T4, and frankly sometimes at T3. Modding may be part of that problem, if anything this topic has given me a little interest in trying to get her to do work again.


    why you dont show as list where you share which frames you like and dislike, would be more useful then this =)))


    Generally speaking the Frame I use the absolute most is Zeyphr. She's my generalist choice almost all the time and my personal favorite. The others who end up in rotations for various reasons in a rough order for my tendency to use, is Frost, Nova, Valkyr, Mesa, and Chroma.



    This is all subjective at best. There are people who can kick as much ! on Ember as anyone else. If you don't like it, don't play it. But while I keep seeing posts that say X is worth 10 Embers, I am not seeing what you don't like or percieve as broken. If you want things addressed or fixed, then specifics are needed. Otherwise it's just your opinion, and unfortunately we have enough of those.


    Sorry again! I believe that some people make Ember work, I've just, well, never seen it, and struggled to do it myself. I don't know how to fix her, I'll be the first to admit. I usually think that her problems are fairly underlying and that a lot of her power augments should be just part of the power to begin with, but frankly, I don't know how to fix her! I'm just curious what, if anything is in a worse place then her as a bit of a crowd sourcing poll for my own curiosity.


    Back on topic, they already did a whole rework for Ember. Unless OP is either a newer player or perhaps forgot about the changes via how her 4th functions, the added firewall for her 3rd ability, and so on~

    But yeah, they already looked into her, and she's in a good place currently. Could be better? Sure, but I doubt anytime soon. There definitely have been more Ember players since then, so I'm content lol.

    Also to note, regarding reworks, the announced Valkyr's tweaks will be released soon, with Sayrn next inline.


    I've been around a while, I remember her various touch ups, she's been retooled a bunch. I very rarely see Ember in my groups when I go with pubs online, and even among my play group, people don't use her often and she's not regarded highly, I we shall say. I likewise doubt she'll get any help anytime soon, which I'm of the opinion is unfortunate, because my opinion of her is likewise not particularly high at the moment.

  7. Can you qualify your statement, OP?

    Because I've seen a forma'd Pro-Ember do WORK with the right loadout.

    But hey, some people wanna roll with 100 restores and sit in one place and hit the "peacemaker" 4 button and for them that's the standard.


    I apologize if I'm unclear. I'm not attempting to raise a discussion on how best to utilize her strengths. That's a valid topic, but there have been a lot about that. Nor am I (directly) focusing on Ember's weakness. My question is what other Warframe's that you feel are less effective at Ember. Would you rather have a Nekros in a mission with you, or an Ember? Would you rather have a Rhino? That's what I'm asking here.


    The most common replies seem to be geared towards Hydroid and Limbo, which seems to be the ones people point at and go, "I would rather have Ember then either of those." which is interesting. Mag seems to be in line as well, though thats more....



  8. I was about to reply to the warframe needing reworks topic, and I had a thought that I decided probably warranted a different topic. I was trying to think of a Warframe that is, as they are currently used, in a worse spot then Ember is. I found myself gasping at straws. Certainly none of the newer frames, of them Limbo is probably the weakest, and he still has better options then Ember does. Hydroids is better then Ember, I'd say, and even with Parkor 2.0 Zeyphrs 2 and 4 alone are enough to make her more valuable then Ember.

    Saryn maybe? Is she worse then Ember?

  9. I'm playing through 'The New Strange' and enjoying myself, and recently got to the part where you need to build part of the Chroma to move further into the quest. No problem, I got the pieces and had it building. However, every mission I return to I am greeted with quest dialogue insisting I 'Hurry the construction up' which I cannot do. I have it building. All I can do is wait, but if I want to play the game at all during this construction period I am constantly informed that I am being slow and should hurry it up and this is incredibly annoying. I don't want to rush it with plat. I have it building. Please leave me alone and stop yelling at me about it while the item is actively being built. :(

  10. Likewise, most trusted to least.

    New Loka: I see the Earth-That-Was in the quiet moments of respite that pass for rest among us. I would do anything to bring that back. Even if I cannot dwell in the world we could create it is worthwhile to bring it into being again, and at last heal some of this systems scars.

    Steel Meridian: You hate me. I pity you. We are much the same you and I, and I wish we where not destined to conflict. You could be more then you are if only reached out a step further, but you insist on clinging to old dogma. No matter, when your soldiers stand against me all I see are corpses.

    Cephalon Suda: So strange. The Suda reminds me of our Lotus, and I can't help but find comfort in her measured words. I bare it no animosity though it's designs confound me. I will watch with caution but interest.

    Red Veil: This rage is not your destiny, it's holding you down!

    Perrin Sequence: You walk the same path as the place you claim to have abandoned. You aid us now but profit is still your only goal. Someday that lust will overwhelm you as it did your ancestors. When it does I will not hesitate to do what must be done.

    Arbiters of Hexis: I neither asked, nor desired to rule. Your attempts to put a crown on my head regardless suggest that the gift you offer is woven of thorns.

  11. I heard some rumors that there are warframe neutral power mods in the works, IE mods that you can slot into any warframe. Can anyone confirm this, ideally with some kind of citation? I'm pretty curious about it. I also heard that prime warframes are getting some unique power. That seems unlikely though.

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