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Posts posted by --RV--SupayTaita

  1. Many people, me included, have erased or sold log in weapons when rivens didn´t exist, we were noobs, or just by mistake, we have waited a long time until something like a log in system rework happened so maybe we could get them back in some way, maybe with blueprints or with something that almost happens... but didn´t, the duplicate option, or even the trading option, neither of these two happened so all of the people that waited, are still waiting, i think it can happen now, blueprints, copies, something, its been years for many of us without been able to use these pretty unique weapons and we would give time platinum, or probably even money to get them back, so i hope DE can find a way to make this possible soon.

  2. There is a bug with OPTICOR, the crit damage is 2.5x but its not working properly, on non armored enemies like corpus or infested without armor, the damage is fine, for example 10 non crit and 25 with crit, = 2.5x cd, on armored targets tho, the damage is for example, on a levl 150 corrupted bombard, you get 42 damage on headshot, and on crit you get 242, wich makes no sense because 42*2.5 is not 242, this is unmodded, but even with the build i was testing for days before the patch, the gas damage on crit was(And stilli is) of around 26k on a levl 150 corrupted heavy gunner, and the non crit damage was of around 10k, now the non crit damage is around 5k while the crit damage is still around 26k, again the patternt is, the non crit damage on armored targets is much lower  than what it should be, while the crit damage is normal, like it was before the patch, please fix this, i dont know if this is the only weapon with this problem but i tested tiberon prime and it worked fine.

    Edit: i just tested ferrox because since both are charge beam weapons i thought it could be bugged too, and effectively it has the same problem, non crit damage is much lower than what it should be 116 on a headshot levl 150 corrupted heavy non crit and 651 headshot crit, while the weapon has 2.8x crit multiplier, is the same problem, as opticor.

    Edit 2: it looks like  the problem is only with headshot damage, the body critical damage is working properly, in both ferrox and opticor

    Edit 3: tested tiberon prime but now on headshots, presents the same problem as opticor and ferrox at least with the semi auto and auto, less damage on non crit headshot damage than normal.

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