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Posts posted by DoubleQuarterPounder

  1. 1 hour ago, Melanholic7 said:

    but what the point?? you just int creating problems to urself with NO reward behind it. If like its gave you x10 loot then ok. But for no reason??? Yeah, add then “play with ur legs and with no monitor”. 

    Stupid suggestion. 

    No veteran eidolon hunter does hunts because of the rewards... in fact they don't even care about it. My clan mate does 6x3s with meme weapons like the Basmu just for the hell of it because he thinks it's fun to do. Making your own challenges is part of the game when you find that you have nothing else to do. I mean by the time you reach endgame anyway you don't need any rewards anymore because you have everything.

  2. 1 minute ago, nslay said:

    Dirac used to be such an abundant resource and the people who grinded out Dirac early have an overly abundant supply. I am not seeing Dirac falling out of the sky like I used to. Not in containers/lockers, mission rewards, drops from enemies, nor in scrapped wreckage or scrapped avionics.

    I do remember on launch day getting hundreds of Dirac in one mission... even on Earth. Now? I almost never see Dirac outside of scrapping stuff.

    Maybe just bad RNG for you, I still get them incredibly frequently as mission rewards, although I haven't done RJ for the past few days so idk if they stealth nerfed it within that time period. Even so though, you get a ton of wreckage so... dirac is still abundant in that regard. 

  3. 3 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    It was all in the patch notes.  You didn't lose anything.  In fact, you gained some Dirac as the decreased the amount needed to fully rank up the avionics and they simplified the mode while doing so.  Instead of getting salty, maybe try it out.

    No, he definitely lost something. Dirac is such an abundant resource that refunding it means absolutely nothing. Getting Zetki avionics was a hell of a grind, and they just downgraded it to whatever house it got defaulted to. Pretty much something you had to grind hours for previously got defaulted to something that anyone can get in a few runs. 

  4. They'll probably make it a drop for Tennocon and screw it up again so anyone that watched it doesn't get the drop, then announce a second stream for a second chance to get it again last minute when everyone has other real life priorities to do and can't watch it. Just a guess

  5. I mean... have you done eidolon hunting? Even though DE neutered the hell out of it, it's still the only form of endgame we got left that actually requires skill and coordination to a certain degree. Right now I can 4x3 in a 2 man, so... my current goal is to optimize my runs further to try to get a 5x3 done in a single night cycle. But hey, if you can 6x3 by all means call the game easy, at that point you deserve to say it's easy.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Payalord said:

    Is there any official announcement for this?

    The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.



  7. 5C3E0AF34DC14E9F7E7307FD30B9E7C4179342E15CD059AD7483223D18CA9DDA9B3260B195FFEBB5

    My head appears to be missing on Nidus when I'm choosing warframes in my arsenal, but the mustache still floats there, only happening with Nidus, and my head returns once I've selected him.

  8. After the new update just rolled out, the Lanka disappeared from my foundry and the clan dojo energy lab. I can't even search it up on the market but typing [Lanka] in chat still seems to work. I was in the middle of building it too for eidolon hunts, hope I don't lose the mats...

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