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  1. What if consecutive headshots on a single target gave a higher damage multiplier for every "n"th successful consecutive headshot landed on a target rewarding accurate shooting and making those high level Bombards less bullet spongy.


    This would be similar to the combo counter that currently snipers have, but would only activate by hitting something in the head and wouldn't carry over to the next target.  While this wouldn't effect anything that you could one shot regardless of where you hit it; what this would affect is the heavier targets that take a whole lot more than a couple shots to takedown.  I feel like this would make playing against higher level enemies less of a "hold down the trigger until it's dead" experience and more of "gotta shoot it in the face before it rekts my face" experience.


    It's 7am and I haven't slept yet, but thanks for reading my possibly unintelligible and disjointed paragraph.

  2. I'm sure I'm not the first one to ask for this, but why isn't there a separate setting to adjust aiming/ADS/marksman mode sensitivity?  I personally want this because I already play with a pretty low mouse dpi and in game look sensitivity setting and since aiming/ADS/marksman mode scales down off of look sensitivity my aiming/ADS/marksman mode becomes incredibly slow.


    TL;DR, Please separate the look sensitivity setting from the aiming/ADS/marksman mode setting instead of scaling down based on the look sensitivity.

  3. ...

    we will survive this too


    Actually, I'm not surviving because before I had base shields and heath of 100, but now I have base shields and health of 75? The first shield and health balance was a required balance because at that point it was broken, and it needed to be fixed, but right now(because the update isn't fully out yet, so I won't walk away yet) I'm not surviving. As a Loki user I'm not surviving, and as a busy college student my time is limited, I can't farm for hours for my mods again so I can't reach my previous state again. Basically I've been cut at the root and I'm slowly wilting away until there is no more, so I'm not surviving, I'm being dragged along the road and I'm not having fun.

  4. With update 7, sometimes(most of the time) the bloom is over emphasized becoming too bright and blocking vision for as long as you can see whatever is causing the bloom(warframes, fire, random glowing things, etc...)

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