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Posts posted by Platerogue

  1. Since the latest hotfix whenever I play using Hydroid and trigger an ability the notification for energy consumption displays twice the amount used for the ability. The actual energy consumed is normal, only the UI popup when triggering the ability is bugged, displaying powers costing 50, 100, 150, and 200 energy instead of 25, 50, 75, and 100. I am not using any power efficiency mods. This problem doesn't seem to affect any other warframes.

  2. This is based on a weapon known as the Dacian Falx, a historical weapon that was so brutal it caused the only customisation of personal equipment in the history of the Roman legions.    


    Faction: Tenno  


    Grip: Two-handed axe grip (Scindo Grip and animations)  


    Use: Mainly a two handed splitting weapon. The real falx was known for the superior cutting power and leverage provided by the long handle. Roughly three foot long handle makes this weapon technically a pole arm. The curved blade allows for the point to punch through heavy armor plating and to be used to hook shields and trip opponents.  


    Artist notes: Used the default blue for the energy color. Kind of half-assed the spine and underside views so they are not at all accurate to the detailed side view, but you get the idea.




  3. Glad I can stop flicking back and forth between pleased/excited and irritated since the last hotfix. I would like to ask for a happy medium between the current ignis and the old ignis. Keep the new particle effects for elements, but allow us to recolor them. I actually really like the visual for radiation damage, but I wish it wasn't that sickly green color. Besides that, taking away the most visually apparent customization for ignis was a bit of a kick in the teeth, especially since it's still my favorite weapon.

  4. With the latest hotfix it seems like damage 2.0 is a bust. None of the resistances make any sense, they aren't even remotely balanced, with several types being so useless that they deserve to be at least scrapped from the system (looking at you, viral and heat). And the one thing no one has really focused on which is the ridiculous way procs work for elements and base damage types.


    Base damage procs are not helpful to players. They are only harmful, because an individual enemy has a very low chance of suffering an impact/puncture/slash debuff, while a player has countless chances to suffer same debuffs. A single enemy is only going to be hit by a weapon about a dozen times before he's dead and the debuff is not going to affect much about that. A player can be debufed numerous times in a single mission because they get hit so much more. This means that players are going to be the only ones suffering from reduced damage and bleeding. If you were going to do that then why not just make it an innate enemy ability rather than forcing players to use weapons with erratic effects? There is also the fact that because most weapons do all three base damage types, and the amount of damage they do does not at all affect proc chance, a weapon with almost all slashing damage has an equal chance of dealing a piercing debuff as a piercing based weapon does. This means you can't even make builds centered around damage types and procs.


    Elemental procs are also terrible. Most weapons have a negligible proc chance already, and since maxed effect chance mods only improve that by 15% of base it only widens the gap between specific weapons with a high effect chance and those without. If you're going to have those mods exist they need to add to the base effect chance rather than adding a percentage of base, otherwise you're just wasting a mod slot.

  5. Why did you make fire useless? It's not good against anything. And ember doesn't do radiation damage. How is Ember supposed to destroy the infested if fire does nothing against them? Radiation damage doesn't even make sense as a weakness for them. They're mutants and they live in space, which is full of radiation.

  6. Frankly I play solo a lot, unless there's an alert I don't want to risk failing. I think of Lotus as more of an OS for the Warframe armor and I'd rather have happy valley girl Lotus chatting in my ear about the incoming Grineer than cold lifeless Lotus. Additionally, I would rather have valley girl Lotus than Alad V voiceover Lotus YELLING in my ear. Having those few lines played back at a higher volume is really jarring guys...

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