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Posts posted by ZombieX13

  1. It seems to have something to do with the current server malfunction. It took about 3 minutes for him or any other Tenno to appear in the relay when I jumped on Saturday. I've also only been able to play one mission every couple hours before getting logged out and locked out.

  2. When I cancel purchase, or in this instance, don't have a weapon slot open, while in the market, the UI becomes unresponsive and I have to alt+F4. 100% recurrence. Got DX 10 and 11 disabled in launcher and multicore on.

  3. I couldn't trade a reaper prime tonight. The trading post would freeze up when I would add a blue print. The first time it was the handle in the third from the left slot, then it was the blade in the second from the left. When I tried trading one piece at a time, it would freeze up when I hit the offer button. The game wouldn't freeze but the buttons in the trading post wouldn't respond. The other trader and I restarted our games but the same issue persisted.

  4. Tried to trade an Trinity Arcane Aura helmet today and when I hit the 'offer' button, the trade was cancelled and it said I not longer had the item to trade. It did not transfer to the other player and he said it had happened to him earlier too.


    I've removed the helmet from all my builds and restarted my game. We also tried throwing another mod into the trade but it came to the same result.

  5. I guess my next question is why do so many people seem to hate Eclipse? I get the envy of the socialist-minded selfishness of the kiddies hating success of others and that most people don't hate Eclipse, just a noisy few. So what else is it?

  6. I was sent to the forums by support regarding a ticket from the issue this morning.


    Here was my ticket:

    "The servers went down at 0630 on Tuesday morning April 15th and we lost all progress, keys, and mods from the 55 mimnute survival run on Phalan, Eris. The three things I know we lost were Tower 3 Capture, Tower 2 Capture, and Tower 3 Defense keys and 112 mods. Players involved were me, *****, and *****."


    Their response was an apology and "For questions about restoring lost items or compensation for lost time on boosters, please visit our forums."


    Where am I supposed to look exactly? I understand they are dealing with a major issue right now but they've been good about compensating server failures in the past and this feels like they sent me here to get a pat on the back and consoling words from other victims of the attack..... but this is the internet. I expect you guys to really lay into me. <3 :D

  7. Me and clanmates did a 95 min T3 Surv for Rhino P Chassis, and we got almost the same reward based on the system OP said. However at 95 min we got a Glaive Prime Blade and I'd like to beleve that the RNG system is still in play. Rewards are very alike, but not the same, pointing to the existance of RNG and our strake of bad luck.

    I still have hope that RNG system is in play. It sure needs fine tuning at rework, but overall it,s there. My opinion is that these conclusions based on observations are nothing more than conspirations by those who are annoyed at RNG and wish to find any exploitations in it to explain the reason of their suffering with RNG.

    That's great and all but that's an old prime weapon part. The issue is the new stuff that is in the current Prime Access being withheld on purpose.

  8. The most logical reason they were retired was that they were outdated. With all the tweaks to the damage system and difficulty levels, they weren't a good fit. The number of weapons available was becoming overwhelming, so they cut some redundant weapons. If they come back it'll be after v1.0 is released and they'll be reworked.


    I just want my Cronus back. I sold it long ago before I became a completionist asshat.

  9. I'm curious to see if anyone else has had an issue with credit or affinity boosters recently. I submitted a ticket already, so I'm just looking to see if anyone else had noticed it.


    When I would host my in-game credit drops were almost always over 100 if not in the 200-800 range per drop but it seemed when I would join a game I'd consistently get very low amounts per drop. I recently recall killing an enemy, seeing the credit explosion, and saying out loud to myself "only 36 credits!?" and it continued from there. I don't join games very often so it was rather noticeable.


    Also, while running down the last hour of my most recent affinity booster with my brother on ODD trying to level out my Nyx again, he noticed that it was taking considerably longer for me to level than it did him just recently. Again, I wasn't hosting, he was. Using his Absorb+Brakk method it only took him about two 20 minute runs with 2 players to level out but I needed a 3rd and probably a 4th.


    I'm not butt hurt as I can't really provide evidence other than my own experience. Just curious if anyone else has noticed anything like this. Thanks.

  10. Yeah im kinna pissed about the brakk. You think they would release S#&amp;&#036;ty weapons first that are unavailable instead of the brakk. Welp just a matter of time then before excal prime and all the other S#&amp;&#036; is available for the masses. No more exclusive weapons is what i say just give it all to everyone.......... idk if im gonna keep playing after this either. Just kind of &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; now. 

  11. In the previous version the filters worked. I didn't get an alert unless it met filter requirements. Now I get every alert and when I check, the page is blank presumably because the filter got it. I don't need to know when I get an alert I don't care about.


    Also the alert sound is the same as my text message sound. Do not want.

  12. Fear not, the bp still drops from Vor on Tolstoj.

    yeah but the drop rate decreases every time you beat him and back when the Seer was new I had to run that about 100 times to get the damn thing. I bet I have something like a 0.0000000000000000000001% chance by now.

  13. I sold my Cronus forever ago because I was a poor little tenno and didn't have the plat to get more inventory space. Now that I'm a big bad Mastery 14 Master with big scary genitals and a mansion and 22 opposite gender-types to consort with, I want my cronus back to feed my completionist asshat with.


    huhuhuuuu :'(


    Feel sorry for me. Quickly.

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