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Posts posted by Mellaus

  1. I don't see why there's even a discussion, it's not like there was any sensical argument against a basic default 5 meters wide vacuum attached to every frame.

    Unless the game is supposed to be, crawl on the floor to make sure you don't miss every loot drop, spend more time focusing on picking up loot than watching the actual ennemies.

    FIrst game i ever play where it's even a question, it's like, what ? What debate ?

  2. To the OP, when you charge up to 125 € for a prime access to 1 frame and 2 weapons, you don't get to say your game is in bêta. Same goes when everything in the game can be obtained directly with cash instead of playing, which is what people call pay to win.

    Warframe has been released and is now on maintenance mode, which means it serves as a cash cow. What it also means is that DE is now playing the game called "charge as much as humanly possible for as little as humanly possible".

    It's simple to see, every single aspect of the game is monetized to its extreme. If your game is not finished, you can bet you didn't find the time to monetize that much of it.

    The bêta argument is just there to serve as an excuse for all the bugs and nonsensical ingame mechanics which are still in place.

  3. I tried to farm it. Got everything for the tigris the first day easy.
    For nekros and galatine, i couldn't get that one last missing part, so i gave up trying to use radiant relics for it, but later on, those parts dropped randomly from other players, so i was lucky in the end i guess.

    On a side note, i wonder if that relic system works at all, all the radiant relics i used seemed to be totally useless. I wouldn't be surprised if the % were just a display with no effect whatsoever on the drops themselves.

    So the lesson i learned is that never again will i try to farm for the prime parts, they'll just drop at some point anyway, regardless of how hard you tried or of how many radiant relics you used, so there's no point over-exposing yourself to the pure pain that is the new relic system, which is terrible.

  4. That blocking mechanic on the sydon is worthless.
    I tried to use it when i leveled the weapon, but i couldn't trigger the ability, not even once, just because in every situation, i had way better options than blocking, like using mobility to take 0 damage or killing the ennemy to take 0 damage or using an ability to again take 0 damage.


    Frankly, i don't even know what blocking does in a game like warframe. Ennemies are either too weak to represent any kind of threat, thus, why even bother, or they hit so freaking hard that you'll get oneshot if you're too slow. Either case; blocking serves very little purpose, if any at all.


    In the end, that sydon will end up in the huge pile of that vast majority of weapons that are just there to gain mastery. Too bad, i love tridents, it would have been nice to have a trident that looks awesome and does good, but those sydons look meh and perform poorly.

  5. The mission was cool, fast paced.

    The corpus should be much more like that instead of racking tons of cheap nullifers.

    The vision blurring is atrocious. It seems that the visuals in the game had gotten worse lately, things like the snow litteraly hurt the eyes. I don't know who are the tards who think of things like that, but i'm pretty sure they don't check how it looks by themselves.

    Making players go blind because they can't see a damn thing is just $&*&*#(%&. Plus, i for one can't play much corpus missions anymore, it's just too painful and i end up with a massive headache because of all that brightness and bluriness, it's terrible.

  6. That's one thing that baffles me. That this game has no auction house, i find it hard to believe still.


    My guess is that DE wants players to farm everything themselves, especially newbies. With an auction house where players could exchange directly items and resources, so many things would be much much easier to obtain, which would end up with players being less blocked and frustrated into buying those items from DE directly, which would mean less money for them.

    So i don't think this is a mistake or an unfortunate omission, this is a deliberate tactical choice.

    Plus, it's one less functionnality to maintain and take care of, which means less work, less time and lesser cost.

    So yes, the absence of an auction house is awesome for DE, awful for players. Working as intended.

  7. If something is rare or exclusive, it becomes expensive, that's marketing 101.

    That's why a company can decide to stop selling a given item, just so it becomes "collector". The fact that this item is almost unobtainable makes it priceless.

    Since every single plat comes from DE, and they charge for it, it's in their interest that people spend a ton of it, because in the end, it all goes down their pocket.


    Also, let's not forget warframe is free to play, which means it is in fact extremely expansive and filled with cash traps.

    If you want to play a good game done by an honest company, play the witcher, there you pay your 60 bucks, and you get your super awesome game, fair deal. You pay a set amount of money and the content is provided, but you do know how much you pay and for what. Fair and square.

    In a free to play game, you have to be aware that the company behind it will try to con you and steal every single penny you own. So whatever DE says should be disregarded by default, because they're the ones trying to take money from you without providing anything for it, ideally.


    One can only be sorry that warframe, which has a solid gameplay, is free to play, so players have to deal with such issues. But that's it, be sorry.

    On a side note, don't blame the poor coder who makes the game, or the artist designing the concepts, because even though i don't know how the gaming industry works in details, i'm pretty sure those nasty manoeuvers come from one specific department within the company, in charge of monetizing every single aspect of the product. They'll charge you for the air you breath while playing if they can.


    All of that being said, you can also look at it a different way.

    Let's say you play warfame, and since it's a good game at its core (ignoring archwing, lunaro and conclave, because ,well, joke ^^) with a good lifespan, you can say that it's worth 60-70 bucks.

    So with a 75% plat reduction cost, you buy as much plat as you can with those 60 bucks. And with that plat, you can pay for all you really need in game, which is, inventory slots.

    I don't know the exact figures, but i assume  that if you buy 60 bucks woth of plat with 75% reduction cost, or even without any reduction even (?), then you have enough plat forever, if you spend it on inventory slots only that is.

    Then you can say that the deal is actually fair, isn't it ?

    If you do that, then this game is no more a con than any other product. You enjoy it, you pay a fair amount of money for it, it's all fair and just, nothing to be upset about really.

    You also have to take into account that if you play a solo game like the witcher, you have around 200-300 hours of content in front of you, top notch content i would add.

    So when you're done with it, you go out and buy another game, like down of war 3 when it goes live for instance, that's another 100 hours for 60 bucks let's say.

    But those are big games, and you also have games which charge just as much for a much shorter (but just as good) experience, take bioshock for instance, you're done in what, 40 hours max for also 60 bucks, but it's an excellent experience, and deserving of every penny you spent on it.

    So you take that and say, ok, if the experience is good, and the game provides a minimum of content, between i don't know, 30 and 100 hours of good content, and that's quite a bit already, then the developer deserves his 60 bucks.

    Then you consider how much time you spend on warframe. If you're at 10 hours a week and you play for a year, then it's not unreasonnable to say that the developer did provide a ton of content to you, and thus, deserves to be paid accordingly. Because 10 hours a week for a year, that's close to 500 hours total, that's quite a bit.


    In the end, if you play the game, it means you enjoy it, othewise you certainly wouldn't be posting on these forums.

    So those tricks DE pulls to try to monetize as much as they can is what companies do. They'll sell you the exact same bottle of orange juice, just a little more expansive, because now the package is different, there's a new logo on it, it means it's better !

    Best is to just ignore them, avoid the traps, enjoy your own experience and disregard those cheap manoeuvers.

  8. New player myself.

    Do not buy frames or weapons with platinum. Like others have said, buy equipment slots and that's it. And cosmetics if it's your thing, not the helmets though, since they're super easy to get in game from what i've seen.

    Basically, don't try to chase this one specific item or that one frame, because in many cases, it'll frustrate you, be patient, it'll save you a lot of money.

    And you'll get a ton of gear in no time. For instance, i realised yesterday i had all the parts to craft Ivara, somehow, i was like, ok cool, so i just started crafting it. Same happened for stuff like Nyx, Nova prime, and quite a number of other frames. Just play, and before you realise it, your foundry will pill up tons of recipes.

    Now it's ok to spend some cash, i mean, you play a game for 50-100 hours, the studio behind it deserves their 50 bucks, but be careful, those free to play games are real cash sinks, that's their very purpose.

  9. That update was indeed a big fat hit of the nerf hammer on the players face.

    I had barely started playing warframe when it went live, and even for a newbie like me, it was bad, like real bad. It's rather clear that this nerf, happening on so many different fronts, is there to slow down players progression as much as possible.


    This is no mistake though, that's what DE wants, and even if they change things because the playerbase complains, it'll be for sneakier and stealthier nerfs here and there, because they actually want the players to progress at a much slower rate, so the incentive to buy boosters increases. I guess.

    They're clearly trying to open new lines of revenue within the game itself.

  10. The issue with reactants is very common during sabotage missions, from what i've seen at least. I've seen it occur like 6-7 times in one day, and decided that no more fissure in sabotage missions for me, it's either buggy or badly designed.

    I for one would rather see a global reactants count for the whole team, so you don't have each player having to crawl through the entire map to find that last reactant he misses.

    And the pickup range for the reactants should be around five meters.

  11. First time i play a game like warframe, so i didn't know what to expect, but now i do.

    Basically it's free to play, which translates by massive grind and pay to win pay to grind less pay to progress faster pay to look cooler.

    So, the harder, the grinder the game is the more players will have to pay to keep playing and progressing.


    With that in mind, it seems obvious that warframe will always get grinder, thanks to ninja nerfs like the credits one, and the reasonning behind it is that DE being a company, i guess it follows the basic model that this year revenue has to be higher than the previous year revenue, because, investors.

    Since they seem to have a hard time producing new content, apparently, if i'm judging after that Lunaro thing, they can only rely on cash grabs, such as credits boosters and whatnot.


    Now, regarding just the credit nerf, i'm not sure what part of the population it targets. As a casual and newbie myself, i don't really feel it, because i don't trade with other players, i don't buy primed mod or whatever, so basically i only use credits to craft stuff by myself.

    So i assume that if i'm not impacted that much as a newbie, then the target must be the veterans, and playing warframe is always going to be a battle between the player who want to pay a fair amount of money for a fair amount of content, and DE, who wants the player to pay as much money as possible for as little content as possible.


    My point is, don't be surprised, there's no bug here, no misunderstanding, no unfortunate error, this is a free to play game, and that's exactly how DE is going to conduct things.

    So it's important to call BS on those moves, but ultimately, DE will always try to find new ways to grab more cash without delivering actual content, because creating content has a high cost and you're not sure if the players will buy it, while nerfing credits or the void has a much lower cost and players will pay to keep playing the way they used to.

  12. During sabotage missions, it seems reactants stop spawning, so people can't find theirs and keep looking until the mission ultimately fails.

    I encountered the case maybe 5-6 times today.

    No decent language can express how frustrating it is to waste 20 minutes on a mission which ends up failing because of those damn reactants.

  13. Those mastrey ranks are just here to serve as a learning curve. It's just L2P.


    So in themselve, they seem ok to me. What does not seem ok is the 24 hours lockout if you fail. I just don't get that. What purpose that lockout is here to serve aside from some cheap time sink ?

  14. On 24/07/2016 at 8:06 PM, BAD9eR said:

    while i laud the ftp model of this game i think that there are better ways to monetize than simply increasing the grind and offering boosters ( but thats a thread for another time ;). for the last year DE have been steadily increasing the grind , i cant imagine what its like for a total newb facing all that drudgery 

    I can tell how it is, being a new player.

    It's super heavy grind, like korean style grind.

    Which is weird, because by looking at it, i do believe people spend a lot of money on this game, so i think the studio behind it is wimming in cash. I myself have no problem spending money if the content proposition is correct, and most people are the same.
    If there is a fair proposition for value, then sure, take 50 bucks, it's only deserved.

    But when the grind becomes so high that the cash demanded vastly exceeds the value proposed, then this is when there is a problem.


    Now, i for one am casual, so i don't face the issues veterans must encounter, because i don't have to farm for anything, i just play the game at my own cool pace. If i find a void key, sure i can do a fissure, but i won't farm for it or anything.

    If i had entered that intensive farming area though, i would just quit the game, because it would completely ruin the experience. Hence why i play casually.

    What warframe has going for it is its solid gameplay and its cool overall concept. Where it fails i believe is in trying to force players hand into throwing cash, which is not necessary and counter productive.

    Again, if the value proposed is fair, people have no problem to pay. It's when you try to force them into paying for low value that they feel scammed and quit your game.

    For instance, paying 10 bucks for a nice sweet cosmetic item, no problem. Paying 10 bucks just to balance the super low nerfed in game currency drop, that's not cool, so no way i pay for that.

  15. Funny, i started playing last month, and just when i was starting to go to the void and getting prime parts, i was so happy, just then they changed it and i was like come on man, why now ^^

    So i got to play void a couple of days just to see it taken away ;(

    So even from a new player perspective, this whole nerf sucks big time. Because now i can't get the prime parts i want at all, i get one piece of that, one piece of this, and i can't complete anything at all, i just have many different pieces of gear that i can't craft because i miss that other piece which drops from that other fissure for which i need that other key i don't have etc.

    It's just a scam, and DE did not do this to help new players that's for sure, i know because i'm a new player and it completely blocks me from crafting any prime stuff.


    So for me it's simple, i just don't even do void fissures at all, just because it serves no purpose and i don't get anything remotely useful from it.

  16. Noob feedback incoming.

    Talking as a new casual player, i can say that my impression of archwing is bad.

    As said, it's super grindy, even compared to the rest of warframe, but since warframe base gameplay is awesome, the grind is not really a grind, it's just nice content.

    While with archwing, the gameplay is terrible, i'm even getting headaches with the last update just by playing that stuff, i get lost in the maps when you have to fly in those tiny corridors, it takes ages to find the way in those damn closed maps, it's just pure pain, no fun whatsoever.

    And it seems out of place in the game, because it's that side grind which serves no purpose outside of itself.

    The sad part is that it could be ok, but for some reason, it seems the people behind the game don't really know what to do with it, if it's worth investing in it, or if it's better to let it be on the side, for the sake of it being there.

    But yeah, archwing is bad, very bad. I for one avoid those maps like the plague.

    Now, i guess it's less painful for older players who have friends and guilds and gear and whatnot. But for a new guy, archwing is the worst of the worst. Well, actually it could be worse, it could be a must do in the game, but then i guess i wouldn't even play waframe.


    On a side note, what's up with useless game modes like archwing and lunaro ? The devs can't create more meaningful and consistent content, like, i don't know, decently written quests ? Background stories ? Or maybe polish and balance the existing systems/gear/etc ?

    I'm just a bit confused about the reasonning behind those choices.

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